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Well, I was searching to see if this was already made, but the searches didn't show a thread with my idea so here it is. I am making this thread so we can have a typical tavern discussion thread for all things science! Basically, a thread for everything science! Ranging from discussions about laws and theories, scientific debate, breakthroughs, discussion about new scientific breakthroughs, certain scientists/philosophers, and all that good stuff!
So go out there and let out your inner science! ;P
To get us going somewhere I'll start: what do you think the future holds for technology? I think our knowledge will allow us to overcome the obstacles thrown at us in the future, I mean, we have discovered so much and have come so far!

  • 1,019 Replies
26,679 posts

I mean fundamentally different, not just extremophiles.

9,470 posts

I mean fundamentally different, not just extremophiles.

In what way would the be fundamentally different??
26,679 posts

Chemical base, cellular structure, gentic structure, anatomy or lack there of.

9,470 posts

Chemical base, cellular structure, gentic structure, anatomy or lack there of.

Chemical make up is likely. If we do find life it will likely be carbon based like it is here. There are other possible combinations, but carbon base has the best chance of combining to form life.
Basic cellular structures would also likely be very similar to what we have here.
Yes the genetics may be different but we would likely see many similar physical traits. There have been many physical structures that have evolved independently a number of times right here. It would stand to reason that when faced with similar situations we would find life developing similar traits.

One thing that may be different would be any planet life would likely be shades of red rather then green, so as to reflect the extra infrared light from the star.
644 posts

Life on a planet as extreme as this wouldn't resemble the life on Earth at all.

Not true Dragon! :O
Sure there would be no night/day cycles, but there will the same fundamentals as you seem to think there would not be.
Of course a different planet won't have the exact same species as Earth. However,
Chemical base, cellular structure, gentic structure

these fundamentals would be the same no? The same chemicals and enzymes would be the same and or similar as they are here wouldn't they? Here on Earth we have a LOT of different genetic structures(patterns of DNA), don't tell me we don't! ;D As for cellular structure, who knows, but, the plants would need the same components in their cells right? Then for the animals, same basic needs like mitochondria, Golgi Body, etc to function. Unless of course this life adapted to include more or exclude something.
I think a fundamental difference in life would be the Perma day and night itself, but that would be overcome by the life.
26,679 posts

Chemical bases

A planet with a different atmosphere could encourage a different element or compound to be the main component of it's life.
cellular structures

You know why we have golgi bodies and mitochodria? It was the first solution we found that survived. Who's to say this planet's life forms even have organelles? They could just be one blob of everything they need.
genetic structure

I didn't mean genes. Our DNA has a double helix pattern, most commonly compared to a twisted ladder. What if they had a cyclical gene carrier?

Does this clear up what I meant?
9,470 posts

A planet with a different atmosphere could encourage a different element or compound to be the main component of it's life.

A planet that would be that radically different so that a different would be used would be a planet not fit for our form of life. So finding such a planet would be no better then finding a lifeless planet.
Considering we have found amino acids who have formed in space, which is a key component to the formation of life, it's still most likely life will be based on carbon.

You know why we have golgi bodies and mitochodria? It was the first solution we found that survived. Who's to say this planet's life forms even have organelles? They could just be one blob of everything they need.

As I said even on this planet we have see similar features evolve independently. There is no reason to believe this pattern wouldn't continue for other planets.

I didn't mean genes. Our DNA has a double helix pattern, most commonly compared to a twisted ladder. What if they had a cyclical gene carrier?

This is even less likely.
644 posts

Considering we have found amino acids who have formed in space, which is a key component to the formation of life, it's still most likely life will be based on carbon.

I was thinking the same thing Mage.

Who's to say this planet's life forms even have organelles? They could just be one blob of everything they need.
If you think of it, you could reference the cell as this "blob". It has everything needed to function properly. Thus it is likely that the life would have organelles to function. You are correct though, nothing is certain 'till we know it is.
26,679 posts

Yes, it will most likely have organelles, but it may not. We will never know. The next 5+ generations may never know. Perhaps no man will ever know. This is the enevitable conclussion of speculative science, we may only guess and may never know.

644 posts

Quote fail oh no!! Lol..

This is the enevitable conclussion of speculative science, we may only guess and may never know.

Yep, but we make educated assumptions based on logic and our knowledge. We may never know, but it sure is likely that life is similar.

The light speed and extraterrestrial life has kind of died down, so shall we move to a different subject? any ideas, I'm open for discussion! ;D
Perhaps medical science?
26,679 posts

Well, most people proficient in the phisical sciences have a compareative lack of proficiency in physiological sciences. I am fairly well learned in medical knowledge, but I'm not as good at it.

644 posts

[quote]Well, most people proficient in the phisical sciences have a compareative lack of proficiency in physiological sciences. /quote]
That doesn't mean we can't put our minds together though.

However, back to the light speed for now:
In the future when/if we have near light speed ability, we can use it to our advantage and "time travel".
Say we get a train at like 98-99% and put so many volunteers/scientists inside. Using the effects of time dilation, we can send these people into the future by so many years. Life for the rest of us would continue as normal, gradually advancing. Tanks to time dilation, we can stop this train in the near/far future and our scientists will see a new world in their eyes. They will have aged little while society has evolved and changed over the courses of tens even hundreds or thousands of year.

26,679 posts

Well, travelling forward in time is natural and fairly useless compared to going back. Any theories as to how to accomplish this?

Quote fail V2

644 posts

ZOMG... Lets make this work dang it!

Well, travelling forward in time is natural and fairly useless compared to going back. Any theories as to how to accomplish this?

Perhaps a super charged rail gun blasting the train into high speeds?
After the rail gun is complete, attach some sort of device that accelerates our craft from the air being rapidly pushed through it.
26,679 posts

.....and dialate time the same way. No reversal.
Reaching absolute zero or near temperatures and sitting still in the center of the universe?

I apploud your basic level of quoting.

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