ForumsForum GamesRealm of Shadows

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You are suddenly awoken by a thorough chill that pulses through your body. Half-awake, you get out of bed and begin getting dressed. You finish, but then notice something strange: the sun isn't up, yet there is an eerie light filling your room.
You explore the rest of your house and find that you are alone. No family. You step outside. Shadowy mists are flowing everywhere, and disgruntling whispers can be heard from... somewhere. A pang of fear pierces your chest when you look around and see nothing. All that is visible in any direction more than 50 feet outside of your house is a roiling blackness.

This is a role-playing game set in a mysterious shadowy realm.
Up to 7 people may join by filling out the form below:
[You have 15 points to use on the below stats.]
[This is related to the damage you will deal.]
Defense: [This is related to your resistance to taking damage.]
Agility: [This determines who moves first, second, etc.]
Luck: [This determines you chance to do extra damage, and the amount of extra damage done.]
Ability name: [You get to be creative! I will check this.]
Ability description: [You get to decide! I will check this, too.]

Up to 7 players will be accepted. Players will engage it battles with enemies that I determine. Players will request their actions to me during a battle, and I will do appropriate calculations. Players start at level 1, and will receive experience (XP) to level up for doing damage to enemies, defeating an enemy, and winning a battle (though there may be more).
Outside of battle, I will provide some guidance, but overall the players will request what to do. There are innumerable actions players can choose. When one player suggests an action, I will either post it for players to agree with or shoot down, and if a player consensus has already been reached, I will tell what happens as a result of the players' actions. If the players wish to separate and explore separately, that is fine, they need only request it. However, the hordes of enemies players encounter will NOT be weakened for a solo player.

Any other information needed? Just ask!

  • 656 Replies
2,159 posts

[Due to odd yet opportune circumstances at my school today, everyone was dismissed early and I was able to get this done!

Name: James Kratos [+Aspero]
Gender: Male
XP: 25.4
To next level: 19.6 XP
Level: 3
Health: 25/25
Offense: 7
Defense: 6
Agility: 6
Luck: 3
Weapons: 0 WP
*Bowie knife (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (agi +1, lck +1)
*Double Bowie knife (3WP to upgrade), lv2, 2 hand (off +2, agi +2, lck +4) [Equipped]
Scimitar (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, agi +1)
Ability: Melee Master [Is very skilled with melee and brawl weapons.]
(0%) Spaz attack: Passive. Allows for two extra actions each turn for two turns. Costs one action to use.

you'll say I'll trip and it will seem hopeless

[You control more of the situation than you think.]

The phantom's eyes follow your hand to your pocket, and greedily feast upon the stone your hand takes out. The heat from the phantom intensifies, and its eyes again shift to you, hungry.

Name: Sensei Bassami [Assassins leader]
Gender: Male (21 years)
XP: 56.5
To next level: 13.5 XP
Level: 4
Health: 29/29
Offense: 8
Defense: 8
Agility: 7
Luck: 2
Weapons: 4 WP
*Throwing stars (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, lck +1) [Equipped; ready to upgrade]
*Long katana (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (off +2, def +1, agi +1) [Ready to upgrade]
*Short katana (2WP to upgrade), lv2, 1 hand (off +2, def +2) [Equipped; ready to upgrade]
Ability: Ninja sensei [Has the powers of a ninja, but is faster, stronger, and possesses more weapons.]
(0%) Spaz attack: Passive. Allows for two extra actions each turn for two turns. Costs one action to use.

Name: Blue Wings [Assassins member]
Gender: Male
XP: 74.5
To next level: 25.5 XP
Level: 5
Health: 34/34
Offense: 4
Defense: 4
Agility: 13
Luck: 8
Weapons: 2 WP
Wooden staff (4WP to upgrade), lv3, 2 hand (special effect chance +12%) [Equipped]
Ability: Elemental
(Instant) Fire - Deals damage to one enemy. May burn the target.
(Instant) Ice - Deals high damage to one enemy. May freeze the target.
(Instant) Thunder - Deals cascading damage. May shock the target(s).
(Instant) Poison - Deals damage to one enemy. May poison the target.
(Instant) Light - Heals one ally. May restore extra health each turn.
(Instant) Water - Deals light damage to all enemies. May cause enemies to slip.
(87%) Spaz attack: Passive. Allows for two extra actions each turn for two turns. Costs one action to use.

