ForumsProgramming Forumminecraft illegal download (i might go to jail!!!)

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145 posts

i used to play minecraft classic but it said that it is several years old and it is no longer supported so i tried the minecraft demo and it said that my video card drivers werent updated enough so i typed in google, "minecraft for free" and clicked on the link and i clicked play and download and then it locked my computer and said that i copyrighted and broke the law and i have to pay like 200 bucks to unlock my computer and i have to pay some fee in the next 48 hours or else the option to unlock my computer will expire and further law suits will be taken against me and i might go to jail for up to 3 years what should i do??!?!??!?!?!? please help!!!

  • 14 Replies
4,170 posts

That's ridiculous. You haven't done anything wrong and can't be accused of doing such. A screenshot of the alleged website warning would be nice. Also, if your computer was clocked, how did you post this thread?

145 posts

on another computer is how i posted that thread lol thanks

385 posts

That seems a little drastic. I am a skeptic so it would be good to see something. How would they know the location of your computer to put you in jail? Also, how could there be a site that openly breaks the law and can still do it? If they could find you how could they not find the makers of the site. It could be a scam.

4,104 posts

You downloaded yourself some sort of virus. This is not actually a police notice or anything, its a scam to get your money. And since you downloaded the virus, it has some control over your computer. Turn off your computer and hire a computer technician to fix this because depending on the virus, it could be do more damage the longer you leave it on.

4,104 posts

On a side note, pirating software doesn't mean you'll be able to run Minecraft, you'll just have an illegal version of Minecraft you can't run.

4,220 posts

It's a little thing called scareware. It's a pretty typical Internet fraud, and not particularly dangerous. A quick trip into safemode (if you know what you're doing, that is) should get rid of pretty fast.

Police can't actually use such invasive methods.

Also, use TPB next time. Don't download it from unknown sources.

3,437 posts

Sounds like troll, intelligent, cunning, mischieveous troll! Do not feed!

572 posts

yeah.... so from the other thread: ------->

if u use Windows, just drag the program from downloads, to the recycle bin, and delete it. Then, just delete all your history

u usually should restrain from making double threads, even if it's in the wrong category. The mods will move them

5,852 posts

u usually should restrain from making double threads, even if it's in the wrong category. The mods will move them
actually this was first in the support and suggestions, then moved by a mod to the video games forum and might have been moved here by a mod.

and yeah it's just a scam, don't drink any more of the koolaid

~manly man
145 posts

actually it wasnt moved here by a mod i posted this on support and suggestions and on here but a mod moved it from support and suggestions to video games? thanks for the advice

2,763 posts

That's pretty funny (no offense). Sounds like you downloaded so virus probably some type of Reveton ransom-ware. Which tries to extort money from you by acting like your in trouble legally.

To fix it I would probably just restart my computer go into safe mode and run a "good" antivirus program. If that fails just type into google reventon ransom-ware and look up some solutions.

You are not going to jail. Police don't care about people who pirate for their own use over 99.99 percent of the time. If you did get into legal doo-doo you would get a letter from your isp or by the mail from the publisher or someone on behalf of the publisher saying you pirated x material from them and to pay up. But no one does that anymore since it is hard to prove that the person actually pirated anything and not someone who is piggy backing on the wireless internet.

Before you fix your computer take a picture of the screen with a digital camera or something I'm curious on how legit the virus looks like.

Also don't mess with communities you don't understand aka piracy. Unless you own a potato minecraft will run. But sadly if minecraft is complaining about your video drivers you are running probably running potato.

Also, use TPB next time. Don't download it from unknown sources.

- No discussions of software piracy, illegal material, or linking to these illegal activities will be tolerated.
767 posts

Im getting extremely confused...this thread used to be in Support and Suggestions. It got locked in the Tavern...wait it's deleted now. Also in the Video Games Section. What sorcery is in Programming?

I'll just repost everything to this place in case the Video Games one gets deleted too...:

1st Post:

Well i hope you learned your lesson for trying to commit a crime.
Like Nichodemus posted, a virus is probably at hand and a computer repairman should be able to get rid of it for (an estimate) $80. Good Luck

Come on can't be serious? Take the virus off yourself? It's not that hard? You don't even need to have a anti-virus since there is no point in installing one since the malware would disable/not let you.
There's this kid I know, he's going to IT. He pays GeekSquad from Best Buy hundreds of dollars each year for support for his laptop. The things he has troubles with is astonishing and he is still going to IT...I know probably more than half the class in IT about Computers...when I never took any paid classes.

2nd Post Combined With Third Post:

Awww, I wasn't done ranting...It posted accidentally...
On a side note Gamer Cale is correct. He didn't do anything inappropriate except his term of calling you an idiot...
If you seriously fall for those websites...go and delete System 32 for me. It'll remove all of those malware...
Sorry for triple post...but it's not worth fixing it...Pssh Im lazy sorry...Just click on this long link. Sorry.

Sider...side note: I wonder if he'll fall for this...
767 posts

Sorry for double post, but it turns out I didn't search hard enough...I didn't bother to go to the second page. :P
So you did post this in different sub-forums? Since each and everyone has different responses...but your opening post remains the same.

5 posts

You might download some program similar as PC virus. That kind of program bond with minecraft & break you user leagl rights to limit your manipulating on folders, files, etc. Try to scan for Trojan. Or completely delete installed files( COMPLETELY! But I`m affraid it`s impossible as it`s really a kind of bug software. ) Try your best to delete it. You won`t be in jail. This software is kidding you. It just want to make money on you.( As none of the software can prevent you from your operating system. It can only block its game )

And you pay for what? You don`t pay, and they won`t even found you!

And if you wanna cracked minecraft try ed2k link.

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