Well I know most of us are children right now, playing on this website, but as we get older the gas prices tend to increase. I don't even want to think about how much gas is gonna be when I turn 20!
This topic makes me nauseous, because it is taking upwards of $60 to fill my tank. I need to get a hybrid!
They are actually talking about taking away the gas tax for the summer 'driving season' to try to lower the prices, but I am pretty against that... but I digress.
It is all simply supply and demand. There is talk now that we have hit the apex of our supply of oil, though I am not sure how you prove that until a few years after the fact. Taking this as truth, the supply is going to drop, where demand will stay the same, and therefore prices can be raised and the product will still be bought. Currently in MA (US), where I live, prices are at an average of $3.60 a gallon, though I know that in the western part of the country and in European countries, it is much worse. Europeans do not use cars as much as we do though (or at least that is what I observed). Hopefully we can all follow suit.
Hopefully, once my car falls apart, I can afford a hybrid and this will alleviate some of this issue. I also hope that more alternative energy sources are explored, such as the corn alcohols that were being added to gasoline. I am *so* glad to see that "going green" is getting trendy now, because, sadly, something being trendy is basically the only way to get people to do anything.
Rising gas prices can have a good effect though. If the prices are higher, like you said, people will begin to find alternative modes of transportation. People will actually carpool, use public transport, etc. instead of having to pay ridiculously high prices.
I saw a movie recently (Tooth and Nail) that showed a post-apocalyptic world that was destroyed because we ran out of oil.
yes.. but then their might be more anger.. war... riots... you know.. im not sayin i couldn't live without a car, but think about all those car crazed people.
Depending on how far from work you live, this might be applicable, and if you are getting paid minimum wage. Some people who are above that pay rate are still getting paid what they were, and are having to pay more per gallon of gas. I usually have to fill my tank twice a week to get from home to work, school, etc, so I have a lot more to travel.
Still, gas prices are hurting the prices of *everything*, especially food and other forms of travel. Airlines are feeling a huge blow from this. An increased gas price combined with increased grocery prices (in this area, milk is getting ridiculous) can really make life stressful. I'm lucky that I still live at home and don't have to pay for *everything* yet ^.^
Thats true that the gas prices are hurting airlines. I read something before coming on today that airlines were having to cut some flights becuas of the price.
Minum wage isn't enough to keep up with rising gas prices. I don't know how old you all are(I don't want to know either)so I don't know how much you have to support yourself but I know that grocerys and gas and almost anything we buy is going up becuase of gas prices so to go with your scale King: 8 hours a day: 4 dollars pay increase daily Gas: 20 dollars a week Grocerys: 20-30 dollars a week(depending on how much ou buy) Rent: dosen't increase with gas but its like a 100 dollars amonth at a really bad place. So eventually the cost will outweigh the payments that come in.
It still makes no sense. Gas prices arn't the the only product rising in profit these days either. This nonsence is also starting to include food... houses... even issues dealing with health.
I'm only 15, so why should I be so worried about all this? It's only going to get harsher in the future... and I'm a part of that future.
$100 a month for rent?!? You must live somewhere where the cost of living is low, I'd love to find a place for that much. Even just a studio apartment around here is $7-800 a month, we're trying to find somewhere at a good price to live...
Gas prices haven't affected me personally too much yet. We're basically living paycheck to paycheck, but my parents are very supportive and I'm pretty spoiled when it comes to what I have to pay for.