ForumsWEPRSomething that christians should read. :-)

124 27561
79 posts

Here is some proof that nobody can get to heaven.

Here is some proof that Jesus is imaginary.

This is prooving that "God's Plan" is impossible

There are more of these videos. I just wanted say this to fellow christians. :-) ;-)
Have you already come up with some exuses? :-P

  • 124 Replies
1,353 posts

Ya priest he already said he was sorry ( I doubt it ).

So im sure you didnt mean wat you just posted - _ -

1,101 posts

so ur dissing me becuz you indirectly think im 11... congrats you dipsh't.. and like i said before sry guys im done here. But obviously some stupid 15 year old kid who hasn't been out in the real world and watches youtube all the time thinks thinks that you know everything. Again wrong. Im sry kid but im older than you. You can check my profile if you want. To be honest ive already had sex. But it seems quite obvious that you haven't even hit second base yet. Should I tell you what it feels like or do you wanna wait till your 33 and a girl gives you a pity kiss?

Again ultrapriest... you take words outta the text. Congrats i spelled infant wrong. Hurray. All I constantly am seeing is you acting like a lil runty nerd who tells people they mispell words. I couldn't care less if I spelled "your" wrong. Cuz people shouldn't care unless they have severe OCD problems, or are complete nerds. Yea i've gone on youtube once or twice but i dont use "you not going on you tube" as an arguement... cuz again that makes u sound like a comp nerd. f'cking dumb @ss... i dont even know why im wasting my time with someone who only uses quotes and then writes a sentence under it about how it was a stupid paragraph as an insult. Here ill tell you wat. Stop using my ideas for your comebacks... it makes you sound childish, stupid, and seriously kinda dorky.

1,101 posts

Alright heres my final post i think.... Im not sure but atm it looks like ultrapriest was banned. I want to apologize to maria for what i said, and i want to apologize to everyone else who may have hurt feelings, or anything else due to wat i said. It was a good arguement Ultrapriest, and needless to say it gave me something to think about and I wanna thank you for that. Most of the things i said was outta spite becuz i was ticked so im sry........... very sry.

679 posts

Jesus Christ what the hell is the hell is this bullshit I mean who in hell is gonna believe this what the hell are you thinking I think you want to be killed if that is what you are asking JESUS IS NOT IMAGINARY just look in your religion books all you people dumbfounded by this it says that Jesus did exist and that scholars of the Roman empire wrote about him several times concerning the great fire of rome God is not imaginary if God is imaginary you are imaginary are you a fucking retard or what go to religion you fucking hypocrite hertic and lunatic please never show your face in the world again but wait I am sorry sincerely I would like to extend my reach to you and give YOU the privelege of eternal life by bringing you into God's kingdom so please for give me and take my hand all you have to do is have a little bit of faith in Jesus CHrist and that he was the son of God that is all you have to do okay well then please go to church tommorow and learn something about us the christians the followers of christ the people of God the believers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

679 posts

Oh and let's see it is okay to be 16 and a virgin in fact it is bad to have premarital sex it is called adultery

1,101 posts

ultrapriest... dude u sir are a f'cking d'ck. stop copying my burns exacly, stop writing underneath paragraphs of what i write, and come back to me when your balls have dropped and your heads out of your @ss. If all you can burn me on is imaginary sh't that you've thought of in your messed up dilision (i'm 11, haven;t had sex..) then you seriously have a problem. I apologized but obviously your to much of a dick to care, so rlly guy, before girls start hating you because your such a pr'ck... quit while your ahead. You making up sh't about me and then laughing at it truely isn't an insult. Sure in your head im a virgin... To be and my gf were having hot sex almost every night.... In your head im 11, to everyone else and me im 16... You gotta grow up and get out of your fantasy world. This is life, not stuff you make up

3,176 posts

You sir, need to chill out. Can't you see the poor chap already apologized to you? And yet you still are carrying on about this whole thing? Relax. After this is done, the thread itself is going to be finished, I'm sure. And you know why? Because of flamers like you. Because you actually take offense to debates. Because you are too blind of your own hate to actually see he apologized to you, twice. Because you are sullying this forum with your filthy swearing and abusing. How old are you again? If you are younger than 16, and you claim to not be a virgin, THAT sir, is sad. At least he waits. You. Calm down. Nonconformist, you are fine, don't listen to his rabble. Moderators, I would love it for this thread to be locked, if you are viewing. This is getting ugly in ALL KINDS of ways....

679 posts

and yeah i am a virgin also just because all of us have morals makes it okay to be a rebel and go have sex with some 43 year old pedophile yeah you're cool

41 posts

just look in your religion books all you people dumbfounded by this it says that Jesus did exist and that scholars of the Roman empire wrote about him several times concerning the great fire of rome

A book doesnt prove anything.
If thats proof of Jesus and God, than the Invisible Pink Unicorn is real by your logic.
God is not imaginary if God is imaginary you are imaginary are you a ****ing retard

That makes no sense.
you ****ing hypocrite hertic and lunatic

You realize that YOUR the one screaming over the internet that you want to kill someone for saying God doesnt exist?
That makes you a lunatic AND a heretic.
I would like to extend my reach to you and give YOU the privelege of eternal life by bringing you into God's kingdom

Dont make threats over the internet, you pussy.
Oh and let's see it is okay to be 16 and a virgin in fact it is bad to have premarital sex it is called adultery

Your such a pussy its depressing.
1,101 posts

sry dillison is dillusion...
And again ulrapriest im gonna appologize for the last time. I shouldn't have said some stuff back there but obviously i did... So I would like it if you accepted it... but im thinking you wont. This will be my last post here, because im tired of having stuff thats not true said to me. And I dont want ppl to not respect me anymore which i understand that its probably to late for

41 posts

and yeah i am a virgin also just because all of us have morals makes it okay to be a rebel and go have sex with some 43 year old pedophile yeah you're cool

Why would I have sex with someone in her 40s...?
sry dillison is dillusion...
And again ulrapriest im gonna appologize for the last time. I shouldn't have said some stuff back there but obviously i did... So I would like it if you accepted it... but im thinking you wont. This will be my last post here, because im tired of having stuff thats not true said to me. And I dont want ppl to not respect me anymore which i understand that its probably to late for

Whatever. Sure, I'll take your apology until you do some other dumb shit like that.
3,176 posts

So, for this last time, I want ALL OF YOU to calm down! It's probably too late anyways, but this thread is escalating to the point where moderators are going to lock this thread and ban all those that are responsible for causing so! Purple dinosaur, you're not helping, it was worse enough as it is, without you abusing this thread further. Please stop the antics.

1,101 posts

XD omg, another fight... great. i was trying to end the last one. Well gl you two.... PurpleDinosaur just stop while your ahead. He's not worth your time. I only continued cuz i had nothing btr to do this afternoon XD. Just leave it and stay cool while people still respect you!!!

104 posts

first video,1:39, the guy shows a passage how jesus says sell all of your stuff and youll have TREASURE in heaven. he didnt say sell all of your stuff to get into the heaven, yet the narrator says this

104 posts

first video, 4:07, the narrator talks says you have to eat Jesus' flesh and drink his blood to get into heaven....flesh and blood is metaphorical for bread and wine

Showing 91-105 of 124