You train your ears more onto the frightened babbling man:

"Stupid, stupid, STUPID! Get rid of him? Of him? He must be delusional... Yes, that's it..."

The man is silent for a bit, then amazement fills his voice, as if he just stumbled upon the greatest idea ever thought of by man:

"If I tell, he may not be killed! Yes, that's it... And I, I will be rewarded... Yes... Yes!"

The man begins stomping around the room excitedly. Before you have time to react, the footsteps head your way, and the man walks out of the room.

He flinches and stares at you, mouth wide.
Name: Zachary "Zack" MacAllistor [+Zyth]
Gender: Male (20 years)
XP: 14.1
To next Level: 10.9 XP
Level: 2
Health: 22/22 [Healed over time.]
Offense: 2
Defense: 4
Agility: 6
Luck: 6
Weapons: 0 WP
Glowing shield (2WP to upgrade), lv2, 1 hand (Shadow damage x0.8) [Equipped]
Illuminative staff (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (Allows for light pulse) [Equipped]
Light sword (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (Light damage x1.2)
Ability: Luminakinesis [Has mental control of light, and can absorb and generate it from any energy source.]
(Instant) Light Ray - Deals damage to one enemy. May blind the target.
(Instant) LumiBomb - Deals cascading light damage. May blind the target(s).
(50%) Light Aura - Automatically counters enemy attackers for 3 turns.
(Ready) LuciWinds - Increases allies' evade chance for 3 turns.
(20%) Healing Light - Heals the user and damages all enemies for 3 turns.
(Ready) Light Pulse - Damages all enemies and heals all allies. Requires two actions.

Bewilderment speckled with fear shades across Zyth's face. He backs up a few paces.

"No... No, I have nothing..."

He pauses, as if been eaten by a question.

"You... how... why... are you here?"

Name: Bicola Rogers [Avengers co-leader]
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 4
Defense: 4
Agility: 5
Luck: 2
Weapons: 0 WP
Electric Sword (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, shock chance +3%) [Equipped]
Poison Tipped Knife (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (poison chance +6%) [Equipped]
Fire Axe (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (off +2, burn chance +6%)
Ability: Psych [Allows temporary control over an opponent.]

Name: Mael'thanos [Avengers co-leader]
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 4
Defense: 5
Agility: 3
Luck: 3
Weapons: 0 WP
Flail (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +2, agi -1, lck +1)
Kusarigama (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (off +1, def +1, agi +2) [Equipped]
Spiked Mace (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +3, def -1)
Ability: Biovicisitant [Can make prehensile tentacles and whips on the body for lifting, and combat and dextrous situations, respectively.]

You shut all entrances to the house, and the shadows seem to be kept temporarily at bay. You manage to procure a flashlight. When you shine it at the wisps of shadow outside the window, they recoil as steam does when you blow at it...

The temperature in the house goes through a sudden drop. Hisses can be heard from random locations in the house...
Name: Ben Fyre
Gender: Male
XP: 20.4
To next level: 4.6 XP
Level: 2
Health: 22/22
Offense: 6
Defense: 5
Agility: 4
Luck: 4
Weapons: 2 WP
Black-bladed katana (3WP to upgrade), lv2, 2 hand (off +4, def +2, +6% poison chance)
Electric iron glove (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (agi +1, +3% shock chance) [Equipped]
Ability: Guard Hounds [Can summon any type of hound desired (cannot attack while hound is present).]

You spy a particular bright red fruit. It feels warm to the touch...
Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 2
Agility: 7
Luck: 1
Weapons: 0 WP
Dagger (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (agi +1, lck +1) [Equipped]
Sword (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, def +1) [Equipped]
Fire Chain Sickle (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (off +2, burn chance 6%)
Ability: Pyromaster [Can compose and manipulate fire.]

