ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe story of faceless

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The once was a nameless town in a nameless, dence forest. Inside the town there lived over 10,000 people. Each people had nothing different. Exept for a certain few, they were hated, so they made a mask that made them appear faceless. The faceless were robotic. They marched in in 10x8 groups through the street. Some faceless collapsed of exhaustion during their daily marches, just to be replaced by another faceless in the matter of moments. The faceless did nothing but 3 things, eat, sleep, and work. They had no purpose, but did their jobs with high work ethic. What lied in the forest, a rainbow of different creatures, each with several colors and sizes. Different things lived there as well, birds, simeans, amphibiens, and even reptiles. Outside the forest, no one ever dared to go.

  • 52 Replies
5,642 posts

wow, to say the truth i'm flattered. I've had some writers block and I've been on hiatus. I will post a story. . . .write now! (get it?) Here's the holy number.

+++Chapter 7+++

C, with a face full of tears, pleaded for her life as rolith apperred behind her. Suddenly, there was an odd silence in the air. It was not negative, but more calming. Rolith telepathically conversed with C. She understood many things now. She knew who they were.
X was traveling. As he traveled, he marveled at the wonderful things he saw in diffferent parts of the forest. He saw a plant, that looked like a giant green snake upon trees. He talked to woody alot, and he started to think that he started to lose his sanity. He saw a little lizard of orange with blue stripes that stuck to woody like glue. X found a spot for the night and saw another thing that he didn't even imagine. He saw the stars in the sky. His eyes shed tears at such beauty. He wondered what was still at the nameless town. He figured that it was just the same old industrious thing, but it was far different.
Nince days later. . .
+++End of Chapter 7+++

theres a little bit of suspense for ya ^^

290 posts

Its a good story and a great plot line. I like the whole idea for it. I can't wait for the next chapter I really want to read it.

Keep going and....WOODY RULEZ!!!!

5,642 posts

HI, I was thinking on completely discontinueing the entire story. I wanted to know what poeple thought about it.

11,892 posts

Well, you've stopped writing for a month. The entries are sporadic, so I'm not sure if you have a general idea where you'd like to go with the story. Writing as you go is nice and all (and pretty much the only way I write) but without a general idea, then I think you may've hit a wall (but I'm only guessing). If you've hit a wall, whether or not you should continue or discontinue is really up to you. If you've stopped believing in the project, then just take a break from it. Sometimes it takes a few months before something can begin again. Sometimes it might not restart. There's no point forcing it.

5,642 posts

True, I have the main Idea but it seems to just dull into a journey of samurai jack with no fighting. So I think I'll just put this to tell all of you my FINAL DECISION!!!

5,642 posts

*resurrects woody*
OK! I have come back from my break and am now gonna like. . .make another chapter!!!

The nameless town was in rage and chaos. The faceless were starting to get mad! Ever since X had left the town, people started thinking! The world the faceless knew and moderatly loved was being crushed! Faceless started riots, they refused to work, and did whatever they wanted. C and the other non-faceless tried to keep the peace, but they were simply beaten and scarred. C may have known the true purpose of the town, it's people, and it's ways of life, but she dare not say it. If she did, she feared that reality itself would be torn apart by the faceless. So she started a non-faceless police force. There was no reason for police or anything of that like since the faceless were automatons. Everyone knew what would be the only solution to this problem, and that would be death.
Rolith sneered, glad to set another non-faceless free of his automatic life. "Who says we can't fight fire with fire eh boys?" Rolith asked to his crew. They all just did something of a warcry and went back to. . ."enlightening".
X was tired, and hungry. He was nearly out of food and he started to go insane again. His mind was so overrun with thoughts about what's happening and what might happen later. His thoughts were inturrupted when his foot felt something new. He felt rocks. X looked around, astonished! He saw a wasteland filled with rocks, sand, and lizards! He looked back at the jungle, and then the desert. "How could something so wonderful change so quickly?" X asked to woody. Wandering around the desert, he looked for food. He saw a spiny plant, and experimented with it. IT was filled with water, but needed to be cut open just right to get the water out. He found sharp sticks to kill lizards. Walking around for nearly an hour, he fell. Nearly grabbing on to the ledge, he heaved and ho'd in order to get back up. Don't look down, don't look down! He kept saying to himself. Just as anyone else would, he looked down. With a sigh of relief, X had let go of the ledge. Turns out, the crevace he fell down was only around 4 feet deep! Thinking he must have been the most stupid person in the town, he sat down and enjoyed the moistness of the ground. Looks like X has found another home.

