I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
If there is a God, the world doesn't revolve around you. And if it did, it'd be a t.v. show, Truman. Anyways, he wouldn't go around fixing everyone's problems now would he? Then we would never learn if God did everything for us. Zootsuit, if you truly believe that, than do so. But the road you're on now, try alchemy. Maybe I can sell you some lead for half the price of gold so you can make a profit huh? Then you could buy your Uncle a prosthetic leg.
If there is a God, the world doesn't revolve around you
God is meant to be omnipresent. If he can be everywhere at once and see everything and know everything and pretty much do everything, then why wouldnt he be more personal?
God is meant to be omnipresent. If he can be everywhere at once and see everything and know everything and pretty much do everything, then why wouldnt he be more personal?
God can see the future - If he cured let's say that guys Uncles Leg what would happen? Would he go back to war later in life and then maybe he would get killed?
You see God has plans for us. oooh And you know how you said the DNA came from Planets?
This sarcastic argument can be repelled with the belief that when a part of a body dies, the soul is lost with it and goes to heaven which completely cooperates with Christian belief of Heaven and the afterlife and all that mumbo jumbo so no need for reading.
God can see the future - If he cured let's say that guys Uncles Leg what would happen? Would he go back to war later in life and then maybe he would get killed?
If you read the link pretty much every argument that a religious user has ever come up with on AG is countered.