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ForumsWEPREvolutionism or creationism

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im just opening this topic so that people can have a NICE, FREINDLY place to talk about their beliefs, i Myself believe in evolutionism

  • 1,486 Replies
618 posts

MGW, you post these things to destract from your answer that you don't really know if God exists or not.

9,821 posts

MGW, you post these things to destract from your answer that you don't really know if God exists or not.

Has it sunk in for you yet that debate on AG is not an emotional thing? I'm pretty sure none of the atheists post here for some sort of emotional gain or other emotional satisfaction. Also, atheism istslef as a stance is saying that you don't know if god exists or not. Mage is by my understanding an agnostic atheist, meaning that he does not know if god exists or not, but chooses not to believe od does exist based on his personal and our overall lack of evidence for his existence.

@Mage, not trying to speak for you or anything, just I know it gets annoying to have to deal with emotional appeals in a debate setting.
3,085 posts

That is a question you cannot answer either Yie. No evidence corroborates your religion - you can't claim any superiority based on what you've just said.

1,903 posts

MGW, you post these things to destract from your answer that you don't really know if God exists or not.

NOBODY knows if God exists or not, that's the purpose of faith. If there were concrete evidence with God, then it would be fact, not belief.
753 posts

Has it sunk in for you yet that debate on AG is not an emotional thing? I'm pretty sure none of the atheists post here for some sort of emotional gain or other emotional satisfaction. Also, atheism istslef as a stance is saying that you don't know if god exists or not. Mage is by my understanding an agnostic atheist, meaning that he does not know if god exists or not, but chooses not to believe od does exist based on his personal and our overall lack of evidence for his existence

but but *sniff* I... *bursts into tears* WAAAAAAAAH! I like the emotions! Rofl and oh Altie boy atheism is not undecidedness, it is the choice not to believe in God. Agnosticism is when you choose to believe you don't know.
NOBODY knows if God exists or not, that's the purpose of faith. If there were concrete evidence with God, then it would be fact, not belief.

ACTUALLY faith is the belief in the things God doesn't put out there for us plainly. I and many many others know God exists.

Dammit I'm arguing again. I love all of you anyway.
9,821 posts

Agnosticism is when you choose to believe you don't know.

Agnosticism is simply claiming that you have no knowledge of a god. Atheism is, unless you're an atheist zealot(which is rare) you accept the remote possibility but elect to not believe in god because of the lack of evidence.
9,462 posts

MGW, you post these things to destract from your answer that you don't really know if God exists or not.

Not at all, I was arguing on point of evolution. The videos offered a simplified look at evolution with visual aids. While creation may require a deity of some sort to work evolution does not. So from the point of evolution the existence or non existence of a deity is moot.

@Mage, not trying to speak for you or anything, just I know it gets annoying to have to deal with emotional appeals in a debate setting.

No problem, you said it well. Though while the points themselves may have no emotional baring I'm not sure if I would rule out emotional satisfaction entirely from the actually individual posting. It certainly does take a back seat to improved understanding and knowledge though.
618 posts

I'm sorry, but someone trapped you and then instead of answering them about your lack of knowing, you ran away flipping out a youtube video mocking creationists by calling us idiots. Just changing the topic. For one thing it's not even arguing against creationism if your just putting on stupid videos. It's just making fun of people without even knowing yourself what the answer is. You finally get to talk to people who decided YES instead of NO, and all you can do is make fun of them and shut them out.

9,462 posts

I'm sorry, but someone trapped you and then instead of answering them about your lack of knowing, you ran away flipping out a youtube video mocking creationists by calling us idiots. Just changing the topic. For one thing it's not even arguing against creationism if your just putting on stupid videos. It's just making fun of people without even knowing yourself what the answer is. You finally get to talk to people who decided YES instead of NO, and all you can do is make fun of them and shut them out.

You didn't even read my last post did you? From an evolutionary stand point the existence or non existence of a deity is moot. As for possums last post he missed my point entirely. As for the video you should really look at the information being conveyed rather then just focusing on the corny title.
I've got to wonder why have you been pissy this entire thread?
1,296 posts

I am a christian. But creationism just isn't practical. There is absolutely no way this can happen. Yet, evolution has been proven by scientists across the world. That's my opinion on it atleast.

618 posts

I've got to wonder why have you been pissy this entire thread?

Really, Mr. Star Trek, you forgot already?
1,633 posts

Really, Mr. Star Trek, you forgot already?

LOL uber reading fail

Why do my post keep getting deleted?

/complaining rant

For one thing it's not even arguing against creationism if your just putting on stupid videos. It's just making fun of people without even knowing yourself what the answer is. You finally get to talk to people who decided YES instead of NO, and all you can do is make fun of them and shut them out.

So..... I'm not allowed to watch thought provoking things or listen to the other side of the argument?
9,462 posts

Really, Mr. Star Trek, you forgot already?

You are being quite illogical. :P
But seriously are lame insults all you have left?

Okay you want me to argue God. Let's say for the sake of argument the random elements effecting evolution are actually the result of a deity, any deity you want to claim it to be. How does this touch the core of what the theory states, that the change in the frequency of alleles in a gene pool change over generations? Weather these changes have random elements facilitating it or a deity is playing a dirty dice game doesn't effect this point, we still end up with the change in the frequency alleles over generations. So the belief or non belief in a deity doesn't play a role.

If you want to get into random chance over a deities influence I can at least give examples of random chance (role a die or flip a coin). Saying the results are because of a deity is not clear and ultimately pure assertion.

As I have said before the only conflict that arises on a religious perspective is if you regard the holy text as being 100% fact, rather then any sort of metaphorical guide.
618 posts

If you want to get into random chance over a deities influence I can at least give examples of random chance (role a die or flip a coin). Saying the results are because of a deity is not clear and ultimately pure assertion.

It's not about flipping them. Your saying the coins appeared randomly and flipped themselves. Your saying the universe just happened, than Life just happened, and randomly fish turn into fishermen. Evolutionists who believe it, don't even agree on how it did, but for sure they know it's not driven by random mutations, so your obviously mistaken.

We are all given the freedom of choice. We could decide if the Universe happened randomly or not. If the Universe was caused by an act of will, then every effect from the first act has been intentional, including your own life, which was willed to be here from the beginning. Just knowing that is an act of personal relationship with the Creator. You just have to decide how to build on that relationship to see if it could influence your life. That's why there's different religions. They are just talking about different ways to build the relationship.
1,903 posts

Yielee, MGW, to the best of my knowledge has never contributed evolution to random mutations look at his above post.

we still end up with the change in the frequency alleles over generations.

That has nothing to say about random mutations, and if you believe it does, then you are seriously mistaken.
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