ForumsGamesGemcraft GC2 Suggestions Thread (test)

62 20957
155 posts

Okay...let's see how well this plays out. Basically, it's a thread where people can suggest their...uhhh...suggestions for GemCraft 2: Chasing Shadows.

A few of my suggestions are below:
- Bring back orb damage (and the related achievements), except nerfed.
- Have an option to have red or black be bloodbound and for red or lime to be chain hit correspondingly.
- Perhaps a way to earn more talisman sockets. That would add some replayability to the game.
- Remove the level cap. Seriously. This should be top-priority among everything on this list.

  • 62 Replies
30 posts

I suggest to make possibble to reach level cap, at least. For example, by making XP award slightly exponential, not additive, so every 100 waves XP award for mobs should grow by 5-10 times.

155 posts

I suggest to make possibble to reach level cap, at least. For example, by making XP award slightly exponential, not additive, so every 100 waves XP award for mobs should grow by 5-10 times.

That actually seems like a good idea. Or at least have the cap be the highest possible level you can reach with max possible XP from all fields, not counting shrines.

Also, moar suggestions. Yep, I have a bottomless bag of 'em.

- Make Chain Hit special understandable by changing the display of it back to what it was in GCL
- Indirectly buff white gems by making mana bar level requirements slightly lower
- Indirectly buff black gems by increasing the amount of Swarmlings in a wave
- Do something to nerf Giants, which have way too much health atm
- Indirectly buff all gems by reducing insanely high armor amounts on monsters on earlier waves, including endurance
30 posts

They could also change the amount of skills per level. As it is, if i unsocket all my skills, ill only start with 5k mana, at level 125. THats not a good thing.

Since its harder to level since guys give LESS exp and MONSTERs give LESS exp, why not make it alittle easier by giving us more skill points? Thats just what I think anyway.

641 posts

TheLaw I was 15 levels above you and(okay, in the V 1.06) got up to level 563. From there I jumped to 2333 which is now somewhere about 1800 in V 1.08. It's not that hard. They didn't nerf any gem types(thank GOD) and now I have half my talis filled with 50+ rarity, including quite a few +1 to skills, including an awesome 89 rarity +1 to all. Plus, now my skills let me permafreeze if I so wished XD. PS- Beat X5 w/o charging, then play Y4-Y6. Y6 gives the equivalent of 55 skillpoints, because beating it gives you +10 wake of eternity skill(plus, a story panel that makes the X5 one slightly less grim)

6 posts

Thunder he would not get the same amount of experience as you for getting to the same wave now, experience gain has been nerfed.

I have a simple but important suggestion, options that allow you to selectively disable info panels unless paused (instead of disabling altogether)

150 posts

I'm with you on the "nerf giants" thing. I was playing P6 (or whatever the compass unlock is there) on Looming with no traits and when I was at the end with only giants left on the map, there were about 30 or so of them and a third were mana-burning (so I couldn't just set everything to "least hp" and let it play itself out; I had over 100k mana and banishment costs were still below 1k aside from the 12.5%+ burns). The giants had over 30 million max hp and over a thousand armor (which wasn't a big deal since my gems' minimum damage was ~3000 AND one had armor shred in it, but still) and it took me about an hour to go from only giants left to the victory screen... the heal beacons didn't help matters any either. (For the record, I have something like 70% bonus damage to giants in my talisman. Reavers and swarmlings get something like 15%.)

The thing with the level cap is I've seen screenshots posted of people with wizard levels of several million and if you combine that with some "% of level goes to initial XP and mana" talisman fragments, the game becomes very broken very quickly, so I can kind of understand why there's a cap.

Also, fix that broken field token in the compass rewards :\\

155 posts

Add more types of monsters, like:
Emp's, Dodgers, Flying (Inmune to traps), Moles (x3 damge and specials received from traps, inmune to towers), Enchanted (inmune to poison, slowing)

I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaally don't find this a good idea, AT ALL.

