with so many scientific advancements how people can still belive in developed countries in creationism is just astounding. I am not trying to change anyones beleifs just stating my opinion. The whole concept of religion is based on the fact that years ago life was so hard that people needed a reason to lead good lives and follow religion. Beleiving in Jesus is fine by my account or any other God by that matter but not to modernise is fatal to religious groups if they are to continue to appeal to people. For example taking hard lines on abortion and creationism just alienates them from the general public and gives them a bad rep. I myself ama n agnostic and belive in many of the moral teachings of the bible as my mothers side of the family is fiercely religios greek orthodox and i have debates like this with them all the time and so i also hate religious extremeists instead of debating in a civilised way jus say you are going to burn in hell and jesus will punish u.I guess my point is that the ideas of creationism vs evolutionism and religion vs secular society are all intrinsically linked and that both parties can learn a lot from each other. Atheists can learn the good moral teachings from the bible and belivers can learn how to adapt to the rapidly changes taking place in modern society
I, personally, am a woman of logic and reason, and I need proof to believe anything. Therefore, I believe in what there is proof of, evolution.
Did you know our DNA only differs from apes by 2%?
I would say I am not religious, but spiritual. Maybe there is something else... but I would not necessarily say that it made us as we are, but possibly it made the earth as it began, to watch us evolve and see what happens, haha.
There is living proof of evolution...and survival of the fittest. If we all started from Adam and Eve... well first of all, we'd all be inbred. But thats beside the point. If there is no evolution, then how do you explain that we all look different? Why are people who live closer to the equator darker, whereas people who live further north and south lighter?
Ummm, because they get tan, for the last part. And just because we have similar DNA from apes, doesnt mean we CAME from them. And we all look different because of hybrid and pure bred genes. Its hard to explain, but its the reason that 2 dark haired parents can produce a blonde child.
Here's a direct quote from 'George Wald' a professor @ Harvard who has a PHD in biology and won the nobel peace prize in 1967.
"When it comes to the origin of life, we have only two possibilities as to how life arose. One is spontaneous generation arising to evolution; the other is a supernatural creative act of God. There is no third possibility.
Spontaneous generation was scientifically disproved one hundred years ago by Louis Pasteur, Spellanzani, Reddy and others. That leads us scientifically to only one possible conclusion -- that life arose as a supernatural creative act of God.
I will not accept that philosophically because I do not want to believe in God. Therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible, spontaneous generation arising to evolution."
Yeah, that appears to be a false dichotomy, at least in reference to Pasteur's experiment. We're not talking about the spontaneous generation of maggots or other biological organism, we're talking about forming amino acids out of basic chemicals: methane, hydrogen, water... We take for granted that our definitions of "life" are universally accurate, but they most certainly are not. And in examining the first "living" things, we have to take this inadequate definition into consideration. It really comes down to what's easier to explain - a few chemicals coming into contact with one another or the existence of a sentient being with magical powers.
I see what you mean Moegreche, that is "a few chemicals coming into contact with one another" will somehow make life, but why, I ask you, have we not been able to replicate this? No one has ever been able to create a living thing from a bunch of chemicals, and in most cases it is just seen in some B-rated sci-fi movie.