i personal dont believe it but many groups have predicted it ex: mayans,hopi indians,the bible St Malachy predicted the world will end with the 112th pope; pope bendict is our 111th pope. Why would all these people predict the same date?
Global warming is unfolding right into are very own eyes
Global warming isn't going to do enough in only 3 years to destroy civilization though. It's going to take hundreds of years even for coastal areas to start getting flooded a bit.
The Mayan calender says the world will end on December 21, 11:11 am,2012
The Mayan calender merely ends December 21, 2012. It didn't say anything about the end of civilization.
The economy is going down, people start to lose there own jobs, and run out of money.
I fail to see how that will cause the end of the world. If enough people are out of jobs the government will do something about it, they're not going to let everyone starve.
I don't think the world will end, just mankind. The world has evolved for millions and millions of years knocking off species and creating new ones. Humans have made their mark in the world. Life will always find a way to make it through. As for it ending in 3 years, well I guess we'll just have to wait and see. There is no right answer so all of you need to stop calling each other idiots when you really have no scientific evidence to back yourself up.
Doubtful the world will end anytime soon for humans, simply for the fact that extinction for the dominant species rarely ever happens. Plus, no one can truly predict the future through any means, at least in my opinion. However, the possibility is always there that the world will end soon.
Personally I do not believe the world will end on this date. However, will all hell break lose? There is much scientific evidence to support this in my opinion.
For example, as Stephen Yulish says, "NASA has predictied that a huge solar storm will hit the earth in 2012 which will be 30-50 percent greater than anything before it. A terrific solar blast from the sun in 2012 could burn up the earth as could a collision with an asteroid or a comet.
There has even been talk of a polar shift which could disrupt the functioning of the entire earth and could change the axis of rotation. Such a shift has taken place in our geologic past and could happen again.
This apocalyptic date of December 21, 2012 is also supposedly found in Hopi myths, the I-Ching, Aztec writings, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Roman Oracles, writing of Seneca Elders, the chief Shaman of the Cherokee Tribe in NC, and even the writings of Nostradamus, The Russian mathematician Sergey Smelyakov of Khartov University taking the constant Phi (1.6180339), the so called Golden Mean or the Fibonacci sequence, and applying it to solar activity and planetary orbits, found that everything seemed to spiral in on itself on December 21, 2012 implying a time implosion or point of bifurcation.
The planet Venus is set to make a transit across the face of the sun on December 21, 2012 which happens very infrequently. It did happen recently, however, on June 8, 2004 which means it will happen again in eight years which is very unusual but predicted by the Mayans.
I cannot tell you for certain that the earth will be consumed by fire in 2012 or that there will be a polar shift or severe earthquakes, but I can tell you with certainty that one day in the not too distant future it will be consumed by fire and experience a polar shift and severe earthquakes. I can say that because the word of God says so and it did beginning over 2700 years ago, long before the Mayans or the Aztecs or the Hopi or the Seneca or the I-Ching or Nostradamus.
Once before because of its sin the earth was destroyed by water in the Great Flood of Noah's day but the Bible says that the world will be destroyed again, this time by fire.
"The present heavens and earth, by His word, are being reserved for fire, kept for the Day of Judgment and the destruction of ungodly men" (2Peter 3:7).
"But the day of the Lord will come like a thief in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat and the earth and its works will be burned up" (2Peter 3:10).
"The sun scorched men with fire" (Revelation 16:8).
"A third of the earth was burned up and a third of the trees were burned up and all the green grass was burned up. A great mountain (asteroid?) burning with fire was thrown into the sea and a third of the sea became blood and a third of the creatures which were in the sea and had life died and a third of the ships were destroyed. And a great star (comet?) fell from heaven burning like a torch and it fell on a third of the rivers and springs of water (Revelation 8:7-11).
"The inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men are left" (Isaiah 24:6).
"The hills melt and the earth is burned up" (Nahum 1:5).
Once again, many have associated December 21, 2012 with a shift in the poles as well as signs in the sky. What does the Bible tell us about these events?
"The stars will fall from the sky" (Matthew 24:29).
If the earth shifts on its axis and we are thrown around, the stars will appear to fall but it will actually be us that are moving.
"The earth is broken asunder. The earth is split through. The earth is shaken violently. Thee earth reels to and fro like a drunkard and it totters like a shack "(Isaiah 24:19-20).
Once again a shift in the polar axis might tear the earth apart.
"There will be great earthquakes. The sun became black like sackcloth; the moon became like blood.The stars of the sky fell to the earth... The sky split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up.every mountain and island moved out of their place' (Revelation 6:12-14).
More shaking of the earth.
"There will be great earthquakes and in various places plagues and famines and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven. There will be signs in the sun and the moon and stars and upon the earth great dismay among nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves. Men fainting from fear as the powers of heaven will be shaken" (Luke 21:9, 25-26).
Here we see the Bible tell us about signs in the heavens spoken of in relation to December 21, 2012. But what do we do when we see these things happening?
"When you see these things happening, recognize that the kingdom of God is near. Truly I say to you that this generation will not pass away until all things take place.But when these things begin to take place straighten up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near" (Luke 21:31,32, 28).
God assures us that:
"Heaven and earth will pass away but My words shall not pass away" (Matthew 24:35).
Some people ask why God takes so long to punish the ungodly:
"The Lord is not slow about His promise as some count slowness but is patient toward you not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance (2Peter 3:9).
The reason people thought machines would shut down in 2000 was because banking dates were kept as 87, 87, 89, ect. not 1987, 1988, 1999. so evoryone thought it would go back to 00, 01, 02, ect. and evorything would b erased. Humans predicted this would happen and were able 2 stop it 2 or 3 years b4
Aye, that we will Sir Squire Awesome. That we will.
Personally, I believe it doesn't matter what I think sometimes because there are those who do believe it will happen and what those people think may just affect us all.
it won't happen, b/c it is really unnatural that the world in 1 day gets like 1000 natural holocaust. Is it because the mayas end a 3 cycle it had to happen? the 2end cycle ended like at year 1000 or something like that, but nothing happens right? So why would it happen at 2012?
The world wont end! well not untill 3532. got it from a astronomer. ill tell you what happens at 2012. Half life 3 comes out....YAY star crst 3 comes out...YAY and Diablo 3 comes out....YAY but theres much more. but the world wont end at 2012. But ther is a 1.5% of it blowing up or something.
well not unless we take down cars that take out pollution and from factors. then we can live untill 5,000,009 i think. beacuse at that time the sun would explode and blank out are soloer sytame. and thats why soloar cars or charged cars are so expensive beacuse dame gas copones want more and more money!!! god i hate them! So yay, you would be dead befor ANYTHING would happen