i personal dont believe it but many groups have predicted it ex: mayans,hopi indians,the bible St Malachy predicted the world will end with the 112th pope; pope bendict is our 111th pope. Why would all these people predict the same date?
there's so many crazy things in this world that life as we know it could end any day. the threat of a nearby supernova exploding, unstable countries with nuclear arms, asteroids.... so ya there's a chance it might on 12-21-12 but there's a chance it could end any other day too.
Before you smart people come here and speak, you should do some research about what the heck are you speaking about. This data wasn't really predicted, is fact, above this date there are no prophecies, exept those from the Bible.
Here's why I believe that in 2012 the end will come:
*In the Roman empire there was a very powerfull women (I don't remember the name) who lived in a cave, at this women kings to tell them the future, and she was right, today, people found manuscripts about this women and she was right, but from the manuscripts researchers found out that she had a limit and that limit is 2012. *The Mayan calendar is one of the most complex calendar ever made and by the way, it was made in 4000 bc(before Christ) and guess what, it stops in 2012. *The U.S. created a super complex compute program, and they put the question, "When the end will be?" the program stoped at the year 2012. My recommendation for your people is to read Revelation, the last book in the Bible, hopefully, then you'll understand how near the end is. By the way, in 2012 all planets will align.
I would be very happy if you atheists would contact me, I'll try to open your eyes.
Do you have any science to back any up that up? That's only 3 events in the whole history of humanity that have pointed towards 2012 being the end of the world. It's just as likely that me and 2 other people decide 3012 is the end of the world.
[/quote]My recommendation for your people is to read Revelation, the last book in the Bible, hopefully, then you'll understand how near the end is.[quote]
If it the world does go down I hope there are Zombies.
Why would you want zombies? >.< It would suck unless you have a practical plan that you would be able to execute before they're too numerous. Then, it would still suck, but at least you wouldn't die. As soon.