ForumsThe TavernSleeping problems... again

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Of all nights, I have trouble sleeping tonight. I shut everything off and went into my bed at midnight, it's currently 4:45am, and I'm still up. That's over four hours of lying there and trying to sleep, yet I couldn't.

I don't know why; I go to school five days a week (that requires me to be up by 8am), I workout five-six days a week (a solid hour and a half of exercising each day), and have a balanced diet, but I still can't sleep normally.

I've also been having this other problem where I'll go to sleep at a reasonable time but wake up frequently in the night. Such as last week: I'd go to bed around 11pm but wake up at 5-7am for no apparent reason. It wasn't just once, but several times. I'd get up at 5am thinking it's time for school but check my clock and realise it's too early, so I went back to bed, then about half an hour to an hour later it'd repeat.

I have to be ready for school in three hours. I don't think I'll be able to get any sleep tonight, but any help would be appreciated.

  • 44 Replies
1,824 posts

There are a number of sleep aiding mixtures that don't contain a form of drug. I suggest buying a couple different bottles of natural sleep assisters, see which one works best, and use that. If you need to use sleep aiding drugs, don't use them for too long. It's like coffee, but reversed. After a endured period of using sleep assisting drugs, you'll need to use them just to get to sleep. As such, I would suggest trying out drug-free kinds first.
Hope this has been helpful.

3,139 posts

I feel for you, I have pretty bad insomnia but cure it through one hell of a sleeping pill addiction, so don't go down that road.

As Master says, try a natural sleeping aid. If it helps, only take it until you get into some form of routine, then hopefully your sleeping pattern will return to normal.

5,061 posts

Try adding some white noise, a fan, radio static, even insects, absolute silence is as difficult for sleep as loud noise.

13,055 posts

Of all nights, I have trouble sleeping tonight. I shut everything off and went into my bed at midnight, it's currently 4:45am, and I'm still up. That's over four hours of lying there and trying to sleep, yet I couldn't.

You might be fighting sleep. If you get sleepy around 8 pm go straight to bed and you should sleep. If you wait until 11 pm you'll get a second wind and won't be able to sleep. I've been having problem sleeping for years so whenever I get sleepy (not at work of course), I go to bed and I usually sleep better.
15,595 posts

Kyouzou - I normally have my AC on while I sleep, it's a good amount of noise.

Jeol - I do try to stick to one position, but if I'm not asleep within twenty minutes I tend to move around. Yeah, I'd like to see the remedies.

SSTG - Well, I woke up at 2pm yesterday because on Saturday night I stayed up late, but those twelve hours of being awake should've made me tired.

Anybody got anything on my second problem, the one where I always wake up early and keep doing that. It makes me very tired when it's actually time to get up.

1,608 posts

I have got a few tips.
Make sure nothing is troubling. If you are stressed out about something it can keep you from sleeping.
Fresh air. I always make sure my window is open so I get fresh air. This is better for sleeping and getting to sleep.
Have a calm mind. Watching a movie and playing games right before bed keeps your brains active whilst you are trying to sleep. Make sure you have a time off to get your brain to relax.

I hope these tips will help you and if they don't hello I hope they will help another person.

1,044 posts

I usually drink a nice hot cup of mint tea, it's very soothing. (don't put too much sugar in, like I did last night... I was up until the coyotes stopped howling.)

9,808 posts

I've got a tip/fun fact..

When trying to fall asleep...put yourself into a mindset of trying to stay awake. Trying to stay awake actually helps make you fall asleep faster

3,371 posts

Classical music always makes me fall asleep if I listen to it long enough, it might work. I also try not to move or check the time until it's been at least 30 min to an hour. Checking every 20 min will definitly keep me up. My main problem is always that I think to much, so I try to indulge in my imagination a little while in bed and cut it off at a reasonable point.

1,666 posts

tossing and turning, as most people say, is bad.

however, it is actually good for-
-giving you a thing to think about.
-helping you find a spot for maximum sleeping potential.

i find it helpful, some stay still, its a matter of prefrence. try it tommarow, you might get results.


100 posts

Anybody got anything on my second problem, the one where I always wake up early and keep doing that. It makes me very tired when it's actually time to get up

yeah.....not,but i make my clock to wake up me for 3 times at an interval of 5 minutes so to be sure that i will wake up.After some days,i was in a very good form from the first waoke but i still wanted to sleep because i don't want to wake up earlyer (even 15 minutes),the second time i was a bit more sleepy but i still sleeped,
the third time i was so sleepy that i couldn't lift my head!from that day i made my clock to wake me only if you wake up earlier but at a nearly resonable hour get of the bed,wash your eyes and remain awake.

-Alexanrdica the archer-
154 posts

Personally I like to listen to soft music, it usually nods me off.

385 posts

It depends on your sleeping issue. See I can get to sleep its just I wake up because I feel like I am choking to death because my breath rate slows down (it is still at a perfectly fine level, it just freaks me out) So if that happens you sort have to just tell yourself your fine and basically talk to yourself like a mad man until you can sleep (which is what I do). If you just can't sleep then I heard pink noise (I type of white noise at a different tone) helps people sleep the best, but I never tested it.

3,766 posts

Dude, that sucks.

Try having a normal sleeping habit. Go to bed at the same time every day and wake up around the same time. That might just help.

Also, try reading. It relaxes me. Or you can try boring yourself to sleep by counting sheep or something.

2,155 posts
Grand Duchess

Anybody got anything on my second problem, the one where I always wake up early and keep doing that. It makes me very tired when it's actually time to get up.

It's probably a stupid question, but do you drink something before going to sleep? I mean coke or similar drinks because when I drink them I have the same problem as yours. I fall asleep easily, but I wake up in the middle of the night and I can't get back to sleep.

Well, I woke up at 2pm yesterday because on Saturday night I stayed up late, but those twelve hours of being awake should've made me tired.

Based on my personal experience, being tired doesn't mean you're going to sleep all night. I have some problems sleeping due to my job and the fact I have to work at night. It doesn't matter if I'm exhausted and I only slept 3 hours the day before, sometimes I can't sleep.
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