ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

  • 3,094 Replies
2,520 posts

Nvr mind Walker I'll get you your linkage confused me my b

4,005 posts

Walker: Chalk it up to ad hominem but I'm having a real conversation with 314d1 and you disprove yourself with your first link, I mean did you even read the first sentence? Jeez.

What did I disprove? I said that prayer in class is a heated topic and the source of much debate. Then I posted evidence for it and against it.

And for the record for everyone that reads my debates/posts/whatever.

I don't care what you believe. I don't even aim to change your mind. I simply want people to debate logically and with evidence, as those are the prerequisites for debate. Anything else is pointless.

Secondly, I don't want people with a self righteous view of their moral opinions interfering with my rights, and that is what happens when religion affects policy. That is what our founding fathers knew, and why America's FIRST amendment was the separation of church and state.
2,520 posts

First of all you take it out of context. Oh and your god promoted child slaughter, so way to follow your religion.

On a note that is NOT sarcastic, I don't care what your morals are. You are entitled to them and I will do everything in my power to make sure you keep that right. However you DO NOT have the right to force your morals upon someone else. And I will do everything in my power to defend that as well.

Oh so where does he promote child slaughter?
And; Again, you're right, no one has morals against the genocide of babies. Bad me again again. Hah. You have no power. This is a gaming site.
Umm... How am I stupid or arrogant here? I'm trying to have an educated and civil debate with you and you are resorting to name calling and insults. Yet I'm being stupid and arrogant?rnrnAnd the point that I am making is that the 10 commandments state that 'thou shalt not kill'. Seems pretty clear cut to me. These were the laws of god as given to moses. Therefore they are the bedrock of the christian faith.

Either you follow the commandments or you don't. Pretty simple. Simply because the bible states elsewhere that you may kill means nothing other than the fact that the book contradicts itself.

Educated? You think the church favors death penalties.
You shall not kill. That's general, and is elaborated upon by the Pope.
Apparently you didn't read the other link, or the information provided on the two following links. The first link stated the facts on the case, the second was the religious people's response to the case, and the final two links gave evidence disproving the religious argument.

*yawn* I don't get it what are you trying to prove?
Sadly it's true. And one of the less disgusting and heartwrenching ideas held by many of the African people. Here is a link to one of many places that have reported on the misconceptions and myths in Africa today:[url=]Link[/url Way to resort to name calling in lieu of education and intelligent reasoning.

Way to say lieu. I could go on the internet and say, "African misconception; a purple cow comes and steals your children in the night" And have people like you snatching it up the next day.
3,817 posts

Oh so where does he promote child slaughter?
And; Again, you're right, no one has morals against the genocide of babies. Bad me again again. Hah. You have no power. This is a gaming site.

One example? He killed all the first born CHILDREN of Egypt when he made Pharaoh refuse his offer by hardening his heart.
753 posts

One example? He killed all the first born CHILDREN of Egypt when he made Pharaoh refuse his offer by hardening his heart.

I'm spreading myself out here a little bit, but let me explain. It actually first born SON, as stated in Exodus 11:5, And also is not exclusively children. If you were a man, first born, then you also would die. Since the Pharaoh would not listen to reason no matter what, God simply had to resort to this, and if you recall, it worked to an extent.
3,437 posts

I'm spreading myself out here a little bit, but let me explain. It actually first born SON, as stated in Exodus 11:5, And also is not exclusively children. If you were a man, first born, then you also would die. Since the Pharaoh would not listen to reason no matter what, God simply had to resort to this, and if you recall, it worked to an extent.

Oh yes, because this is soooooo effective. What kind of sick justification is that? "God HAD to do it." See, what I don't understand is why God is such a hypocrite. Doesn't the Ten Commandments say "Thou shall not kill"? So why does God go around contradicting his own laws? Oh, let me guess, he's god so he's special and laws don't apply to him. If god is so powerful he could have come up with a better solution than killing people. You're just as bad for justifying murder.
753 posts

Oh yes, because this is soooooo effective. What kind of sick justification is that? "God HAD to do it." See, what I don't understand is why God is such a hypocrite. Doesn't the Ten Commandments say "Thou shall not kill"? So why does God go around contradicting his own laws? Oh, let me guess, he's god so he's special and laws don't apply to him. If god is so powerful he could have come up with a better solution than killing people. You're just as bad for justifying murder.