Wow, I'm sure NONE of you saw this coming did'ya?

4,376 posts

woW! i misse this story!

5,642 posts

I'm sure you did. I burnt out on the NErgyl war because I'm not good at writing action, but mystery, horror, and adventure is definetly my dig! . . .I should really get this one copywrighted and sold!

4,196 posts

You killed Woody off just to ressurect him! Thats horrible...poor, poor Woody...


5,642 posts

yes, I sawed him in half just to screw him back together. . .fear me. . .and FRANKENWOODY

5,642 posts

X was tired, and lizards were starting to get scarce. To keep his sanity, X had drawn on the jungle wood with the "dark" substance he had found. He had sharpend it on other rocks to make a stick out of it, and used the stick to draw what he had seen. The wastelands had no life, and was very very hot. It was around the same heat inside the jungle, but the jungle was alot more moist. Lips chapped, X peeked his head outside of the trench. His eyes widened in releif when he saw a little lizard right where he popped out. With a smile on his face, he snatched the lizard like a human and a 100 dollar bill. The lizard squirmed around in his hand for a little, until it eventually tired out. X smashed it with a rock. Happily munching on this raw food, he wondered how he would make it taste better. X wasn't too far from the jungle so he went to grab some different kind of lizards and some water. Pondering whether he should go back, he took some time to make a bowl. The bowl was made of a green round coconut. He put some water inside of the bowl and let it sit there. Thinking as hard as he could, he dropped the lizards inside the bowl. They just pretty much wriggled around when he saw something cool. A small part of the jungle was spurting out really hot air. Knowing that heat is always good, he had put the bowl on the spout. A couple of minutes passed, and all he had left was a shriveled up bowl.
"Eheheheheh, happy to have enlightened you," said Rolith to a different masked faceless. Rolith had jumped on top of the highest skyscraper in the town, and messaged his crew to join him. They all stared down at the once robotic city. The town was extremely chaotic now, and it seems that nothing could change that in the world. "Who might have thought, that a seemingly great city would be so unstable. This is the power of the human race I suppose," Rolith thought out loud.
"Yes, but with such an unstable enviornment for the humans," Maulj continued, "it could not be helped. The faceless are no match for the humans-"
"Unless of course they start to think," Rolith smiled, "if the faceless started to think they might uprise and start creating. I'm sure the overlords would not want that to happen.
"Of course, and they would have gotten a head start!" Anthemia followed.
"Hrmpf, nik ota or tuga entracala!" said Zorlor, in his native language.
"Zorlor! We are all for speciesism but that's taking it a bit far now doesn't it?" Rolith said. With a malevolent smile, Rolith ended the meeting.
"My masked bretheren, take your masks off and join me! We will fight for freedom, equality, and a stable enviornment!" C yelled out of a megaphone. C was trying to start a riot so the overlords would come, and her plan to take them out would be set into action. As she planned, she started a riot. The constant riots were starting to tear the city apart, and plenty of faceless/masked faceless were getting killed in the pure anger. This was officially a problem.
+++end of chapter+++

5,642 posts

Is anyone out there? I really would like some constructive critisism! This thread is now revived!

5,642 posts

bumpity-bump-bump I suppose. . . . .why does no one like mah stories anymore?

4,376 posts

OMG! I forgot about you thoad! (wow that sounded mean) But I did like it......and still do. (:

5,642 posts

LOL, that really did sound mean ^^U. I'm updating this weekly (at the latest amount), so always be looking for this on the thingamajigerbobber.

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