Anyway, more stuff out of my bottomless bag of suggestions:
- Unused skill points give 10 mana each instead of 7
- Specters shouldn't be as annoying
- Make shocking come a permanent enhancement spell
- Make talisman fragments slightly more common
- Make higher-rarity talisman fragments stronger by increasing percentages on stat boosts, but balance it out by increasing upgrade cost
10 posts

Flying (Inmune to traps)

And you will lose on wave 250+ from one wave of this monster types.
155 posts

[quote]Flying (Inmune to traps)
And you will lose on wave 250+ from one wave of this monster types.[/quote] so? Usually, you have towers with super-omega-ultra-high-damage gems in them by wave 250+, unless I'm misinterpreting.
7 posts

Suggestion[1]: Prestige Mode
If you reach the levelcap, you CAN reset you game, chose if you want to keep your achievements and start from 0 with a small bonus and harder Waves.
- Levelcap: I think it should be about 1000. If you reach the 1000 you can start again with achievements and prestige 1. Then our levelcap should increase by (ax+b) For a = 1.1 and b = 200 the next levelcap is at 1.1*1000+200 = 1300. The second at 1630, 1993, 2392, and so on.
- Shadowcores: They must be kept since they can be bought.
- Achievements: I would like it to have the chance to keep my achievements.
- Harder waves: To create a bigger challenge, the Monsters should get stronger. I cannot say how much, because I cannot test it, and I'm not the programmer here
- Bonus: Higher talisman levels (+1 for every prestige Level), increasing traits ( +ceiling(0.5*prestige Level)), higher maximum talisman level (+1 for every prestige Level), and perhaps small things that do not break the game.
- Prestigecap: Could be around 50.

Suggestion[2]: Combine Talismans like Gems
You know it all, you found your first talismans, filled up you amulet, and the headach begins. The most found talismans are between 1 and 21 (at the beginning) and there is no chance to get better ones, even if you spend SC and get a lv2 (+10) = 12 talisman, it is crap. It could be possible to combine Talismans.
- Mechanics: Put 2 to 6 talismans in the last (red) row of your amulet screen. Then the average and count of the talismans is calculated. The range of our "combined" talisman is from floor(average - sqrt(average)) to floor(average + sqrt(average)) + (count - 2). There should be no SC cost.

Input: lv2 + lv2
-> Average: 2.0
-> Count: 2
-> Range: floor(2 - 1.41) to floor(2 + 1.41) + (2 - 2) = (1 - 3) + (0) = (1 - 3)

Input: lv2 + lv2 + lv2
-> Range: (1 - 3) + (1) = (2 - 4)

Input: lv2 + lv3 + lv6 + lv2 + lv2 + lv5
-> Average: 3.33
-> Count: 6
-> Range: floor(3.33 - 1.83) to floor(3.33 + 1.83) + (6 - 2) = (1 - 5) + (4) = (4 - 9)

The "combined" talisman should be 100% random, then the standard talisman formula (the same that calculates your talismans at the end of each won game) can be used, AND if you have talismans with abilities you do not need, you can get (with a bit of luck) new ones with other bonuses.

that's it for now


30 posts

Archlord, i want wizard level of 11 million

Because basicaly I have 150% of level goes to exp/mana :P

11 posts

To be honest with you:

Get rid of Specters - They're annoying, and they just appear randomly. I know you can just freeze spell it but what if you're freeze spell is charging up and there's a wave of swarms on top of reavers on top of Giants coming in? Basically, once a Specter appears, it's game over. And plus the later the game, the harder the specter is to kill. Maybe add a trait for Specters? (If there isn't one right now)

Shadows - Shadows are random. Not as frustrating as the Specters though. Although the only complaint I have with them is don't make them appear as early as wave 2, because my mana economy is still starting up and I can't build the towers/grade 2 gems near my orb quickly enough. Maybe add a trait for this too (If there isn't one)

Difficulty curve in stages - I don't like the difficulty curves. It starts off hard, then gets easy, then gets super hard with swarms on top of reavers on top of giants. Make it more linear please?

Giants - Nerf the HP of the late giants please. Even with 0 Armor, they are still hard to kill.

155 posts

Get rid of Specters

No, As much as I hate them, there's several ways to beat these things. One such way involves making a low-grade gem and swapping it with your attack gem. Sure, it makes you temporarily powerless, but it also saves your butt. Also, gem bombs. Plus, these are unique things. This game isn't meant to be as easy as Labyrinth, although I do agree with the difficulty curve; this is especially so in Endurance, because the monsters eventually have more health than most grade 8 or 9 gems can do. Now, obviously, if I had amplifiers like I did in GCL, this wouldn't be an issue, but since you don't have amplifiers right off the bat in this game, it gets really hard until you get them.
14 posts

Have a button or something to hide the level tokens on the map, so I can see it fully when I want to.

Change the skill adding buttons to draggable, so you can more quickly allocate those points. Useful when you have lots.

Bring some color into the achievements. I dislike how most of them have the same color. A little variety would greatly improve them.

3 posts

I might be overlooking something could a little feature be added to let you know how many total waves in your gave, after you adjust your difficulty level and traits?

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