ForumsGamesALL things Gemcraft 0 here!

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This is a reminder to all the people who haven't checked yet, as well as a general discussion on the game.


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652 posts

would anyone know how to turn automatic updates off before a mega game..

yea i think what im doing is bringing about 100 gems up evenly, start at 10k then 25k then 50k etc

but every 5 waves ill work entirely on 1 gem, which i could be able to get hundreds of thousnads in a single wave so by wave 150ish this thing should be big, till waves 200+ al my 100 even gems will be in towers but the king gem will be my 105th trap, very end of the mana path as insurance you could say.

if im super bored i might further update my mana farm from grade 12 r/o/l into either supergems with 5k trap rather than 700, or ill make into higher grade till about grade 15

636 posts

my normal only is essentially beaten. 192069 exp on map 47,
17 levels gained to level 79.

194 posts


The good new is that the 15m monsts started shaking the board at about 1/4 lap and didn't stop (maybe I underestimate my firepower). They didn't even make one lap (remember I only have 6 traps thats that "trap" the rest just wave em on through). The 30m wound up with alot of cover but they were down to 11m when I stuck in some traps right in front of them (4X20K, 1X12K and 2X10K) on the East Side and just FRIED em. And oddly no discernable change in lag. This was good enough news to offset the bad news.

Bad news: I was angering 101 without having angered 99 or 100 and miscounted my gems. Rookie mistake. I won't miss the monsters or the points... but three waves of construction time definitely put a damper on the session. Not quite enough to fling myself off a cliff but my music went from Incubus to Annie Lennox :-)

Now down to business. Thanks for the help, however ... FOR THE LOVE OF GOD exactly how are you getting 1K dmg for 12 clicks. I did a quick test and can't find what you are saying. Are you gemming a master 12 w/9s... 12w/10s ... 10 w/8s... 9 w/7s? I can't find what you are describing. Remember I am just a simpleton here. Either that or you speak with forked tongue :-)

I'm using master 12 w/10s now. It takes 16 X lvl10s to garner 1030 dmg (avg). See work tray in following pic (top stone is lvl 7). It takes me about 1/4 of a gem charge to construct these 10s (note 1/4 charge on master gem in bottom right corner of game field). If your technique is faster I neeeeeed it. Thanks again.

OK stop the presses. I just reread this and I may be comparing apples to oranges here. My 1030 dmg increase is to MIN dmg (sorry habit). That's about 5K to MAX dmg. Is this the difference? I told you I was simple.

PS: note 2t in score... tonight I celebrate! 3 games ago I was sure nobody could break 500b. heheh

Wave 103 - 2t milestone and reference picture for above:

652 posts

ive read the entire thread now in these last hours, ive came up with 1 thing.....lets have the veterans come out of retirement this friday for a battle royal

MUNCH, amazingly talented and with a 5 day headstart so with him it will come down to final score/wave. my only advice to him is to finish because hes already doing amazing

FRACTALMAN, you should beat all 228, i know you may have problems leaving comp on or being buisy but last time you did it in 2-3 days of play, starting friday gives u 3 hrad days to get realy far and maybe try to get a deal to leave comp on for just 5ish days, my advice to you is make 15 100ks, keep supergemming good

YAYFORMEE i believe your the only one to have not commited to quitting so im counting on you to try for sure, i know you have potential to score off the charts within the first 70 waves so id love to see a huge score out of you

AsSto, hes in my mind in a 3 way tie for best player here with munch and lankhr, if he can make 140b by wave 41 im scared to see what he can do after beating 42 and 54, by the time 74s dead i expect him long past a trillion, my advice is fill the board with 15s like your amazing at, then around wave 42 start supergemming to 100ks

LANKHR, the one who created me in a sence, the differant one who doesnt try final battle but uses his own specialty map to potentialy beat us all, i have the most to comment on you, i read thru your last updates and attempts and your idea seems manageable even tho youll have a wave of 203b hp, your idea of making 20 100ks using supergemming and pause game, well i personaly made 35 of them and that takes 350m mana at around 30 mins per gem, if you get 80k per frame by the time you attempt this thats 80m mana per wave that means in 5 waves you can achieve this with 50m mana left over for the shrine gem, this can make nearly a grade 20 gem which takes around 64m mana...

