Odds are that in a universe this big with millions of galaxies we're not the only ones who are capable of sentient thought, heck chances are that they're years ahead of us in technology or they could be centuries behind us, having just learned the use of steam. However i don't believe that aliens have ever visited earth.
Aliens is a weird name, but of course You considering other life on Other planets. I wish their is life on Saturn but thus too cold, and I think it doesn't have a ground, I think it's just made of gases. Mars maybe, polar ice caps in the north and south pole can mean drinking water for life. But I am mostly convinced about Neptune, the bets of all, maybe a second Atlantis.
Alien are real!, they are defined as something not native to a certain place.
Aliens could mean illegal immigrants such as Bosnians trying to escape the civil war, Chinese trying to escape the cultural revolution (1990's), Mexicans trying to get a better standard of living.
I think there is life on other planets, but I am not shure that they have green skin or anything. I think they look like humans, but probably a little different, like, maybe their eyes are a little bit close together, or something like that.
Aliens arent real so far they arent we dont know scientist say they arent but are they searching the galaxy or another universe no they arent so they shouldnt tal so they might be real but for now i think they are not real
Aliens arent real so far they arent we dont know scientist say they arent but are they searching the galaxy or another universe no they arent so they shouldnt tal so they might be real but for now i think they are not real
There this new thing called a period. It breaks up paragraphs into sentences pretty useful.
This is a wicked subject. When you think about it mathematically, and I'm pretty sure some astronomers have come up with a formula to determine the likelihood of there being life elsewhere in the universe, and their biological make-up could be very similar or infinitely different. Imagine planets that contain the most extreme conditions on earth, here rather simple life can thrive, but if an entire planet was this way and the organisms had millions of years to evolve...man.
mmm... I think it is the drake formula that dtermines the chance of inteligent life in the universe. It seems it is pretty high though space is big and the average distance would be about 200 light years between planets with intel life. dunno how accurate it is though.
This is a wicked subject. When you think about it mathematically, and I'm pretty sure some astronomers have come up with a formula to determine the likelihood of there being life elsewhere in the universe, and their biological make-up could be very similar or infinitely different. Imagine planets that contain the most extreme conditions on earth, here rather simple life can thrive, but if an entire planet was this way and the organisms had millions of years to evolve...man.