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The Farm

The Farm

The Farm: Game Guide


The Wolf is a vicious predator that also happens to be the fastest moving enemy you will encounter on your farm. Luckily they are not very strong and can be put down with just a shot or two from your rifle. Wooden fences will easily protect your sheep from a large pack of wolves.

Cultists are deranged men hell-bent on summoning their dark gods into our world from other-worldly planes of existence. Their rituals seem to require sheep blood; Unluckily for them your rifle will make short work of them. A word of warning however: cultists have been known to raise hordes of zombies from time to time.

Soldiers on your farm seem to follow their orders without question. Expect them to shoot first and ask questions later. Like all other organic enemies, soldiers can be taken down fairly quickly with your rifle. Soldiers are packing submachine-guns that will make short work of your sheep. Luckily their guns are fairly ineffective against all types of fences.

Rocket soldiers are far tougher than their gun-wielding cousins. Be sure to kill them as quickly as you can with your rifle or suffer the consequences: rocket soldiers are experts with their rocket-launchers and can quickly destroy any type of fence.

Zombies are undead beings that have been reanimated by cultists and their dark magic. Feeling no pain, zombies are definitely the most difficult organic enemy to destroy on your farm. Several shots from your rifle will eventually bring them to their knees.

HMMWVs are versatile vehicles used fairly frequently by the military in their attempt to destroy your livestock. Attached atop the vehicle is a heavy machine gun that will tear through your sheep. Luckily they are very vulnerable to rockets.

Small tanks are armored killing machines that can take impressive amounts of punishment before exploding. Be sure to target these vehicles as soon as you see them with your rockets if you want to avoid any unnecessary complications.

Large tanks are state-of-the-art armored vehicles that can take massive amounts of punishment before falling to ruin. Hit them non-stop with your rockets as soon as they enter your farm’s fields if you want to survive the encounter.

Helicopters are employed by the military regularly and should not be underestimated. Due to their height advantage helicopters are able to bypass the protection offered by any fences that may be constructed. Fortunately for you helicopters are not very stable and have been known to fall out of the sky (and onto objects below) when severely damaged.


Rifle Research:
Rifle research will increase the damage inflicted by your rifle while decreasing the reload time for the weapon.

Tip:Research the first tier as quickly as possible then forego spending anything more on rifle research until you begin to have trouble with organic enemies.

Rocket Research:
Rocket research will increase the damage inflicted by your rockets while decreasing the reload time for the weapon.

Tip: Researching the entire rocket research line as quickly as possible will greatly help you survive later on in the game when more exotic enemies begin to appear.

Turret Research:
Turret research creates an automated turret atop your barn that will automatically fire on the closest enemy on the field.

Tip: Turret research will not only help you kill your enemies faster but will also help with your combo-multiplier: Misses from the auto-turret don’t count against your combo-multiplier but the kills do!

Satellite Research:
Satellite research will allow you to launch an orbital weapons platform into space from your barn. Subsequent research increases the duration of the ion-beam.

Tip: The satellite weapon can work wonders and get you out of seemingly impossible situations. Use it wisely!

Fence Research:
Fence research will give you the option to construct protective fences around your sheep to shield them from enemies.

Tip: You can upgrade or repair existing fences simply by clicking on the existing fence with the “fence construction tool”.

Fertility Research: Fertility research increases the maximum number of sheep that can be present at one time within the sheep pen. Sheep respawn times are also decreased as research progresses.

Tip: Fertility research can be helpful later on but is not terribly important early on.

General Tips

Always attack organic enemies with your rifle and mechanical enemies with rockets.

Keys 1, 2, 3 and 4 can be used to quickly switch between weapons that have been researched.

Try and wait until helicopters are directly above large groups of enemies before shooting them out of the sky. Often they will fall to the ground killing anything caught in the resulting explosion.

The ion-beam launched by the satellite weapon can be repositioned once it’s been initially deployed by clicking on the desired location while the satellite weapon is selected.

Try shooting where an enemy should be by the time the projectile arrives at its destination.

The combo-multiplier greatly influences the amount of money you make from killing your enemies: try and make every shot count to avoid missing and reducing the multiplier.

The final tier of a research line is more of a luxury than a requirement until very late into the game.

If you have an automated-turret on your farm, try “tagging” incoming organic enemies with one shot from your rifle and then allowing your auto-turret to clean up the weakened enemies.

If you have an automated-turret on your farm you will very rarely want to be attacking the same enemy your turret has engaged with your rifle.