i personal dont believe it but many groups have predicted it ex: mayans,hopi indians,the bible St Malachy predicted the world will end with the 112th pope; pope bendict is our 111th pope. Why would all these people predict the same date?
Some mad Scientist said this that it will End in 2012/21/12, and because he was good at Science, many people belived him. And they spread it into the world..
Well, Man has been trying to predict the end of time since the begining of time. When 9/11 started someone thought the world would end soon after. It is not going to happen. Nostrodomus predicted sometime in the 2500's, I am almost sure of. Sometime around 2300-3000. I haven't really looked into it that much. But I think it is only a large change. There is just to many people and civilizations to have an ending. SOMEONE will live.
good question, the thing is we live in a world that has some sad people thinking they are gonna die in 2012, I mean weren't we suppose to die in 2000? end of the world!
no offense when I said sad people and there's millions who believe that we are gonna die in 2012
but when that doesn't happen, I will PIMP slap every one of them!
You know, I'm fairly certain the sun wile annihilate us before it explodes anyways, since don't they expand as they get older?
No, not really. Actually they only expand ween they lose most of they hydrogen, and thats like in 5 billion years.
why not tomorrow?
simple.One, is because the Incas calender finishes it's 3 part. Two, is because on the dec 21, 2012 the earth will be parallel to the sun, the moon, and all the planets in the universe (almost). So people think it's going to blow up the earth just because the magnetism, on that time, will be higher causing the north poll to be in the south poll, and the south poll to be in the north poll. It won't happen don't worry.
The bible never exactly says the world will end in 2012, and 2012 was the end of the Myan calender. I'd like to point a few things out about that:
A: The Myans were crazy indians, what did they know?
B: They were ALWAYS at war, maybe they were destroyed before they could continue the calender. (I for one have been excited about the movie before the previews came out in theaters 2012 woo!)
I don't TRULY believe in this, but I might be a little nervous on that day... lol
I think it depends on the situation surrounding it. Like it North Korea is threatening to blow up the world on that day, dang I'd be freaked out. But if it's just a normal day, no way.
i think the world has a good of chane as any to be destroyed that yeat but the chanses arent that good only 1/2012 years so far i dont think it will happen just cause the mianes said it doesent make it true they also threw people into valconos cause they thought it would please the moon earth and sun but im brettey sure even if the sun earth and moon were gods im breety sure they wouldent want there own creatoins to die foor there amusment so i dont beileve it
i don't believe it but it is sort of creepy that the myans (not sure if thats correctly spelled) were able to predict when the earth would be directly between the center of the universe and the sun
i don't believe it but it is sort of creepy that the myans (not sure if thats correctly spelled) were able to predict when the earth would be directly between the center of the universe and the sun
why don't you buy a one way ticket to go to heaven? that way you got insurance
Everybody stop commenting on this. The world isnt ending in 2012. Stupid people across the globe say it is because they misinterpret the mayan calendar! Just because the calendar resets everyone thinks that the world will go into a catastophic meltdown!! Its not people! Look up 2012 on Wikipedia and read the truth. It clearly states that the calendar resets and people put it into their own minds that the word is ending because of that. Don't believe anything you hear or see. And also with this upcoming movie about 2012...its all entertainment. Have a good 70 years of life or more people.
How would you know the exact date? People will probably use this date and the days before to cause mayham because they think in a couple days the world will end. :|
I scratched into the temple wall today that the world is going to end in a couple thousand years as a joke! I wonder what the temple workers are going to say!