in roughly 5 waves of 80k per frame and crafting in 0 speed for 18 huors, ull have created 35 gems of 300k dmg, now lets break it down since the level offers blue cyan and yellow lets transmute with yellow to make 35 yellow 300k gems, now without the 40% pure bonus your at around 220k dmg then add the 60% dual and your at about 350k, so adding some grade 6 transmuted reds into these things makes a gem with 350k max dmg, high chance of triple dmg, htis 6 monsters, now lets go further, since theres 35 gems at 350k thats around 12m max dmg then add the x6 thats about 70m then add the 40?% triple and thats x1.8 more so 120m per shot, i think at about 140 shots per wave thats around 16b dmg per wave meaning your 200b hp wave would be taken down in 12ish waves, so if you complete these gems 5 waves after beginning the project right when wave 40 is released ull have the wave 40 monsters dead at wave 57 and you said you wanted to super anger wave 58, also during this time you have 12 waves to mana pool and build anger gems for 58, perfect, then the shrine gets 3 charges remember, so now at wave 58 with an increased multiplier you should be able to do this process again within about 3 waves, giving you capability to do over 30b per wave, infact if you spend waves 58-64 doing 2 rounds of this and using the shrins 3 whole charges, you could have nearly 50 billion dmg per wave, and 105 powerfull towers

my advice is that when you anger this wave so much dont forget about the normal waves, i can pull in 40b per normal wave so if you waste 15 waves on this it might not even be worth it so when you do this at leas try to get a decent score from the normal waves too

i know this would take probably 2 weeks or more but it would be the greatest score (probably 2 trillion x 3) and greatest firepower ever assorted, you could then retire in peace


ConnerC, i share fractals goal but also like big score, i like 1 think, lots of big guns so im topping my old 35 annihilaters, im making some 1m king gems or trying a huge dual red yellow, not sure yet. the goal is to adapt AsStos start with munchs r/o/l path instead and then at wave 55 adapt to the same type of game as munch but hopefully with a slightly better start compliments of AsStos teaching, ill procede to score over a trillion then beat all 228 waves if all goes right, i have a buisy week scedual so the game might drag out a while and risk shut down but im to determined to give up so ill try again eventualy no matter how many times im shot down
i guess the whole point of this is to let all the old players get another chance to beat their old goals before retiring, id be at peace to quit after beating all 228 and scoring a trillion, oh and this christmas or next summer i WILL try the lankhr game i just described

let the fun begin, i hope all can join, i hope you all read this, this would be a fun weekend, and i hope with this many huge games that this thread will be posted on about every 15 minutes with updates and exchanging strategy, i just want a realy fun weekend

summary of this entire post "CALLING ALL GEMCRAFTERS"

652 posts

ironic that munch who ive been waiting for has posted as i was typing this, so this is my responce to munch.

your seriously saying your 15ms lasted a single lap? (2ish waves) i remember my 18m wave 54 dropped at wave 57 because i severely underestimated what a path of 100k gems can do, this gives you a chance to continue to anger normal waves to around 40b score per

calling it a rookie mistake makes me wonder if tehres masters out there, but i dont see how you missed angering 2 waves, if you angered 101, teh thought dang what about 99 and 100, then 99 is released and you said woops, couldnt you still anger 100 good, and its not that bad because an unangered wave clears the field of monsters allowing you to have fun on the next waves angering, it shuoldnt cost 3 waves, just 1 or 2 of construction

i get how i messed you up, i mean 12 commands not 12 clicks, most commands take 2 clicks(example click transmute click gem, but i count as 1 since i can use the 6 key)

click 1-buy 35 gems, the grade 12 is in 1st inv spot

click 2-5 is the 4 clicks of combine it takes

youll have 4 grade 9s, 1 8, 1 7, and 1 grade 6, tats 7 gems which in total add about 1k, this is 7 clisk meaning 6-12, thats 12 actions so maybe not exactly 12 clicks but if you dont count the 6 key or other stuff thats 12, but this is with 9s which are fairly fast, i think the fastest to supergem

how are you getting +1030 max dmg for 16 grade 10s? i get +90 per grade 7, you should be getting +300 per grade 10 meaning about +5k for 16....i think were speaking 2 differant supergemming languages

what do you mean by 1/4 of a gem charge?

ohhhhh the 1030 mins, with the 4.5 rule converts to about 4605. much closer to my 5kish, i had just said were speaking 2 diff languages then you said apples to oranges, i just got a good laugh now im seeing it better

2t omfg!!!!!!! 2147b converts to max xp gain from a lvl, you could get 3-4t this game, if you get 3t that means lanhkr needs over 1t in his triple mode to beat you

wave 103 is nice, the waves should get faster at like 140 when the hp is higher initialy so less monsters and gems used, like 90 monsters instad of 400 per wave

*looks at pic*

good god whats the gemcount, id say your wave 90 is dead and 91 is also dead, you probably got 500b between those 2 waves which explains teh 1.3 to 2t jump in 10 waves, if you can still get 40b per wave from 100-120 your doing amazing, you could get 4t+

some day in the future as in if AsSto played a game all the way to the end, or if munch imoroved yet again, i think its possible to add the 14th didget to the score slot, and this game i think munch will add an 8th didget to the mana pool, it maxes at 9 so you can have 10 didget, only 999,999,999 mana

636 posts

...My mom and dad insist on closing out the games if i have homework, thus providing a gaurantee that any attempt at all 228 waves will be killed if i start it before cristmas vacation.

