Okay, I can argue both sides. Aliens could not exist because even so far with our advanced telescopes, we have not found one thing outside our solar system that looked like it even once contained life, even mars, the closest thing we have found to a habitable planet is one, dry now and nothing has been found to indicate a civillization. Aliens are just things that paranoid people made up because they got on drugs and imagined an anal exam in a flying saucer. If aliens were hyper-advanced as well, wouldn't they have the scanning capabilities to have found us? We have lights on at night that are visible from space, so if there was an advanced civilization out there it would have already done something. And don't go into the whole government conspiriacy thing about a giant cover up and area 51. Think of the chances of life developing. First, you have to have an optimal orbit on a planet with not too much gravity that is solid that contains water. Second, it has to be stable. Third, that planet would have to maintain that for billions of years before life would SOMEHOW begin on it. The only aliens are those that we call illegal aliens.
Wow, it blocked that? Okay then, buttocks exam, lets see if it lets that through, even though it is not the correct term. What's wrong with that? Maybe rectal will go through, anyways, I just don't want people to misinterpret the exam part because that's my key arguement on how it's all imagined.
I guessed you missed the invention of the light bulb. There's this little thing we like to call a flashlight. Im guessing you went into a dark room, set up a camera and turned on a flash light and waved it around for 20 seconds or so.
Guys so what if we find a alien a Trillion light years what diference does it make.
It makes a huge difference. If they are intelligent, we could examine them, communicate with them and study their lifestyles.
I agree with firetail madness
Cool story bro. Mind giving reasons why you support him, or are you just wanting people to know you agree with the number 1 ranked user on AG? Also, posts in all bold are frowned upon.
I guessed you missed the invention of the light bulb. There's this little thing we like to call a flashlight. Im guessing you went into a dark room, set up a camera and turned on a flash light and waved it around for 20 seconds or so.
Lol, actually I took a video of the Moon on a dark night, and moved the camera around so it would look like the moon is moving.
But the point of that was that you can't always prove something is real simply by sight.