Boohoo, more taxes. Too bad we'll be getting more back in the long run.
Exactly what do you mean by "We'll be getting more back"?
California is by far the highest taxed state in the country. (If you want to check, click here)
Do I see any of that money? NO!!! It all goes into the pockets of the state employees(they are the hightest paid in the nation) and to the Illegal Aliens, who shouldn't even be here in the first place! The least they could do is patch up the potholes on Myrtle Ave. in Monrovia, but no, there's no money left to patch up the potholes.
I'd hope that the federal government is a bit more responsible than that. When I say that we'll be getting more back, I mean that the taxes will help pay for education and health care.
I didn't even get to the school system. That's the biggest sinkhole in the whole lot! The only reason the California teachers stay is for the pay. The schools are horrible! Only 50% of California kids ever get their High School diploma. A lot of the ones who do get their diploma can't read what's written on them. A lot of the dropouts go to the streets, and the average lifespan of a Los Angeles area gang member is 22...
I know, but it's the same mentality that Obama has that is running the California legislature, and I'm just telling you what happens if you have a socialist government.
Agent, when you brag about listening to LImbaugh you're basically just shouting "i'm ignorant. I'm a non-thinking sheep". The fact that you get your opinions from such a biased source basically voids anything and everything you have to say.
It's funny that Agent talks about taxes because where do you think we're going to get the money to pay for two wars?!?! Taxes, right? WE have to pay for it somehow. At least the taxes that the democrats employ will be used for the betterment of our society.
News is biased. ABC is probably the least biased out of them all.
Fox tried to prove themselves that they weren't but right after a review of the DNC by 2 republican(only) news writers and 3 anchors critized it.
It was funny, the poll was seeded on their site for not news, but fox network on their website! rofl thats terrible.
CNN is biased too but it has a lot of facts more than opinions if you can discern that. I rather NPR, The internet and BBC if you get it. BBC Is wonderful...
Only 50% of California kids ever get their High School diploma.
That's a blatantly untrue statement. California has a 70% on time graduation rate for high school with a total of a 24% drop out rate. Sure, that's not good, but it's not as bad as you're making it out to be. The one major problem with California public schools is that the money isn't well divided so schools in poor areas function very poorly while schools in rich areas do very well.
Agent, when you brag about listening to LImbaugh you're basically just shouting "i'm ignorant. I'm a non-thinking sheep". The fact that you get your opinions from such a biased source basically voids anything and everything you have to say. It's funny that Agent talks about taxes because where do you think we're going to get the money to pay for two wars?!?! Taxes, right? WE have to pay for it somehow. At least the taxes that the democrats employ will be used for the betterment of our society.
I just wanted to see if you'd spew profanities again, dizzyk...=)
All of you are thinking that the government will just give you money...
Here's a better way than socialism:
Someone has an idea, they implement it, they make money, their customers recieve services, all parties are happy. Multiply that by everyone in the US, and BINGO we don't need government handouts.
To bad there's never been a pure capitalistic economic system that's survived because as we all know pure capitalism fails miserably by itself without socialist reforms.
To bad there's never been a pure capitalistic economic system that's survived because as we all know pure capitalism fails miserably by itself without socialist reforms.
Well, how do you think this great nation got started in the first place? There were no government handouts to get people started with their own business, there were no bailout legislations. If you lost money, you would just pick up the pieces and move on. The problem with capitalism today is that whenever people lose money, they all go crying to the government for help. It's this victim mentality that is hurting the US capitalistic system.