On the bright side, I've improved my starts tremendously by playing normal only-so once I do shoot for it, i'll have an extra 10-20 waves

652 posts

well fractal cant join this weekend i guess, i sure hope im not the only one to do it this friday

127 posts

i might try to just get a higher score than my last lol.
i havent played enough to create or steal strategies to get a REALLY high score, my current best is like 74k exp from the last lvl...
i might try to uber-gem soon idk

652 posts

ive started, i wont say how good im doing yet but so far better than munch >=] can you say grade 16 gem with 200k max dmg at wave 29? and path full of 670 firing speed maxed r/o and 200k mana pool

127 posts

hmmm i was 1/100000 as far as you at wave... oh... 120

652 posts

im also trying a unique towerless game,i still havent built a tower and i never will, ill beat it entirely on traps and finish the game with an amulet for not building any towers(usless but the idea would make me proud)

im trying AsSto's described trap supergemming start and i was creating 16s at wave 25 then i finished my path from 26-28 with maxed r/o grade 10/11, then wave 29 and 30 i got a gem from grade 16 15k mx dmg to 200k mx dmg, ill designate this as my king and by the end of the game hell be in the millions if all goes well, but he needs a queen and a few knights to go with him hehe

if you put this gem in a fire, letters in ancient elvish appear saying "one gem to rule them all, one gem to find them, one gem to bring them all and in the darkness bind them" lol

652 posts

dang every post i make, someone responded as i was typing it..

yea hippy you should try a big game, pratice makes better so just build a mana farm and get going with the supergemming, i was the noob and was taught by first lankhr, then fractal, then AsSto, and recently munch, perhaps i could take on a pupil to relay my strategies to

194 posts

wtg Conner. Sounds like a sterling start. You've got me by a good 10 waves. I think I'll start over... NOT!

I was moved to tears by your rallying cry (Nice JRR ref). It would be SO much fun to have all the greats AND new players all together at once so there would be a greater simultaneous pool of knowledge sharing and strategizing instead of spread out over time and pages. Some how, some way....228.

Come forth from the shadows ALL. If you only read and don't post, your questions won't get answered. Play a game and get free analysis... what more could you want.

Now Connor for shame. You have snubbed the great progenitor. He over a long period of time has showed the patience to help new and old alike and probably has the greatest fundamental knowledge of the game. (I've often wondered if he had a hand in its writing it). I think he could shame us all if he wanted. I speak of none other than VESPERBOT!

I know I would have put this game away along time ago if it weren't for the idea sharing that goes on in these pages. I plateaud so many times and thought I was done and then I read something new to try or came up with a new idea based on something I read.

And there is nothing better than healthy competition to bring forward new ideas. So come on everybody lets get started there's no time like the present. Post your games and your questions.

My game was on hold today, I had to catchup on some sleep. But I'll work so more on it tonight. Connor, you may catch me by the weekend :-)

652 posts

oh yea forgot vesper, hes too old school for me so im not sure on his style, i came here after he stopped big games

id say mor realisticly i have you beat by 4 waves, perhaps 8 in firepower but remember im using an AsSto start, menaing i should have the better start

194 posts

Don't have much for narrative. I'm have a tough time keeping my traps filled. I can't figure out what HP my offense can handle and I'm winding up with to many empty screens. Very frustrating because I don't want to send waves early because I need the time to build.

I just juiced 4 waves to 24m so I should get a feel for what to do for the following waves. I've decided to back off to angering with 13s instead of 14s so I can devote more time to dmg. I'm off of pace. My goal was to start throwing to my 30K down starting at the wiz hut and working my way backwards at 155 (yes 30K I did the math and time only allows 30 and I may have to go down to 25K if I can't get my traps started by wave 155)

Hey! Quid Pro Quo - Where's a pic or two?

Notice that I don't even have any body on the east side in this pic... I'm losing mana.

Part of my strategy is to get an obscenely high man pool so that maybe I get 1m per frame so that even if I can't lock everybody up I should at least have a long long time before somebodies banishment costs become a threat.

wave 130 - 3t so so tired

gl with your games everybody :-)

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