You run, distancing yourself from the center of the shadows. However, you run into something worse.

You fall back and see before you two dark creatures with hunched backs. Both are snarling at you angrily...
4,711 posts

Name: Zachary "Zack" MacAllistor [+Zyth]
Gender: Male (20 years)
XP: 14.1
To next Level: 10.9 XP
Level: 2
Health: 22/22 [Healed over time.]
Offense: 2
Defense: 4
Agility: 6
Luck: 6
Weapons: 0 WP
Glowing shield (2WP to upgrade), lv2, 1 hand (Shadow damage x0.8) [Equipped]
Illuminative staff (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (Allows for light pulse) [Equipped]
Light sword (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (Light damage x1.2)
Ability: Luminakinesis [Has mental control of light, and can absorb and generate it from any energy source.]
(Instant) Light Ray - Deals damage to one enemy. May blind the target.
(Instant) LumiBomb - Deals cascading light damage. May blind the target(s).
(50%) Light Aura - Automatically counters enemy attackers for 3 turns.
(Ready) LuciWinds - Increases allies' evade chance for 3 turns.
(20%) Healing Light - Heals the user and damages all enemies for 3 turns.
(Ready) Light Pulse - Damages all enemies and heals all allies. Requires two actions.

i dont know how or why i am here in this realm, but i have this ability. i can absorb and control light. i can it even create from an other energy source. it damages the shadows and heals myself and others. maybe i got captured because i can do this, maybe because of an other reason i dont know. but because i thought that you are "normal" i made these weapons for you so you can deffend yourself in case we get seperated. do you still want to follow me, to find out whats going on in this realm or do you want to leave me?

(wow, never written so much in a rpg at once)

1,715 posts

Name: Bicola Rogers [Avengers co-leader]
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 4
Defense: 4
Agility: 5
Luck: 2
Weapons: 0 WP
Electric Sword (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, shock chance +3%) [Equipped]
Poison Tipped Knife (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (poison chance +6%) [Equipped]
Fire Axe (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (off +2, burn chance +6%)
Ability: Psych [Allows temporary control over an opponent.]

Name: Mael'thanos [Avengers co-leader]
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 4
Defense: 5
Agility: 3
Luck: 3
Weapons: 0 WP
Flail (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +2, agi -1, lck +1)
Kusarigama (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (off +1, def +1, agi +2) [Equipped]
Spiked Mace (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +3, def -1)

well, are there extra batteries? :P

search the house for extra batteries, or anything useful such as one of those old radios that are rechargeable by turning a nob constantly. or a flashlight like that.

1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 2
Agility: 7
Luck: 1
Weapons: 0 WP
Dagger (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (agi +1, lck +1) [Equipped]
Sword (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, def +1) [Equipped]
Fire Chain Sickle (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (off +2, burn chance 6%)
Ability: Pyromaster [Can compose and manipulate fire.]

I attack them with my Fire Chain Sickle

5,346 posts

Name: Blue Wings [Assassins member]
Gender: Male
XP: 74.5
To next level: 25.5 XP
Level: 5
Health: 34/34
Offense: 4
Defense: 4
Agility: 13
Luck: 8
Weapons: 2 WP
Wooden staff (4WP to upgrade), lv3, 2 hand (special effect chance +12%) [Equipped]
Ability: Elemental
(Instant) Fire - Deals damage to one enemy. May burn the target.
(Instant) Ice - Deals high damage to one enemy. May freeze the target.
(Instant) Thunder - Deals cascading damage. May shock the target(s).
(Instant) Poison - Deals damage to one enemy. May poison the target.
(Instant) Light - Heals one ally. May restore extra health each turn.
(Instant) Water - Deals light damage to all enemies. May cause enemies to slip.
(87%) Spaz attack: Passive. Allows for two extra actions each turn for two turns. Costs one action to use.

