We're all familiar with how many bizarre food flavors exist in today's world. I figured the same basic thread could be made for architecture.
The advantage to strange/interesting architecture over food is that it isn't subject to last only as long as the food does; buildings can last for many years, so theoretically you could visit just about any one of the buildings that will be posted in this thread without worrying about them being gone forever.
What strange/interesting buildings have you come across?
Boeing Everett Factory. Worlds largest building by volume (472,370,319 cu ft). It covers 98.3 acres, is 2952 feet wide, and is 1624 long. Pretty impressive.
"Hahaha, no, you dumb kids! It's Sutro Tower, standing at a height of 981 feet!"
LoL, if my teachers talked like this, I would probably enjoy school a lot more.
Pfft, no airplane factory or hypothetical crystal structure will ever have as much floorspace as Eugene Tsui's Ultima Tower.
The downside to this magnificent work of architecture is, it doesn't exist. However, that does not stop it from being one of the most awesome building ideas ever.
What we can expect to see in the near future, however, is the completion of Kingdom Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
It's estimated that the building will be finished by 2018. If it's still the tallest building in the world when it's completed, we'll know just how lazy tall-building architects really have become.
It might not be the strangest, the tallest or the oldest tower in the World but for me, the stock exchange tower (Tour de la Bourse) in Montreal is my favorite. Talk about sexy!
Anyway, switching gears here, I would like to introduce you all to Derinkuyu: The Underground City. Normally I don't advocate for reading details, but the brief description this Wikipedia article gives you a basic idea of what an amazing architectural feat Derinkuyu really is.
Ancient Aliens is more in-depth about it, but it also theorizes about aliens and whatnot and I know there are people here who aren't interested in hearing about stuff like that.