3 people dead including the shooter. this is on the front page of CNN. i guess somebody went into the mall and started firing an assault rifle at people. multiple others were wounded. this happened literally like 5 minutes from my house. [url=http://www.katu.com/news/local/Shooting-Clackamas-Town-Center-183077691.html] link to news article
The doctors have medicines nicknamed pharmaceutical strait jackets, which are legal. The difficulty is recognising who needs them, who threatens to go on a shooting spree, and then getting these people to take the tablets.
In the school shooting case, the mother was in denial about her weirdo of a son. She pulled him out of school because she was mad at them for saying he needed special Ed, so she home schooled him. Parents are usually mad at the school authorities because they don't like to be told that their perfect kids (to them) have issues and there lies the problem.
BTW, I'm talking from experience because my GF is a teacher. For the states to take care of these mental issues would cost lots of money which they don't have so the other suggestion, banning assault riffles would be the logical choice, unfortunately, it'll cost a lot of money as well to put such a system in place, I don't even want to think about the logistic that would be required.
Thanks for the information. I think that there was a problem with the family and the educational authorities had difficulty taking control of the ball. I never was a perfect kid and I'm telling you my family had issues. I chose religeon rather than firearms. Quote Christianity is the opiate of the people. Unquote.
I imagine that only shooting yourself is less 'satisfying' than taking other members of the human race with you. If you take your own life you get relief from your situation and you also get dead.
Why can't these idiots shoot themselves FIRST and save everybody else the trouble?
Simply put..they want attention. They want to become famous, and who are you going to remember more..the guy who simply shot himself..or the guy that shot up a public place and killed multiple people?
actually nic. it does solve the problem, they were gunna shoot themselves at the end, just switch the order and we wouldn't have to have this conversation.
actually nic. it does solve the problem, they were gunna shoot themselves at the end, just switch the order and we wouldn't have to have this conversation.
I think you really are daft. The gun man wanted to send a message, and he did it via the shooting of school children. A lone suicide doesn't do that, as Pang mentioned.
I was about 10 miles away when I heard it on the radio. I live in Beaverton. So so glad it didn't happen to me, anyone I know, and my heart goes out to the relatives of the deceased.