"ummm.... hi? im sorry but i came from outside the castle and i came to warn you. outside there are shadows and machines that are planning to attack this place."

2,159 posts

[A quick note: now, when in a battle, I will write in your stat boosts from weapons.

For example, if you have a weapon that boosts Offense by 2:

6(+2) / Offense

For stats that aren't boosted:

4(+0) / Agility

For weapons that give special effects chances, it will be placed beside Offense:

5 / Offense [+3% shock chance]

Hopefully, this will help me be more accurate with battle calculations and also help you see what boosts you have more easily.]
Name: Zachary "Zack" MacAllistor
Gender: Male (20 years)
XP: 14.1
To next Level: 10.9 XP
Level: 2
Health: 22/22
Offense: 2
Defense: 4
Agility: 6
Luck: 6
Weapons: 0 WP
Glowing shield (2WP to upgrade), lv2, 1 hand (Shadow damage x0.8) [Equipped]
Illuminative staff (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (Allows for light pulse) [Equipped]
Light sword (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (Light damage x1.2)
Ability: Luminakinesis [Has mental control of light, and can absorb and generate it from any energy source.]
(Instant) Light Ray - Deals damage to one enemy. May blind the target.
(Instant) LumiBomb - Deals cascading light damage. May blind the target(s).
(Ready) Light Aura - Automatically counters enemy attackers for 3 turns.
(Ready) LuciWinds - Increases allies' evade chance for 3 turns.
(60%) Healing Light - Heals the user and damages all enemies for 3 turns.
(Ready) Light Pulse - Damages all enemies and heals all allies. Requires two actions.

[Whoops, I forgot to recharge your skills last turn! There, I fixed it. ]

wow, never written so much in a rpg at once

[I'm honored! ]

Bewildered, Zyth stands up and steps back slowly, keeping his eyes, widened with fright, trained on you. "Just, just stay away!"

He turns and runs down a little rocky path toward the back of the clearing.

Name: Bicola Rogers [Avengers co-leader]
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 4
Defense: 4
Agility: 5
Luck: 2
Weapons: 0 WP
Electric Sword (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, shock chance +3%) [Equipped]
Poison Tipped Knife (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (poison chance +6%) [Equipped]
Fire Axe (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (off +2, burn chance +6%)
Ability: Psych [Allows temporary control over an opponent.]

Name: Mael'thanos [Avengers co-leader]
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 4
Defense: 5
Agility: 3
Luck: 3
Weapons: 0 WP
Flail (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +2, agi -1, lck +1)
Kusarigama (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (off +1, def +1, agi +2) [Equipped]
Spiked Mace (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +3, def -1)
Ability: Biovicisitant [Can make prehensile tentacles and whips on the body for lifting, and combat and dextrous situations, respectively.]

[You misunderstand me; the flashlight is fine on battery. When you shine it at the shadows, the shadows recoil as smoke does when you fling your hand through it.]

You search the house, and as you do the hisses and thumps grow louder. Something or somethings are in the house with you...
Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 2
Agility: 7
Luck: 1
Weapons: 0 WP
Dagger (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (agi +1, lck +1) [--->]
Sword (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, def +1) [--->]
Fire Chain Sickle (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (off +2, burn chance 6%) [Equipped]
Ability: Pyromaster [Can compose and manipulate fire.]

Battle begin!

XP bonus!
Fearless +2XP for Viet Anh
[Engaged a horde with more members than your party.]

Viet Anh's engaging attack
Viet Anh switches weapons to his Fire Chain Sickle, and doesn't have time to attack!

