Fine, let us return to the Big Bang. Should we accept science we conclude: We don't know yet. And, should we accept creationism, we then must ask ourselves: Who created God? For it is clear that something cannot come from nothing, therefore there must always be a creator of creators.
And then we must logically conclude that someone created the creator of the creator. This all leads to one conclusion in that direction - 'It's Creators all the way up'.
If I may, I would like to give an abridged example of how most scientists believe the "Big Bang" happened. First of all, it wasn't a bang, that name was invented by opponents of the idea to help discredit it, it was supposedly more of an expansion.
It is theorized at the center of every black hole is what is called a singularity, this singularity is so dense that it effectively causes space and time to disappear, and matter that is sucked into a black hole, therefore ceases to exist. Since, if matter can disappear in a singularity, it is postulated that it can also reappear, in what we have taken to calling The Big Bang.
There is a lot of evidence for the big bang theory though. The fact that the universe is expanding, cosmic background radiation and galactic morphology all point towards the big bang or a similar idea.
my·thol·o·gy (m-thl-j) n. pl. my·thol·o·gies 1. a. A body or collection of myths belonging to a people and addressing their origin, history, deities, ancestors, and heroes. CPC: here.
That brings me to:
myth (mth) n. 1. a. A traditional, typically ancient story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that serves as a fundamental type in the worldview of a people, as by explaining aspects of the natural world or delineating the psychology, customs, or ideals of society: the myth of Eros and Psyche; a creation myth.
In mythologies, deities were created from nothingness, but always be aware where mythologies were made from -- people! So if people made mythologies, mythologies explained deities, and God is a deity, a deity which created man?! ... Hrm... a loop?
Are you starting to understand my viewpoint yet? Cause it's hard to tell by your responses.
Honestly, no I don't know what the hell your arguing. Some of your posts seem to indicate you agree with evolution through some processes but not others though you claim evolution doesn't occur. You seem to claim random mutation doesn't occur then some posts seem to indicate that your saying it does but disagree it has an effect in evolution.
Anyway I'll try to touch on a couple things things.
Do you see what you did? You confused an idea called "DNA recombination" with another idea called "genetic mutation".
Did you see you combined my corrected statement with the correction? Real $H!^ move.
I said during cell division mutations can occur. The mutation would occur before recombination.
You want evidence for Creationism? It starts with the origin of the Universe. You once rejected that, saying it's Cosmology. Well look at the title of this thread. It's about Evolutionism OR Creationism.
I rejected it because the creation of the universe is not creation as it pertains to evolution. Also you didn't really offer any evidence all you did was state your opinion that random chance doesn't happen so creation is correct.