Its all on chance really, it just comes so happens that Darwin came up with the Theory of Evolution and not the theory of Drace and his Almightyness or Drace and the Many Women...
Through that crappy process of science, we eliminate things as we go on and lower the chances of some theories, and increase those of others until we have one definite answer, although I don't believe this is truly possible because well anything is possible.
Just think, what if Darwin didn't come up with this theory? Very simple to imagine. Lets say Darwin never got interested in science, or even easier Darwin was never born! For that to happen, the only factor you would have to eliminate is that his parents met. What chance? But if his daddy and mommy didn't meet, then his daddy would meet another mommy. But then they would probably have a different kid, maybe if they are super lucky, they will have Drace. Who knows.
Thus, if Darwin wasn't born we wouldn't have the theory of evolution, or maybe someone else would think of the same theory. Or maybe from 50 years now, someone would come up with a different theory then evolution! (Were still imagining Darwin wasn't born.) Yummy this celebration cake tastes delicious!
Right so this other theory would be developed on and we would have the same thing. A society brainwashed and focused on just one theory. I really hate it, why is it always evolution or creationalism?
If we're going to accept any science at all, then we must accept evolution. Evolution has a tremendous amount of what scientists call proof working for it, and at some point we must take a "leap of faith" and accept these premises. This is the same "leap" you need to take in order to assume that you actually exist. The funny thing is, it's mathematically improbable that we do exist in the way we think, but this is the world we are interacting with so we have to at least act like it's real. As long as everything in our perception is self-referentially sound, then I think we'll be okay. There always seem to be comparisons made between gravity and evolution, which I think is hilarious since there aren't many similarities, but there is one I like to use. Physicists can't figure out why there is gravity. At first, they talked about "gravitational fields" but now the buzz-word is gravitons - little particles that travel in order to carry gravitational attraction. This seems very silly, except when you realize that there is some force that attracts two masses together, and this is what we're calling gravity. It's a very broad concept, but just like evolution we KNOW it exists (at least in our perceptions). Now, the only trick is explaining things but we have come much farther in explaining evolution that we have in explaining gravity!
Yeah. I remember when I was trying to figure out how these natural laws even worked, but then I realized that would be nearly the same as how the universe was ever created.
i bleieve in creationism?lol cuz if humans came from something then that thing has benn made by something or someone or that thinggy also came from something else and that is made again from something or dunno hhahaa.
Evolutionism. There's just too much evidence supporting evolution for me to not believe in it. I do believe in God, but I don't think he just made everything appear. Poof a bunny! Just seems a little unlikely that it all happened that way.
I believe Evolutionism more than Creationism but that doesn't mean I can keep an open mind. If someone has a theory that includes Creationism, I give it a chance and then give my theory with Evolutionism
Creationism has an endless amount of possibilities. Its not even close to being limited to the Bible and Jesus...
If we are to say a God created the world. In most cases we think that he is outside of our universe. We only have impressions of our world, nothing outside of it.
The things outside of our own universe are NAMELESS! You have no idea what God is...
So *Poof* a Bunny! works just fine.
My problem with evolution is that things are wayyy to complex.
@Drace- You're right the Flying Spaghetti Monster created us...
Saying there exists objects outside of our universe without proof these objects exist allow us to create absurd notions of what exists out there. I could say that massive fanged vampire monkeys with faerie wings and fish tails exist outside of our universe and you can't prove me wrong; to conclusively prove/disprove something we need a testable hypothesis.
Evolution allows great diversity and complexity as things evolve to fit in ecological niches.
How about symbiosis? Do you really think that animals started helping each other and not killing each other by chance? How about humans? We are the most developed life form except for GOD Himself, and yet we started out being mere animals? The evolutionary fossil layer thing has been proven wrong. And all the bones that have been found that relate us to Apes could be just that - Apes, not Homo Habilus. And as for a beginning, well, if you're a God, who needs a beginning? You are all-powerful. All the life forms on Earth, down to the tiniest, least advanced bacterium, all happened by chance?!? How would that even be possible. It isn't. So obviously I'm for creation.
im with drace but eevolution is not complex at all its so simply, 1 celled organism formed, 2 billion years later manged to go to 2 celled organisms, and evuntually became plants then fish and then natural selection kicked in.