ForumsWEPRif god is all forgiving, why is there hell

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im an athiest and never understood why if god forgives everyone then why dose he send people to hell

  • 266 Replies
5,552 posts

becuase some people really deserve hell

So because for a finite amount of time they made bad choices, they then deserve to be punished for eternity?

In comparison, that's like, sneezing at a funeral and then being put to death for being disrespectful.
3,025 posts

It's not God who makes you suffer, but it's you who inflicts self-suffering. But, you're almost right here

God can easily change that - he is all-powerful. He bares full responsibility for the creation of everything and as such our suffering for not believing in an illogical thing is his fault, and his fault alone.

Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears my word and believes him who sent me, has eternal life; he does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.

This isn't positive. Infact, it's the opposite - it inspires blindness and lack of reasoning in order to be awarded.
It's ironically not the way things works.

- H
3,896 posts

Hell is the place for those who refuse God. Why should you go to heaven if you have done nothing to receive it?

5,552 posts

Why should you go to heaven if you have done nothing to receive it?

A: God is supposedly all forgiving.

Context: "Oh you didn't believe in me, okay, do you now? You see me yes? All right, everythings good, go on to heaven"

B: Why should you be punished eternally simply for not believing something simply exists?
3,896 posts

Because you have a lifetime to accept Christ. Accepting Christ doesn't affect your life in any way unless you make those changes and if you can't even do that for your own creator then you deserve Hell.

3,025 posts

Because you have a lifetime to accept Christ.

Others have a lifetime to accept their sexuality, some of you boys seem to have a problem with that.

Accepting Christ doesn't affect your life in any way unless you make those changes and if you can't even do that for your own creator then you deserve Hell.

You know... if it's real.
If he can give us an undeniable margin of proof that he is real (which really isn't difficult) then the acknowledgement of his presence would be essential. The worshipping of him as a God is actually not a good thing though, as a &quoterfect" being would boast a wish to treat others the same, and whilst he is capable of so much more, it doesn't mean we're inferior.

Infact, trying to put it that way would make him inferior and far from perfect.
The Bible was a way of determining morality on an "objective" scale. But what it represents has no proof or evidence of its existance.

Also, you're not one to judge if you're Christian, you literally break "your own rule" by saying I deserve hell for, in my perspective, being a logical human being.

- H
1,608 posts

I got a nice example of the difference between heaven and hell.
If u could take a look into heaven and he'll you would see 2 rooms. In both of the rooms there is a table with the best food there is.
On both tables (so in heaven and hell) there are people sitting on chairs.
In both rooms the people can touch and grab the food but due to iron chains they can't bring their hand to their mouth. In Hell everyone sits there with foods in his hands not eating, only touching.
In Heaven people grab the food and move their body so they can put the food in their neighbors mouth.

So the difference between Heaven and Hell is that in Hell everyone doesn't care for their fellow human being whilst in Heaven they share.

Dunno why posted this I heard it in Church.

5,129 posts

if you can't even do that for your own creator then you deserve Hell.

i don't deserve hell, your god is ALL loving and ALL forgiving.
it means that he will forgive me because he loves me.
so even IF your religion is somehow magicly for real. then i don't have to fear death or hell afterall.
3,025 posts

Dunno why posted this I heard it in Church.

Heard a different version in primary school where people had chopsticks longer than their arms that couldn't feed them, in Hell they would scuffle over how to do it, unable to do anything - whereas in Heaven people fed eachother using it.

It's not a bad story, actually - but nonetheless irrelevant to the ideology of Religion as it can easily be obtained through other means - especially nowadays ^^

Also, +1 to partydevil.

- H
3,896 posts

I have read over the last few posts and have come to a conclusion hat seems logical enough to me. He'll isn't a place of fire and eternal suffering but kind of like a place where you do without. Heaven is a place of paradise with luxuries that make it much more pleasurable. Thus Hell isn't really a punishment but Heaven is a reward.

1,707 posts

Going out on a limb I think it's because

There Was An Angel
Who Thought He Knew Best
Thought He Was The Best
Decided To Leave
Made A Nasty Place
He Is The Devil
Made A Bitter Place
He Catches People
Mean Nasty People
Brings Them To A Place
A Horrible Place
We Name This Place Hell

I think this is why there's hell anyways.

Anyways I refuse to believe in this God and or pray to him. He's supposed to be all powerful and all mighty and all knowing right? If that's true he shoud make no mistakes and be able to see into the future. If he can do then why did he flood earth? How could he have made a mistake and admitted to it if he's all mighty, all powerful and all knowing.

To, many contradictions in the bible.

2,763 posts

To, many contradictions in the bible.

Of course it is, it's thought of and produced by human beings. Human beings are fallible.

Here is another question how is heaven a paradise if your loved one isn't there with you and you know they are suffering for all of eternity? You might say that by definition the paradise is a paradise and there is some way god creates it for you under any means since he is omnipotent. Thought that would mean it is a lie or that you have no free will. If it's a lie then he can't create a perfect paradise for you therefore not omnipotent on the other had if he strips you of your free will then he is just a tyrant. Not a god you should be worshiping.
485 posts

I don't know maybe because, that person have killed or something, so he is forgived, but not totally! Do that make sense??

240 posts

because there has to be a guilt of your part if you are just waiting that God forgives you, hell is the punishment for your high-prided mind

5,129 posts

Do that make sense??

no, your bible is saying ALL forgiving

because there has to be a guilt of your part

i must feel guilty because i don't believe in a myth?
if you are just waiting that God forgives you, hell is the punishment for your high-prided mind

god will forgive my high-prided mind because he loves me.
(beside if some1 realy believes in god, then he will go to church and confess and evrything will be forgiven. it's about the same thing. your god forgives ALL)

hell is total bull because god forgives. it's logic thinking (but thats not what you will learn in church is it? =P )
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