Well your comment can be answered in two sentences: 1) Thou shalt not kill is very general, and although you may say "It doesn't say that" What I say is true. 2) God is powerful. All powerful. I guess that's what makes him God. However he did give all people fee will, and it was the pharaohs free will to ignore anything but what God had to do. This was not God's cruelty, but the pharaoh's stubbornness.
676 posts

Oh yes, because this is soooooo effective. What kind of sick justification is that? "God HAD to do it." See, what I don't understand is why God is such a hypocrite. Doesn't the Ten Commandments say "Thou shall not kill"? So why does God go around contradicting his own laws? Oh, let me guess, he's god so he's special and laws don't apply to him. If god is so powerful he could have come up with a better solution than killing people. You're just as bad for justifying murder.

where did it ever say the 10 commandments were for God to follow. What would you suggest A better solution would be?
340 posts

So he killed thousands of children because 1 man was being stubborn.
That doesn't seem messed up at all.

3,437 posts

Well your comment can be answered in two sentences: 1) Thou shalt not kill is very general, and although you may say "It doesn't say that" What I say is true. 2) God is powerful. All powerful. I guess that's what makes him God. However he did give all people fee will, and it was the pharaohs free will to ignore anything but what God had to do. This was not God's cruelty, but the pharaoh's stubbornness.

"Thou shall not kill" is pretty friggen clear to me. It means DO. NOT. KILL. It's like our laws against murder, if you KILL someone, it is WRONG. It doesn't matter HOW or WHY. So it being general is really no excuse.

So again we have a case of god being a hypocrite. See god gave everyone free will (according to you). But, when we choose to excercise that will in a way god thinks we shouldn't then we get punished. Now that defeats the purpose of free will. It's like a parent saying to a kid "You can do whatever you want, but if you touch the table you're going to get thrown out a window".

where did it ever say the 10 commandments were for God to follow. What would you suggest A better solution would be?

That's a terrible arguement. That's like saying the police don't have to obey the law because they enforce it. Or the government doesn't have to because they made it. It is called the Rule of Law, where a law is set down and EVERYONE must obey it. Also, if god is so good why can't he follow his own laws? God is perfect? Impossible, a perfect being would have enough foresight to obey laws iself made. As for my solution? Well god is all powerful yes, and he can do anything yes? Well then, skip the killing and bloodshed and just magically transport the Hebrews to the Holy Land. He's God he can do it, so don't try arguing he can't.
753 posts

So he killed thousands of children because 1 man was being stubborn.
That doesn't seem messed up at all.

Well if said children were good, they went to heaven.
753 posts

"Thou shall not kill" is pretty friggen clear to me

Sorry no one cares about what's clear to you.
So it being general is really no excuse.
Yeah it is sorry if you don't understand.
So again we have a case of god being a hypocrite. See god gave everyone free will (according to you). But, when we choose to excercise that will in a way god thinks we shouldn't then we get punished. Now that defeats the purpose of free will. It's like a parent saying to a kid "You can do whatever you want, but if you touch the table you're going to get thrown out a window"

Better than your parents chaining you to your bed an leaving. How hard is it not to touch a table?
He's God he can do it, so don't try arguing he can't.

He could, but won't. Are you even listening to him?
3,085 posts

Your supposed God is just a tale written by an assembled bunch of psychopaths. Who the hell kills children for calling someone bald? The christian God apparently. If God is benevolent then he wouldn't do that - the only conclusion is that God is not benevolent and therefore you are worshipping a malevolent or ambivalent deity! Neither of these warrant worship so much as fear, fear that you'll be struck down. Living under such fear is no way to live and I'd gladly spit on each and every one of you that defend such a 'God' and his crimes.

753 posts

I'd gladly spit on each and every one of you that defend such a 'God' and his crimes.

^^ Nice to meet you too friend! I'm afraid you're a bit off however, because those children were not killed, they just had satan cast out of them.
3,437 posts

"Thou shall not kill" is pretty friggen clear to me
Sorry no one cares about what's clear to you.
So it being general is really no excuse.
Yeah it is sorry if you don't understand.
So again we have a case of god being a hypocrite. See god gave everyone free will (according to you). But, when we choose to excercise that will in a way god thinks we shouldn't then we get punished. Now that defeats the purpose of free will. It's like a parent saying to a kid "You can do whatever you want, but if you touch the table you're going to get thrown out a window"
Better than your parents chaining you to your bed an leaving. How hard is it not to touch a table?
He's God he can do it, so don't try arguing he can't.
He could, but won't. Are you even listening to him?

Well I can see that you're the mature one. Instead of arguing my points you merely debase me and ignore my arguements which are well reasoned, if sarcastic.
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