ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe rap arena

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Okay, now my thesis is done, I've thought about it and decided now is a good time as any to work on my verbal skills. The idea is this:

* Give me a topic, and a style (of a person, or the name of a style). I will attempt to write a verse or two accordingly.

* If you could, give me links to the topic and examples of the style.

* No redistribution, please. The verses I write here are mine.

For example, in a previous thread, Klaushouse asked me to do a rap in the style of Kanye West on the topic of Pokemon, so I wrote one that could be rapped to Homecoming.

Have at it!

  • 591 Replies
10,816 posts

Just like Blackfang said, to much of 'smart' in your rap turns it into a 'kid rap' where the lyrics and rhymes cannot be taken as a threat. In witch we are trying to disrespect each other.


*hits the cassette deck PLAY button*

How many times do I have to say,
Rap ain't about swears it's all about play,
I can hardly bear to hear this trash,
About what's flash and how you bash-
Each other with flame and I find it sad,
That you're all this lame passing bad skills for mad,
While it may be a game, may I remind you of,
A thing called policy, now you may scoff,
But this ain't democracy, I got a monopoly-
On what goes and don't go on this thread,
And if you won't listen, I'll knock it dead!
Don't make Strop weep, heed the spirit of old,
You play nice, peeps, sure you can be bold,
But if I ever see you think rap means disrespect,
I'll call your weak crap and leave you wrecked!

Peace, yo.
128 posts

That was pretty Nice Strop really......

but rap is just that there are battles in rap , there are songs , there are freestyles , rap is all different it isn't just one thing , how you guys put it witty punches , you can say curses in rap , that's why it's a battle cuz you let out emotions that are powerful like anger frustration , those type's of emotions as full for a battle , a battle is mean not nice , ass what you guys are talking about is taste , which is what type of rap you guys like which is niceness , but everybody has different taste in rap , not all are gonna chose the same style , and for people who don't rap or have studied it or are good at poetry should not critic those that do , for they don't know the real essence of rap , I don't even like to use the word rap , cuz all we have now of days are rappers , those that talk about nice cars , big houses ect. , this is more like Emceeing which are those that put intellectual words together thats the difference.

9,821 posts

bu-but, Stroooooop!
Rapping trash is one hell of a romp
Using words that cut, words that lash
intelligence is the main show
and using rhyme to bash and spin circles
troo much of each, it's all nonsense and a way of losing time.

I hope you noticed the hip rhyme scheme. . . .

840 posts

gangsta you think to highly of yourself,
will shove you down in a book shelf,
if you dont realize who is the boss,
better listen kid or its your loss,

my life is good,
hitler stood,
when i came about,
cause i was seen by his scout,

i was like, what is the holocaust business,
he said he didnt know cause germany was in a mess,
he apologized to me but i was a stone,
i ordered him to burn himself down to the bone,

so respect me fathead or go down the drain,
if you hurry up fast, you just might catch the train,
i am the king here and you the vassal,
better get your ass out before i kick u out the castle

179 posts

so take my advice and follow me,
if you see some nice chick,
tell her good things about of course me,
and also tell her about my long dic*

Sonam, buddy, just don't try to rhyme
Cause when I hear it, it sounds like a crime
Playing with yourself, when it ain't play time.
Braggin bout that small junk when its your bed time.

I know me and DDX were swearing etc, but me and him are just playing around.

yea I thought we were playing around too... If I didn't have work today, I totally woulda ripped your face off xD
840 posts

now lucifer see here kid,
there are huge things in this bid,
so take your little crap out the street,
cause its not you but your sister that i meet,

179 posts

now lucifer see here kid,
there are huge things in this bid,
so take your little crap out the street,
cause its not you but your sister that i meet,

It's not my sister mate, I only have a brotha
I didn't know you swing that way, you grand motha fuka.
I'll show you whats crap, just take a look around
You'll see your own lyrics and look dumbfound.
2,269 posts



Your no king,
Ya' wanna' settle this in the ring?
Your just a Fiddla'
Scarin' Hitla'?
Yeah right!
Get ready for a fight!

Who you callin' boy?
Now go play with ya' toy'
Know what I mean?
Ya' think ya' mean?

Yo' over hyped,
can ya' even type?
Get the wax out' cha' ears,
cuz ya' bout' to come across fear!

I'm a make ya' shed tears,
I'm controlin' the Gears,
Forget about the future, forget the past,
Can ya' last?
Remember the present,
cuz to me ya' nothin but a peasent!

Smash ya' with the pipa,
Cuz I'm a real hardcore snipa'
I'll destroy ya' at all cost,
are ya' lost?
Do ya' wanna' forfit?
Cuz' I'm a makin the profit!

Do ya' wanna' give up?
In the end of all this, you'll be nothin' but a liquid in a cup!
You think ya' tough,
but cha' listen to Hillery Duff!

Me vassle?
What Castle?
Ya betta' get out cha' momma's basement,
This nothin but encasement,

Sonam? Rip off of Konnan!
Just go with the flow,
Ya need moe?
Who can'you blame?
Ya' got no fame!

B-L-A-Z and don' fo'get about the E!

179 posts

To all you mutha F*kas slightly slow in the head.
I'll take you out now, and paint you blood red.
I've got the god's skill and my fame's wide spread.
Some of you are rapping like you are inbred.

DDX and me are the same person.
You kids don't know what's begun
My rap I'm spitting is like a beacon
It'sa big light for hell's horsemen.

128 posts

He told me he wanted to be with the celebrity's , I drop astronomy on him , he told he STILL COULDN'T SEE STARS!//

3,562 posts

A cow makes and milk and it is white.
A sow makes pork and it is tight
You mother's screaming when I change the lights
I swear its not me, it's my dendrites.

128 posts

A DDX you want to battle then have people vote on it?

10,816 posts

but rap is just that there are battles in rap , there are songs , there are freestyles , rap is all different it isn't just one thing , how you guys put it witty punches , you can say curses in rap , that's why it's a battle cuz you let out emotions that are powerful like anger frustration

Alright guys. Let's take a poll here.

Who here comes from the ghetto? I mean seriously, like was born and raised in Compton, or equivalent.

Who here was born to a family that lived underneath the poverty line.

Who here was ever incarcerated, sent to juvenile detention for no apparent reason, or otherwise continually harrassed by the man?

Who here has been denied employment due to a criminal record, a history of drug abuse, has been abused as a child to the extent federal intervention has placed them in the care of a foster home?

Who here can't go to school because they'd just get killed walking down the street?

Now who here has an internet connection?

...I hope that I've demonstrated the potential for ultimate fail here: wigger-ness.

Hence I claim: you do not have any grounds to resort to stringing expletives together "because this is what rap is". And if you have any self-respect, why would you want to follow the gangsta rap trends that has just exposed the insanity of bling and "deez nuts" that talk smack and pop caps in each other's heads? Rap only became popular like that in the 90s because of white-boy posers and fraternity idiots who wanted something to yell out while on the booze and probably the weed too. Rap before that was actually fun and lighthearted and still had similar undertones of rebellion and frustration but expressed much differently.

You guys have a brain, you guys have presumably some education. I'd like you to use it.
10,816 posts

DDX. Make more of that surrealist rhyme. It is heaven.

9,821 posts

I'm sure bankers are more paid than Akon
because he just sits there, eating flan
he's nevah gonna be a success like Marley, Mon
Dish rap sucks so much your'e sure you're being conned

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