ForumsThe TavernHoly hotpants these forums are strict

38 4418
6 posts

How can you guys even post here?

  • 38 Replies
1,824 posts

Eh! We be privateers, not pirates, master Trent, and in the King's name we behave as such!

9,504 posts

What do you mean? You posted just now. These forums have the right balance between totalitarianism and anarchy. Sure, it's skewed to the left a little, but I don't think people want inflammatory images with excessive swearing and Annoyance jacked up to Arrow In The Knee levels. I'm pretty sure people also don't want to highlight text in order to read them either.

Aside the issues with HTML, half these rules are common sense in terms of civility and courtesy. Be nice and be fair, and you have just eliminated a BIG chunk of rule placement.

3,152 posts

Ummm... Sorry Trent, but you're gonna find about the same rules anywhere on the internet. You can post about anything you want in the forums (aside from the few exceptions in the rules.)

1,900 posts

Considering the fact armorgames is for 13+, and there are decent people on the site with a decent community.
What more do you want?

4,375 posts

I know this won't mean much to you. But they still let me come here, it's not that strict.

15,595 posts

Compared to Kongregate, yes because they encourage more lenience. Generally, no. It's not that strict. It's mostly common sense, and they don't allow inane threads to overrun the forums. I prefer it this way; it's tidy.

2,301 posts

*reads above posts* Huh. No one wants to say it.

Trent, look around you. We don't post here. These forums are deader than disco.

That said, Skater hit the nail on the head: rules don't apply strictly to veterans. Hell, I don't even remember the rules. I just do what I want. Same with Skater, only he's me if I weren't a spineless wimp. 's cool, AG affairs are largely decided by a shadowy organization known as CT, which is said to have a mod or two in its pocket.

3,386 posts

These forums are deader than disco.

Disco is not dead! DDDD:

We aren't strict, if you have a fraction of common sense.

There are plenty of dipcracks here, you know.
4,170 posts

Had to laugh at the disco thing.

Anyways, these forums are pretty strict. You veterans just don't realize it because they've never visited an MMORPG forum. When I modded for one, I would usually clean up 5 posts of a man's business, 10 threads with nothing but swears, 20 threads that were complete and utter spam, and 9000 threads with pictures of completely unclothed women....

...In a day.

That said, Skater hit the nail on the head: rules don't apply strictly to veterans. Hell, I don't even remember the rules. I just do what I want. Same with Skater, only he's me if I weren't a spineless wimp. 's cool, AG affairs are largely decided by a shadowy organization known as CT, which is said to have a mod or two in its pocket.

You really have no idea of what the forums could be.
9,504 posts

I would usually clean up 5 posts of a man's business, 10 threads with nothing but swears, 20 threads that were complete and utter spam, and 9000 threads with pictures of completely unclothed women....

Couldn't possibly do all that in a day. You'd crack under the immense pressure. 9000 individual threads? That's insane. Even with a ton of mods with you, the acts of deleting them would be unorganized. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, you're likely exaggerating the danger.

You really have no idea of what the forums could be.

Yeah, they could be **********. That would be a terrible niche to reside in.

Compared to Kongregate, yes because they encourage more lenience. Generally, no. It's not that strict. It's mostly common sense, and they don't allow inane threads to overrun the forums. I prefer it this way; it's tidy.

I'd like to say we are +2 on the Police-State scale, while ********** is a -10 on the Anarchist scale. We're doing pretty good in terms of balancing freedom over containment.

Trent, look around you. We don't post here. These forums are deader than disco.

Yes, it's why we're 1300 on the Alexa scale and not, say, over 100,000. We're doing good, but we could be doing much better, like how it was the bridge between 09 and 10.

Also ironical how - nevermind. I'm not going to jinx it.

You used irony wrong.

There are plenty of dipcracks here, you know.

Like *****, *****, *********, and ************.

AG affairs are largely decided by a shadowy organization known as CT, which is said to have a mod or two in its pocket.

You make it sound like it's a bad thing :S
4,170 posts

Couldn't possibly do all that in a day. You'd crack under the immense pressure. 9000 individual threads? That's insane. Even with a ton of mods with you, the acts of deleting them would be unorganized. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, you're likely exaggerating the danger.

I hope you realize I was trying to exaggerate. I was seriously kidding about the 9000 threads, but the other ones are only slightly exaggerated. xD

We also had a team of 15 mods, so, yeah, you could say there was a HUGE population of rule-breakers.
4,170 posts

I don't see how that even proves your point... If anything, it makes it sound like the other forums were strict.

Oh wait, I guess I kind of missed my point there, didn't I? Well, I meant to put in the fact that the mods were very biased, and that a lot of threads like that would've made it passed them.

We didn't really have a rule system either. A lot of it was common sense that was distorted by idiots. We had reaaalllyyy bad mods.

I guess it was supposed to be like Armor Games, but with such a gap in between admin-mod discussion, admins would generally appoint the top 10 to be mods every year, and I've never seen a mod being fired there.

I really should read my posts before I post, shouldn't I?
5,552 posts

If you're going to complain about anything, you should at least complain about something legitimate.


-Armor Games v3 has been coming "soon" for nearly a year.
-Admins tell player base virtually nothing.
-Each "update" introduces more bugs into the system than it fixes.
-The amount of spam comments on the games.
-Chain letters.
-How "updates" make the forums worse.
-That AGv3 has a worse layout for games than AGv2 does.
-Kaleidoscopic and seizure inducing profiles.

3,137 posts

Armor Games v3 has been coming "soon" for nearly a year.

its a myth...

and the forums are not strict we just have more mods than necessary for the amount of posts. haha cause the forums died but the mods (some of them) stayed
9,438 posts

but I don't think people want inflammatory images with excessive swearing and Annoyance jacked up to Arrow In The Knee levels.

"I used to want those things, then I took a banhammer in the face."

I'd like to say we are +2 on the Police-State scale, while ********** is a -10 on the Anarchist scale.

Wouldn't a negative anarchy mean a strong government? Just sayin'.

I hope you realize I was trying to exaggerate.

Never exaggerate. It leads to mass hysteria. And halitosis.

its a myth...

The myth that became a legend, the legend that became a nuisance, the nuisance that defied a community.

and the forums are not strict we just have more mods than necessary for the amount of posts.

That's probably because few users know about the forums. The community button should probably be changed. I clicked it from wondering "What the heck is that?"
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