Viet Anh -- lv1 -- 20/20 -- 2XP (2 this turn)
5(+2) / Offense [+6% burn chance]
2(+0) / Defense
7(+0) / Agility
1(+0) / Luck

1: Shadow -- lv1 -- 25/25
2: Shadow -- lv2 -- 45/45

Name: Sensei Bassami [Assassins leader]
Gender: Male (21 years)
XP: 56.5
To next level: 13.5 XP
Level: 4
Health: 29/29
Offense: 8
Defense: 8
Agility: 7
Luck: 2
Weapons: 4 WP
*Throwing stars (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, lck +1) [Equipped; ready to upgrade]
*Long katana (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (off +2, def +1, agi +1) [Ready to upgrade]
*Short katana (2WP to upgrade), lv2, 1 hand (off +2, def +2) [Equipped; ready to upgrade]
Ability: Ninja sensei [Has the powers of a ninja, but is faster, stronger, and possesses more weapons.]
(0%) Spaz attack: Passive. Allows for two extra actions each turn for two turns. Costs one action to use.

Name: Blue Wings [Assassins member]
Gender: Male
XP: 74.5
To next level: 25.5 XP
Level: 5
Health: 34/34
Offense: 4
Defense: 4
Agility: 13
Luck: 8
Weapons: 2 WP
Wooden staff (4WP to upgrade), lv3, 2 hand (special effect chance +12%) [Equipped]
Ability: Elemental
(Instant) Fire - Deals damage to one enemy. May burn the target.
(Instant) Ice - Deals high damage to one enemy. May freeze the target.
(Instant) Thunder - Deals cascading damage. May shock the target(s).
(Instant) Poison - Deals damage to one enemy. May poison the target.
(Instant) Light - Heals one ally. May restore extra health each turn.
(Instant) Water - Deals light damage to all enemies. May cause enemies to slip.
(87%) Spaz attack: Passive. Allows for two extra actions each turn for two turns. Costs one action to use.

"Ack!" The man yells. "Intruder! Intruder!"

You hear the shuffling of boots from the hall behind you. The man has a triumphant look on his face...
9,447 posts

Name: James Kratos [+Aspero]
Gender: Male
XP: 25.4
To next level: 19.6 XP
Level: 3
Health: 25/25
Offense: 7
Defense: 6
Agility: 6
Luck: 3
Weapons: 0 WP
*Bowie knife (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (agi +1, lck +1)
*Double Bowie knife (3WP to upgrade), lv2, 2 hand (off +2, agi +2, lck +4) [Equipped]
Scimitar (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, agi +1)
Ability: Melee Master [Is very skilled with melee and brawl weapons.]
(0%) Spaz attack: Passive. Allows for two extra actions each turn for two turns. Costs one action to use.

I run away as fast as I can.

1,715 posts


Name: Bicola Rogers [Avengers co-leader]
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 4
Defense: 4
Agility: 5
Luck: 2
Weapons: 0 WP
Electric Sword (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, shock chance +3%) [Equipped]
Poison Tipped Knife (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (poison chance +6%) [Equipped]
Fire Axe (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (off +2, burn chance +6%)
Ability: Psych [Allows temporary control over an opponent.]

Name: Mael'thanos [Avengers co-leader]
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 4
Defense: 5
Agility: 3
Luck: 3
Weapons: 0 WP
Flail (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +2, agi -1, lck +1)
Kusarigama (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (off +1, def +1, agi +2) [Equipped]
Spiked Mace (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +3, def -1)
Ability: Biovicisitant [Can make prehensile tentacles and whips on the body for lifting, and combat and dextrous situations, respectively.]

well, no i didn't i see that having more batteries will probab;y help me, no matter whether or not the batteries are full.

did i find anything?

if i didn't i take the inactive Mael'thanos with me and search the house specifically looking for anything moving, or that seems alive.

1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 2
Agility: 7
Luck: 1
Weapons: 0 WP
Dagger (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (agi +1, lck +1) [--->]
Sword (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, def +1) [--->]
Fire Chain Sickle (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (off +2, burn chance 6%) [Equipped]
Ability: Pyromaster [Can compose and manipulate fire.]

