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It's time for battle! Do you have what it takes to make a good plan to survive a real life like simulated battle? The Battle Strategy Club will create many real like battle situations where you put yourself in the shoes of a soldier in that situation. Like the survival clubs on AG, in this club, members will have to make a plan for each part of the scenario that would keep them alive. At the beginning of each scenario you will be given,
-Time and location
-Equipment and other personal you have with you
-Info about the enemy
-Important info about elements that affect your decisions
-The goal to achieve victory
Before you start participating in the club you must enlist with the WarGeneral. As members complete scenarios they will move up in rank.
Let the battle begin!

Scenario #1 3/2/2010

Time- Day 4:30pm
Location- Iraq desert between mountain range
Conditions- Sunny, temp 80, wind 40mph north
Personal- 12 soldiers total, 1 medic, 1 engineer, 10 infantry
Equipment- 3 humvee's, 2 are damaged, every soldier has one water jug,flare,basic uniform, and 25 mile cb radio, infantry has M4 with 2 extra clips, medic has med pac, engineer has basic tools to disarm explosives.

Part one- The convoy of the 3 humvee's with the 12 soldiers left camp Bravo and are traveling a back road that cuts through the montains to get to camp Delta, which is 50 miles east of camp Bravo. At 4:30pm, 20 miles west of camp Bravo the convoy gets hit with a road side bomb destroying the first two humvee's. In the first Humvee, the driver and front pasenger get killed(infantry). The engineer and another infantry soldier get badly injured enough to not make them mobile. In the secound humvee, Two infantry soldiers get minor wounds, but are still mobile, the other two are fine. The medic and the other three infantry soldiers in the third humvee are fine.
The mountains block radio contact to either base until you are only 5 miles away from them. 10 miles to the south is a small village(pop 8000) were most residents are hostile towards you. The Intel claims there is a 10-20 man enemy unit on foot with ak47s the patrols the village every 2 hours. The residents in the village have radios that could reach the base and food. The road were the convoy was hit is patroled by a 10-20 man enemy unit with trucks and ak47s that go up and down the road at 30mph.

You are the squad leader(a infantry soldier). You need to recover the convoy from the bomb and then plan what to do befor night hits(7:30pm).

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