ForumsThe TavernCan opinions be wrong/incorrect

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173 posts

Hello Armor Games players, I am having a debate with a lot of people on this topic, can an opinion be wrong, I say no it cannot be and they yes it can be. I would like everyones help to settle this

Let the great debate begin!

  • 57 Replies
3,087 posts

You'll have to give more for me to say. America isn't a true democracy though, and a system like the electoral college fits what our government currently is.
Considering that every other office is popular vote and that their have been numerous instances in the past (yesterday was almost one of them) where the person with the most votes lost the election.

~~~Darth Caedus
5,552 posts

Considering that every other office is popular vote and that their have been numerous instances in the past (yesterday was almost one of them) where the person with the most votes lost the election.

I would consider that a valid reason.

Anyways, I'm not here to go into every little opinion. The point still stands that opinions can be wrong, and that in the case they can't, they are at the very least subject to scrutiny based on the reasons for holding them.
185 posts

An opinion can be right or wrong or somewhere in the middle. I can say that the Packers will win the Superbowl. I won't be right or wrong until the Packers season is over. I can say that Manhattan is Woody Allen's best film, and that would be right for me and maybe wrong for you. I could hold the opinion that I can fly by just flapping my arms and I would be wrong. I could be one of the Wright brothers and hold the opinion that my heavier than air machine would fly and I would be right.
In the case of the electoral college I would way that the rightness of wrongness of the statement that the it should be disbanded is a gray area. There are arguments for this and arguments against.

5,552 posts

I can say that the Packers will win the Superbowl.

Not an opinion.

I could hold the opinion that I can fly by just flapping my arms and I would be wrong.

Also not an opinion.

I could be one of the Wright brothers and hold the opinion that my heavier than air machine would fly and I would be right.

Again, not an opinion.

You can't have an opinion on basic fact. Likewise, a prediction isn't an opinion.
13,657 posts

[quote]My opinion is that nursery rhymes are creepy

It would depend on the rhyme.[/quote]
Well, someone could still consider all nursery rhymes creepy, and it would be their opinion.
They could also be of the opinion that, in a general sense, nursery rhymes tend to be creepy (to them) and hold an opinion of this, and it would not stop being an opinion, just because you can look at a nursery rhyme and universally not find it creepy yourself, since it is a matter of taste and personal boundaries.

But agreed, opinions can be scrutinised and should be, regularly.
Whether they can be wrong, per se, depends on your standpoint in general and whether it is a clear opinion, or opinion disguised as fact, insults disguised as opinion (which is not really wrong, but rather impolite and uncalled for, and saying you should be allowed to voice your opinion is like me saying I should be allowed to key your car).
Usually, real opinions are wrong in the eyes of the opposition, but so are the opposition's opinions in the eyes of their opposition.
Which is why it should be considered on what ground an opinion is hold, and often reconsidered if it is the best stance to take.
72 posts

The definition of an opinion is a statement that cannot be proven right nor wrong. So, an opinion cannot be wrong, but cannot be right either proven by its definition. That is a fact.

1,373 posts

Beliefs are even easier to be wrong. Someone can believe they can fly. How many people a year die jumping off stuff?

You do realize that I said "Opinions are things that people don't all agree to, because they have facts that either some people have not seen or experienced at all", so maybe someone has found ways to defy lets say the Matrix and found a way to fly. He has proof that isn't 100% agreeable, therefore it is a opinion. See?

The definition of an opinion is a statement that cannot be proven right nor wrong. So, an opinion cannot be wrong, but cannot be right either proven by its definition. That is a fact.

THANK YOU SIR I will give you a hug. jk jk
5,552 posts

The definition of an opinion is a statement that cannot be proven right nor wrong.

No, it's not. Go look in a dictionary if you don't believe me.

He has proof that isn't 100% agreeable, therefore it is a opinion. See?

If, in the situation you gave, it's not an opinion. It's a fact. Others might hold an opinion/belief that people can't fly, but it would wrong.
6,737 posts

In my opinion no. An opinion cannot be wrong... That's why it's called an opinion... And on killersup's post on the first page...

That's a toughie... The Beatles DO have fans and i think that that's not an opinion but an incorrect fact :P

72 posts

A fact is something that can be proven, like 847 is a number. An opinion is something that cannot be proven completely true, like 847 is a stupid number.

1,666 posts

an opinion can be incorrect, but not wrong.
for instance:
847 is a stupid number. that opinion is incorect, but not wrong
847 is a number gor gays. thats just plain wrong. get the difference?

514 posts

If you have false reasoning such as, "I like Justin Bieber because he's from Minnesota", then I would say your opinion is wrong. IDK why JB came to mind...

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