I attack them with my chain sickle

5,346 posts

Name: Blue Wings [Assassins member]
Gender: Male
XP: 74.5
To next level: 25.5 XP
Level: 5
Health: 34/34
Offense: 4
Defense: 4
Agility: 13
Luck: 8
Weapons: 2 WP
Wooden staff (4WP to upgrade), lv3, 2 hand (special effect chance +12%) [Equipped]
Ability: Elemental
(Instant) Fire - Deals damage to one enemy. May burn the target.
(Instant) Ice - Deals high damage to one enemy. May freeze the target.
(Instant) Thunder - Deals cascading damage. May shock the target(s).
(Instant) Poison - Deals damage to one enemy. May poison the target.
(Instant) Light - Heals one ally. May restore extra health each turn.
(Instant) Water - Deals light damage to all enemies. May cause enemies to slip.
(87%) Spaz attack: Passive. Allows for two extra actions each turn for two turns. Costs one action to use.

"ummm... you should tell them you got confused... if you wont i will tell them you what and that other person were planning. they might not believe me but trust me they will be watching every movement of both of you."

i will go look for a place to hide.

4,711 posts

Name: Zachary "Zack" MacAllistor
Gender: Male (20 years)
XP: 14.1
To next Level: 10.9 XP
Level: 2
Health: 22/22
Offense: 2
Defense: 4
Agility: 6
Luck: 6
Weapons: 0 WP
Glowing shield (2WP to upgrade), lv2, 1 hand (Shadow damage x0.8) [Equipped]
Illuminative staff (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (Allows for light pulse) [Equipped]
Light sword (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (Light damage x1.2)
Ability: Luminakinesis [Has mental control of light, and can absorb and generate it from any energy source.]
(Instant) Light Ray - Deals damage to one enemy. May blind the target.
(Instant) LumiBomb - Deals cascading light damage. May blind the target(s).
(Ready) Light Aura - Automatically counters enemy attackers for 3 turns.
(Ready) LuciWinds - Increases allies' evade chance for 3 turns.
(60%) Healing Light - Heals the user and damages all enemies for 3 turns.
(Ready) Light Pulse - Damages all enemies and heals all allies. Requires two actions.

i let him go, hoping he took the weapons i made for him so he is not helpless against the shadows. i wander around and explore the area.

2,159 posts

[Hello, everyone! I hope the post is to your liking. :P ]
Name: James Kratos [+Aspero]
Gender: Male
XP: 25.4
To next level: 19.6 XP
Level: 3
Health: 25/25
Offense: 7
Defense: 6
Agility: 6
Luck: 3
Weapons: 0 WP
*Bowie knife (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (agi +1, lck +1)
*Double Bowie knife (3WP to upgrade), lv2, 2 hand (off +2, agi +2, lck +4) [Equipped]
Scimitar (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, agi +1)
Ability: Melee Master [Is very skilled with melee and brawl weapons.]
(0%) Spaz attack: Passive. Allows for two extra actions each turn for two turns. Costs one action to use.

[Story or battle, and you chose story. Get ready to read! :P ]

You dash away at high speed. The heat of the phantom can be felt as in angrily chases. Aspero and you press on, huffing and puffing, running out of stamina over the treacherous plain.

Finally, in the distance, you see the edge of the plain. A glance behind you reveals the phantom's frightening proximity to you...

Before you notice you are outside the plain of fire. A sharp, reverberating TWANG is heard. It echoes around the ambient hills. You turn quickly to see a faded white circle spreading from the point where the phantom must have run into some barrier. It waits enviably on the other side, its eyes boring holes into you.

There is another more pressing problem. Adrenaline beginning to subside, you realize something is missing. You look all around you frantically, with no luck.

Aspero is gone.

Name: Bicola Rogers [Avengers co-leader]
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 4
Defense: 4
Agility: 5
Luck: 2
Weapons: 0 WP
Electric Sword (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, shock chance +3%) [Equipped]
Poison Tipped Knife (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (poison chance +6%) [Equipped]
Fire Axe (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (off +2, burn chance +6%)
Ability: Psych [Allows temporary control over an opponent.]

