Consider the size of the universe. How many galaxies there are. And inside those galaxies, planets. If you look at it like that, chances are fairly good that life does exist. The only challenge is to find it.
I agree with petrovya, but here is my problem modern humans have been around for 400,000 years yet we haven't even managed to establish a colony on any planet, hell we weren't even able to get of the planet until about 50-75 years ago odds are its going to be more than that for an actual manned crew to go out past Pluto, and it'll be hundreds of years before we're able even come close to the edge of the galaxy and who knows what kind of problems are waiting outside our very own Sol System (actual name of our system) for all we know our system could be the prize between two alien armadas. Or we could be the first species to achieve space travel in our galaxy with millions of worlds available to colonize. I also noticed a post a while back about aliens needing to breathe and the right amount of gravity and such, there is no proven fact for that for all we know there's an organism out there that is like a plant and is able to use the light of the stars (as we see them) for energy, or something the lives in gravity the would crush us if we attempted to walk around it, and there's all the theories surrounding the black holes, i've heard the scientific explanation but i'd rather go with the sci-fi version of being portals to different dimensions. My overall conclusion, aliens exist its next to impossible for them not to, when we'll make first contact it could have already happened and no one remembers, or it could be 100 billion years from now, and it could even be tomorrow.
I think aliens are fake because in the bible it said the He created the heavens and the earth it doesn't say anything about life on another planet.
That's a pretty lame way of seeing it.
Just because the bible doesn't mention it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There are plenty of things not mentioned that are real, take computers for instance.
Unless your one of the nuts that believe that computers are just an illusion created by the govt. and we're all trapped in some kind of virtual reality drive, yes there are seriously people who say that and believe it, just like the guys who think the moon landing was just some cameras in the Arizona desert.
I believe that somewhere there is life, although I think it is most likely single-celled organims, or very simple organisms, anyways. I highly, highly doubt there are little green men flying around in little silver discs with flashing lights and odd electric piano noises around space, "Take me to your leader" and all that.
There are so many stars and if each one has dozens of planets it is crazy to think we are the only ones out here in the universe. So i do believe alians exist somewhere
There are so many stars and if each one has dozens of planets it is crazy to think we are the only ones out here in the universe. So i do believe alians exist somewhere
Dude i totally agree. our galaxy alone contains hundreds of billions of stars, and many of those have planets, and a small but substantial number of those are rocky. so if you consider the fact that there are more galaxies in the universe than there are stars in our galaxy, each with their own hundreds of billions of stars...its kind of rediculous to think that we are alone.
It would almost be arrogant to think we are the smartest race in the whole universe. I don't however believe that they are in green and in silver disks conquering planets as we speak, though that could be possible too.
It would almost be arrogant to think we are the smartest race in the whole universe.
I agree. Then again, the human race is already very arrogant. We refer to the end of humanity as the end of the world. We are not sustaining the world, why do we feel that without us the world is going to go into chaos? It will most likely be very peaceful from the time we are gone until a new species becomes dominant.
I believe in other life other than us, yes, and it could be even more evolved for all I know, or it could be just some bacteria... but WE exist, don't we? Space is infinite, and if we're able to live at all then of course there's going to be other life somewhere. It's silly and closed-minded to think otherwise when the evidence is us.
Humans are arrogant from the day we're born, how ever speaking of galaxies how would we ever travel outside our own? Considering all the stars that occupy the galaxy and space is still this cold, empty space has to be even colder, the second a spaceship left the boundaries of a galaxy the temperature would drop like a rock.
It is impossible to know what is out there. Weather they fly around in two dog dishes put together or a super galactic warship twelve times the size of earth. The life forms may be giants with the intelligence of peas. Peas with the intelligence of soup. Mmm I'm making myself hungry. It is crazy to think we are the supreme race. As scientists have proven...
The big bang happened and when it did it send molecules and all that junk out into space at twice the speed of light. In fact the big bang is still happening. It took billions of years for humans to appear. In some other planet their race may too be in the stone age. Or perhaps the molecules are exactly the same all the time and there may be thousands of earths, with different evolutionary traits. It seems evolution is a series of mistakes. What is one of those mistakes was a massive brain or large size. Perhaps the race out there has the ability of a spider. Maybe they live in trees. Three legs. Four arms. Wings!? Gills. Owl like eyes. Incredible speed. Wolverine like skeletal anatomy. Brains with the power to manipulate space. A jelly like form. Or possibly even an exact replica of humans...
Who knows what may be out there. The aliens may be microscopic. Or maybe even brain slugs that inhabit the brains of those who sit beside you in class. All there is to know for certain is that we shouldn't close our brains off to the unknown. We shouldn't interfere with an alien race if we find it and that fish and chips is excellent with lemon!