I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
If we originated from monkeys, then how are they still alive today, but yet the other animals that originated from something before them, there is no sign of them.
first off you ignored everything we just told you, and then you posted another ignorant statement. Use your brain before you flame.
Almost silver, YOU don't know what your talking about. You said it LOOKS correct. your not even sure are you?
I looked through a few paragraphs and everything I read was correct. I am not going to read through the entire thing so that you can feel satisfied that you are a moron.
If we originated from monkeys, then how are they still alive today, but yet the other animals that originated from something before them, there is no sign of them.
WE DID NOT ORIGINATE FROM FRICKEN MONKEYS! The species we evolved from is not alive today... I will show you a picture of there skulls though.
Notice how our skulls change over time-if you happen to find a guy who's skull looks like the first then you can use this argument.
The skulls still don't prove that there wasn't a creator, if that's what your'e trying to prove here. BTW im not double posting, im talking to different people.
The skulls still don't prove that there wasn't a creator, if that's what your'e trying to prove here. BTW im not double posting, im talking to different people.
They prove we didn't come from monkeys. And you can not prove something that has no evidence does not exist... Now disprove a metaphysical Santa Clause!
The skulls still don't prove that there wasn't a creator, if that's what your'e trying to prove here. BTW im not double posting, im talking to different people
in that sentence he was not trying to prove their was not a creator. he was telling you that everything you think you know about science is wrong. If you want us to try to prove to you their is not a creator please feel free to listen to the 100's of contradictions in the bible.
If we originated from monkeys, then how are they still alive today, but yet the other animals that originated from something before them, there is no sign of them.
Actually we ARE monkeys. Our last common ancestor was a part of a group called the Old World Monkeys. If you had any basic knowledge about evolution you would know this.
As for your statements about Big Bang and other such widely held scientific theories, let me provide you some links so you can educate yourself before you continue to try to discuss something about which you know nothing.
Here's what NASA says on the subject: Link And here's a paper from University of Michigan: Make sure you look up the references cited as well for further educational materials.
And as for the origins of life, that is called abiogenesis, and we have shown that simple amino acids, which were present in primordial earth, can and did evolve into life, which begins the process of evolution.
Abiogensis is nothing more than simple chemistry, not biology or astrophysics or any of the other studies that creationist try to strawman it into being. If you want to learn about how these chemical reactions work, there is a great paper here from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Also there can be much learned by researching the Miller-Urey experiments, and those that have repeated their experiments and found the results verifiably accurate.
If you wish to further educate yourself feel free to message me, I can point you in the right direction so you can see what evidence science has found and read over the results yourself.
Name to me a contradiction/s is in the Holy Bible. Tell me one contradiction.
Wow, you obviously read 1 post of this thread before putting in your 2 cents. goto pages 205-206 of this thread. or just click this link: [url=http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/jim_meritt/bible-contradictions.html#guilt]