i personal dont believe it but many groups have predicted it ex: mayans,hopi indians,the bible St Malachy predicted the world will end with the 112th pope; pope bendict is our 111th pope. Why would all these people predict the same date?
Hmm... I know next to nothing on the subject of this so-called apocalypse. However, I do not believe it is probable that anything will occur on this date. Most likely, some guy had a dream about the world ending on December 21st, 2012, and it was extremely serendipidous with things going on in the world today. Also likely is the fact that this man was religious, and so he took this as a sign from god, and spread the word to his friends and family and, if he was a priest, to his fellow church-goers.
These people spread the word and got everyone hyped up about the world ending in 2012 because a bunch of coincidences. Other people who may have had "visions" are probably people who were convinced that the world was ending, had a strange dream, and misinterpreted it as a sign from god that the apocalypse is imminent.
While one could argue the point that anything is possible, at any given time, and that we still have 3 and 1/2 years until that date and that anything could happen in that time, it's highly unlikely from the point of view of someone living in the here and now.
the idea of the world ending at dec 21 2012 not only come from the mayan calendar, but of several facts which you can find on books or somthing....
one story can be found on zecharia sitchin (however you spell it) story about the world being influenced by a certain being that lives on a planet from a star on sirius (if im right, i think its sirius). the planet was thrust onto our solar system where it revolves around the sun in a weird orbit passing earth at every 10000 years (i think its 10000 years :P).
they believe that on dec 21, 2012, this planet, as the believers call nibiru, and as we skeptics call planet x, will have an unlikely orbit while will have a direct impact on earth...thats how i hear it...
thats why the mayans drew 11 heavenly bodies on their diagram of the solar system...sun, mercury,venus,earth,moon,mars,jupiter,sturn,uranus,pluto,planet x(the size of jupiter).
but that's just a belief, nasa hasnt found planet x, or anything of that sort...
I dont think the world will end on the 21st of december of 2012 because it was said to happen in one of the series of the bible. How can we believe someone who wrote this long ago.
I dont think the world will end on the 21st of december of 2012 because it was said to happen in one of the series of the bible. How can we believe someone who wrote this long ago.[/quote ]
*sarcasm* Because God said so!!! *sarcasm end*
[quote]But it has countineud dates aftet that...So it won't end their anyone who does belive it'll happen is insane.
I don't know much about it...but I'm pretty sure it ends after 12-21-12.
I think it will be a helluva lot more fun to WATCH the chaos, crime-sprees, and mass panic occur than take part in them. 'Cause you know at least SOME groups are going to be going insane.
the only reason people think the world is going to end on dec 21, 2012 is because that's when the Mayans stopped making their calenders, and some people think they did that because something huge is gonna happen on that day and kill us all. maybe they just got tired of making calenders?
Nooo way!!! They weren't normal, they never got tired! Why would they stop making calenders, that makes no sense!!!
I hate when people do that though. I mean, why would they make calenders indefinitely? They probably didn't even know that the calenders would be so important.
On that day, I'm going to be going down the hallway at my school, a sandwich board around my neck that says, "TEH END IZ NEER", a sign in hand that says the same thing, and an iPod speaker in my other hand playing "The End of the World As We Know it" on repeat.
The next day, I'm coming to school with a sign that says, "**** the Mayans!"
this is honestly complete crap. Worst case scenario? Hysteria takes over most of the population of the world and it ends up in disaster.
Well, first of all lets put it this way. The Mayan people were very accurate with astronomy. They spent their time looking in the skies and perdicting death. (seriously) Earth is suppossed to flip on it's axis dec 21, 2012 is what I have learned by watching discovery. But Mayans didn't say every one would die. They perdicted the world as we know it would end. Which can be taken into several possiblities. So mabye life is not ending on Earth but mabye their will be a major change. But their is only one thing every one has left out. That it I don't really care that much. Screw you guys (Mayans) I'm going home.
The Mayans had several cycles on their calendars, and at the end of each cycle a major change happened. It just happens to be on Dec 21 2012 the last cycle will end. And all it will bring is a major change, good or bad is undetermined. It's just a big change.
Another thing people don't realize, is that even though the Mayans had calendars similar to our Gregorian calendar a few things weren't taken into account. During Roman times, after the reigns of Nero and Caligula, the Romans ERASED those years from history, because Nero and Caligula were such a-holes. That means people currently using the Gregorian calendar are several years ahead of the Mayan calendar.
The cycle has already happened. It happened possibly a decade or more before 2012. People are just fascinated with prophesy and the fact that other famous fortune tellers made predictions ambiguous enough to seem accurate.
Another thing people don't realize, is that even though the Mayans had calendars similar to our Gregorian calendar a few things weren't taken into account. During Roman times, after the reigns of Nero and Caligula, the Romans ERASED those years from history, because Nero and Caligula were such a-holes. That means people currently using the Gregorian calendar are several years ahead of the Mayan calendar.
5 years to be exact. Ive heard that, but it was because Agustus changed his name to octavius and the 5 years were cut ouot because agustus was ... i cant remember...
but anyways your story makes sense, but eather way, were 5 years ahead so dec 12, 2012, has 'techinacally' already happened.