Name: Mael'thanos [Avengers co-leader]
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 4
Defense: 5
Agility: 3
Luck: 3
Weapons: 0 WP
Flail (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +2, agi -1, lck +1)
Kusarigama (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (off +1, def +1, agi +2) [Equipped]
Spiked Mace (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +3, def -1)
Ability: Biovicisitant [Can make prehensile tentacles and whips on the body for lifting, and combat and dextrous situations, respectively.]

[My bad. I misunderstood you! :P

Thanks for posting your party's information; that makes my job easier. ]

Your search does not turn up any batteries, nor anything else useful besides pots and pans (possibly weapons).

You try to locate the source of the hissing. As you are heading to check upstairs, you see a short shady figure rush from one side to the other at the top of the stairs.
Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 2
Agility: 7
Luck: 1
Weapons: 0 WP
Dagger (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (agi +1, lck +1)
Sword (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, def +1)
Fire Chain Sickle (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (off +2, burn chance 6%) [Equipped]
Ability: Pyromaster [Can compose and manipulate fire.]

Turn 1

A light drizzle begins to fall.

Viet Anh's turn
Viet Anh strikes Shadow 1 multiple times!
Shadow 1 takes 24 damage!
Viet Anh gains 2.4XP!

Shadow 2's turn
Shadow 2 slashes at Viet Anh!
Viet Anh avoids one attack!
Viet Anh takes 8 damage!

Shadow 1's turn
Shadow 1 absorbs darkness around it, and appears stronger!

Viet Anh -- lv1 -- 12/20 -- 4.4XP (2.4 this turn)
5(+2) / Offense [+6% burn chance]
2(+0) / Defense
7(+0) / Agility
1(+0) / Luck

1: Shadow -- lv1 -- 1/25
!!!Offense (+2)
2: Shadow -- lv2 -- 45/45

Name: Sensei Bassami [Assassins leader]
Gender: Male (21 years)
XP: 56.5
To next level: 13.5 XP
Level: 4
Health: 29/29
Offense: 8
Defense: 8
Agility: 7
Luck: 2
Weapons: 4 WP
*Throwing stars (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, lck +1) [Equipped; ready to upgrade]
*Long katana (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (off +2, def +1, agi +1) [Ready to upgrade]
*Short katana (2WP to upgrade), lv2, 1 hand (off +2, def +2) [Equipped; ready to upgrade]
Ability: Ninja sensei [Has the powers of a ninja, but is faster, stronger, and possesses more weapons.]
(0%) Spaz attack: Passive. Allows for two extra actions each turn for two turns. Costs one action to use.

Name: Blue Wings [Assassins member]
Gender: Male
XP: 74.5
To next level: 25.5 XP
Level: 5
Health: 34/34
Offense: 4
Defense: 4
Agility: 13
Luck: 8
Weapons: 2 WP
Wooden staff (4WP to upgrade), lv3, 2 hand (special effect chance +12%) [Equipped]
Ability: Elemental
(Instant) Fire - Deals damage to one enemy. May burn the target.
(Instant) Ice - Deals high damage to one enemy. May freeze the target.
(Instant) Thunder - Deals cascading damage. May shock the target(s).
(Instant) Poison - Deals damage to one enemy. May poison the target.
(Instant) Light - Heals one ally. May restore extra health each turn.
(Instant) Water - Deals light damage to all enemies. May cause enemies to slip.
(87%) Spaz attack: Passive. Allows for two extra actions each turn for two turns. Costs one action to use.

The man laughs, confidence through the roof compared to a few minutes ago. "Ha. Haha. HAHAHAHA! You think that anyone here will believe YOU? An intruder from without? Hahahaha!"

Two large shadow beasts and three soldiers round the corner.

