ForumsQuests[REPORT] Bugs & Glitches for Quests only

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14,745 posts

Quests are the extra achievement for Armor Games' users to enjoy, the bonus that unlocks when you reach certain in-game goals! But unfortunately... there can be bugs and/or glitches occuring that prevent you from unlocking that awesome shiny extra prize to gloriously show off with on your profile...

This thread is to provide a place to report problems with Quests so the Armor Games Staff can effectively look at them to squash the bugs and fix the glitches.

Some guidelines on how to report Quest problems...

Some Quests unlock instantly upon achieving a certain in-game goal, but sometimes they may need you to finish a specific level or reach a certain save point in the game to submit your progress. Please allow some time to pass and if it still does not unlock for you, report it here.

Make sure you always have an internet connection while playing a game that has Quests. If you play 'offline', some games fail to track in-game progress and this will result in (a) Quest(s) not registering/unlocking.

When given the choice, always choose the online save option for a game that has Quests. It is not a necessity for every game with Quests, but a lot of them track a Quest's progress this way. Want that Quest? > Use the online save...

When you post a report about a Quest problem, please make sure to add:
• The name of the specific game with Quest problems;
• The name of the Quest(s) that fail to unlock;
• Why (you think) the Quest does not unlock for you;
• A screenshot with proof in case you reached the in-game achievement(s) that match the specific Quest's info.

Please add my callout (@MrDayCee) to your report post in order to get the quickest response to your problem.

This thread is for problem reporting on QUESTS only please. All discussions about Quests in general need to be redirected to the Quests Forum and their designated Quest Chat thread. And if you want to give some feedback, or have ideas about Quests, you can do this in the Official Quest Feedback Thread!

Any problems with games, server glitches and bugs in general (all not Quest related) need to be addressed through our SUPPORT please.

Thank you for your help! Have fun and game on... HUZZAH! =)

  • 1,078 Replies
9,323 posts

I have a bug. Quests are so awesome, they blind my face. Can I have special Armor Games shades so that I don't burn my eyes?

14,745 posts

That's a tough one... can you play with your eyes closed untill we fix that one please? I will forward it to the ArmorGames staff for you! Hang in there! =)

10 posts

I have recently had an issue with the Quests. I was going along completing quite a few of them and had most of them achieved except the Kingdom Rush ones and anything higher than wood knight and they seemed to work fine until I went to check them yesterday and all of them are gone including the rank medals. I figured it was just a loading error as I was having issues with one of the games I was playing freezing so I left to return today with no quests completed still. Any ideas?

10 posts

I too can attest to Jeol's issues with Upgrade Complete 2 as about 50% of the way through I was unable to continue as when I would begin the wave battle it was just a white screen and was frozen but not completely. Nothing to do with the AG site but with the game itself. This is frustrating because now I am unable to get those quests. If there's a way to reset the game on my computer I would be willing to play it through again because it is a fun game. Anyone know how to do that or if it is even possible?

7 posts

On kingdom rush I was saving to the account and trying to complete quests. Somehow it lost track of my progress and set me back four levels as well as erasing some of my other achiements. I was in the graveyard. Don't mind playing through it again, almost back to where I was, though I lost a bunch of medals when it did. It is definitly easier second time around, since I've figured out some tactics for those levels, lol!

14,745 posts

@ jeol : It seems you had the same thought I had at some point... the gender of the Legacy Quests is indeed doubled for 4 ranks, which means there are 12 Quests you will never be able to gain.

As for the delay, it is sometimes the exact way I explained in the OP. Sometimes there is a delay of Quests showing up on profiles, but they show up eventually. One marked down for delay problem then. Thank you! =)

@ brandrew98311 : I checked to see whether I could see any Quests showing up on your profile, but there aren't any indeed. It might be a stupid thing to ask, but did you make sure you were logged in when completing the Quests? I will forward it to Ferret just in case there is a problem with your account and the Quests not showing for some reason, ok?

@ Shadowdncr : I am a little confused as to what you mean here... you say you saved the game on your online file for Kingdom Rush, but the game set you back 4 levels, making you loose Quests?!
This seems higly unlikely, but it could be I am misunderstanding what you actually mean here... you are not talking about in-game achievements, are you? =/

10 posts

@MrDayCee: Yes, I am sure I was logged in and even now if I go to the games that I had achieved said quests it says I have completed them but aren't reflected on my profile in the same session. Even if I had not been though it should still reflect the quests of being a wood knight in rank but they too are not shown.

774 posts

@brandrew98311: fixed now.. it was a caching issue.

5,552 posts

I completed K.O.L.M and it's not recognizing that I have everything.

Anyone else able to get this quest, or is it a bug?

5,552 posts

Ah, forgot to include, the quest that it's not giving me is called "Collect 'em all."

(P.S, I know a lot of people who would greatly enjoy an edit button.)

10 posts

@brandrew98311: fixed now.. it was a caching issue.

Right on boppins! you rock!
9,323 posts

Yes, the quest is having issues so we've taken it down while we try to figure out the issue. Our testing prior to launch showed it functional, and it may still be functional - though there may be a certain way you must play the game. For example, you must get all items before you win - not return back afterwards.

11 posts

I'm only assuming it's to do with the quest update (perhaps that's causing a rush of players) but KOLM has gotten impossibly sluggish and laggy. It's basically unplayable now, at least on my end (and I'm having no issues with my connection, computer or flash). If it's just an issue with the update I'll put off playing it until the fourth quest is fixed but if it's the game itself that's just going to stop me trying it altogether.

7 posts

Sorry, not trying to be confusing, I logged out, and when I came back I had lost 4 levels in Kingdom Rush, as well as a couple of quests I had completed related to that game. I had lost 'Like a Henderson', 'Is he Dead Yeti' and I belive a few others. It doesn't bother me having had to redo those quests, but I figured you all would want record of it incase others had problems and a bug showed up.

7 posts

I did lose some ingame quests as well, but that isn't what I was refering to. Ok looking for the actual names instead of refering to the creatures and such. my mistake, still fairly new and trying to figure out how to explain things. I had been on 'The Wastes' and had been set back to 'Coldstep Mines.' And sorry for two posts in a row, I didn't see an edit button so I could add to the last post.

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