But no really this is just like the question, if a tree falls in a woods, and no one is able to hear it does it make a sound? The answer is NO, because no one was there to confirm it. If no one has ever seen an alien, then obviously there are no aliens.
aliens are fake, aliens were supposed to be some cartoon from like the olden days, aliens are fake, all those lights in the air are so just stupid tricks.
i dont think they would be real, i dont think it would make sense, and if it were a coincidence, that would be just plain old stupid
I am 100% sure humans are not the only smart lifeform in excistence. Where did the idea of alien com from in the first place? We never would of thought of that on our own would we? They could be more like zombies though. No one ever se them but we still have ideas of them. So why ask? Just wait until somethin happens, then you'll know.
It depends on whether you're talking about the ones in the movies, or simply live organisms. If it was the second one, then there were microorganisms found in the polar wastelands or Mars. If you're thinking of those green things that look similar to us but with a different number of eyes/limbs, then there is no proof of that. However, one of Saturn's moons, Titan, seems to have an atmosphere in which living organisms are sustainable. Exciting, isn't it?
hmmmmm wow i was just checking out yahoo news...says english astronamers my have found a planet that has some source of water on it...some ocean type thing..check it out http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090421/ap_on_sc/eu_britain_new_planet
says it could possibly support life...wow who knows?
The possibility of other star systems having planets that could support life is very big. At my museum, they have a wall with an electronic counter on it updated every time another planet is found that could support life. Last time I saw it, there were like 200 in our galaxy alone.
I really haven't dwelled much thought on this idea. I guess i've always been preoccupied with other ideas at my forefront of my brain. Microscopic life I'd totally believe can exists on other planets.
I mean they just discovered micro bacteria under a glacier in Antarctica, living in an environement that no other organizm would have surived (like negative temps, no sunlight, extremely salty conditions, and huge iron deposits). Yet despite this enviroment the bacteria has adapted to it and has thrived for millions of years (or atleast scientists believe) [url=http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jTRUqsKpmAlP526xzV-DVfeHMZgAD97JOFJ00] source.
Whether there is intelligent life out there? Who knows. I've never experienced anything to lead me to believe there is, so i'm still on the fence.
Hmm maybe i should refer to genesis...the bible says adam named all the animals...i dont remember hearing about aliens...i dont think there is or else maybe god would of mentioned something? Something as important as that, he might as well have
I've heard alot about how the universe is expanding and everything, and im not really sure how that works, but what if whatever is causing the universe to expand is leaving behind things that could be the start of life on other planets? i have never really thought about it that way before, but if aliens do exist, and i would hope yes, the universe expanding thing seems pretty likely to me.
wow k to think about some mythological story of adam and eve to determine that there isn't life on other planets??? Really.... You realize that some guy made that up to show proper morals right? Even being someone in the catholic church I realize that lol... You can't judge that there not being life on other planets by some story that only one religion is taught... Anyways it would be absolutly stupid to think that there isn't life on another planet.. To think that living in one of the smallest solar systems in the universe we are the only life out there? I mean you know how big the universe is? To know that there are a bunch of stars, a bunch of planets, and a bunch of solar systems out there and still be as nieve as to think there is no life... It's kinda appalling. There must be life out there... Probably not like the aliens we see in movies, but there is definately some kind of life forms on planets out there