The laughs again, smiling wickedly. "Here's your escort!"
Name: Zachary "Zack" MacAllistor
Gender: Male (20 years)
XP: 14.1
To next Level: 10.9 XP
Level: 2
Health: 22/22
Offense: 2
Defense: 4
Agility: 6
Luck: 6
Weapons: 0 WP
Glowing shield (2WP to upgrade), lv2, 1 hand (Shadow damage x0.8) [Equipped]
Illuminative staff (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (Allows for light pulse) [Equipped]
Light sword (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (Light damage x1.2)
Ability: Luminakinesis [Has mental control of light, and can absorb and generate it from any energy source.]
(Instant) Light Ray - Deals damage to one enemy. May blind the target.
(Instant) LumiBomb - Deals cascading light damage. May blind the target(s).
(Ready) Light Aura - Automatically counters enemy attackers for 3 turns.
(Ready) LuciWinds - Increases allies' evade chance for 3 turns.
(80%) Healing Light - Heals the user and damages all enemies for 3 turns.
(Ready) Light Pulse - Damages all enemies and heals all allies. Requires two actions.

The clearing is like a dent in the cliff. Near the steep edge, there are two skinny paths: the one you came from, and another heading out the other direction. To traverse them you'd have to walk sideways with your back to the cliff...

The path the Zyth took off down is located at the back of the clearing, away from the cliff edge, and is skinny and steep. Large boulders litter parts of it.

9,447 posts

Name: James Kratos [+Aspero]
Gender: Male
XP: 25.4
To next level: 19.6 XP
Level: 3
Health: 25/25
Offense: 7
Defense: 6
Agility: 6
Luck: 3
Weapons: 0 WP
*Bowie knife (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (agi +1, lck +1)
*Double Bowie knife (3WP to upgrade), lv2, 2 hand (off +2, agi +2, lck +4) [Equipped]
Scimitar (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (off +1, agi +1)
Ability: Melee Master [Is very skilled with melee and brawl weapons.]
(0%) Spaz attack: Passive. Allows for two extra actions each turn for two turns. Costs one action to use.

I start walking in the direction of the castle while calling out for him.

4,711 posts

Name: Zachary "Zack" MacAllistor
Gender: Male (20 years)
XP: 14.1
To next Level: 10.9 XP
Level: 2
Health: 22/22
Offense: 2
Defense: 4
Agility: 6
Luck: 6
Weapons: 0 WP
Glowing shield (2WP to upgrade), lv2, 1 hand (Shadow damage x0.8) [Equipped]
Illuminative staff (1WP to upgrade), lv1, 1 hand (Allows for light pulse) [Equipped]
Light sword (2WP to upgrade), lv1, 2 hand (Light damage x1.2)
Ability: Luminakinesis [Has mental control of light, and can absorb and generate it from any energy source.]
(Instant) Light Ray - Deals damage to one enemy. May blind the target.
(Instant) LumiBomb - Deals cascading light damage. May blind the target(s).
(Ready) Light Aura - Automatically counters enemy attackers for 3 turns.
(Ready) LuciWinds - Increases allies' evade chance for 3 turns.
(80%) Healing Light - Heals the user and damages all enemies for 3 turns.
(Ready) Light Pulse - Damages all enemies and heals all allies. Requires two actions.

i walk sideways with, the cliff on my back, the other direction (not the one i come from, i mean the other path).

5,346 posts

Name: Blue Wings [Assassins member]
Gender: Male
XP: 74.5
To next level: 25.5 XP
Level: 5
Health: 34/34
Offense: 4
Defense: 4
Agility: 13
Luck: 8
Weapons: 2 WP
Wooden staff (4WP to upgrade), lv3, 2 hand (special effect chance +12%) [Equipped]
Ability: Elemental
(Instant) Fire - Deals damage to one enemy. May burn the target.
(Instant) Ice - Deals high damage to one enemy. May freeze the target.
(Instant) Thunder - Deals cascading damage. May shock the target(s).
(Instant) Poison - Deals damage to one enemy. May poison the target.
(Instant) Light - Heals one ally. May restore extra health each turn.
(Instant) Water - Deals light damage to all enemies. May cause enemies to slip.
(87%) Spaz attack: Passive. Allows for two extra actions each turn for two turns. Costs one action to use.

i use thunder and hope it will shock as many foes as it can and try to get away and look for the king.

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