No, a belief. Many super-christians are saying that the whole bible is the only thruth. I am just saying that I like to think there is someone out there taking just a tiny care of us. That is what I believe in.
I am not defying science, I just find it... I find that it miss something.
Look up the definition of christianity, you will see theory in there. . .
And christianity is missing a big something too-- some evidence?!
"Proven", to an extent. It is a law (or something) that scientific facts are only facts for a time, until there have been more research. Actully you cannot say that anything have been proven to be a hundred percent correct.
Meh, not 100% fact but around there, nothing can be completely proven.
Don't correct me if you don't know what you're talking about. Gravity is not a fact because there's no way to absolutely prove it. And a fact is 100% correct, not 99.9 or less.
That's why I said 99.9%--also there is no way to to 100% prove anything, keep that in mind.
Well, you are just telling me and everyone else who believe in religion that we are wrong? Because your science tells you you are right.
I have seen many atheists try to "question" christianity, and always end up "Can you prove that and that". That is not questioning, that is like third grade bullying.
Really do not mind it, when it is the fanatics, but the regular christians? We just have something more than science to believe in. And have I been shoving my belief in your face, then I will apologize for being rude and narrowsighted. It was not my intention.
No, don't take it personally, you didn't bother me. You weren't rude. Maybe Atheists can become a little to offensive. I, for one, don't think I have [If I did, sorry] but all Im asking for is answers to my questions. For Im a debater. But the number one thing that drives me to ask is, Im a pre-biologist. Learning the arts of science. And for those who say 'science can't be proven', Im OK with that! Because Im not looking to prove people wrong, but to help those certain people whom question their very existance. And Im one of those people. I just wonder, 'how can a being have such power'?
Pretty sure this statement, among many others, is a fact: "Jupiter is a planet."
There are many facts in bioscience. A lot of the information in Biology is proven to be fact, cells and respiration, to name a few.
Just because they are real, doesn't meant they are fact. And for one jupiter might not be a planet. It can be a whole new classification yet to be discovered. Same with cells. Just because you see them, doesn't mean they are fact. Maybe we are made up of intelligent creatures with cloaking robes that conceal them as celsl?!?!?
LOL, just blabbering on, sorry. :]
Religion can die, look at the ancient Greeks and Romans, just to name a few.
Oh, and I've read the entire English version of the Quo'ran, however you want to spell it, and it's spelt "Jihad," we can't go around playing with language . Also, the Arabic version of the Quo'ran, when it mentions "Jihad" mentions it as a word, and it is a one syllable word in Arabic.
Oh, yes it can. [Just to be precautious- this isn't pointed to anybody. Just throwing this out as example!]
Do you know why we know so little on the mayans? Because when a group of converters [christians] wanted to show them their beliefs, the mayans wanted none of it. So as a responce, they burned the library containing all the books of the mayans, down. Only a few books remained. How sad is that? How people can do that, and have no concearn over future and past? History as a whole?!
Logically enough the sky is blue.
Is it now?!
Huh, who would've guessed that?
What I see is a color we happen all to see. But what if we where all colorblind? And all the real colors existed on new spectrums? Hm? Then I would have no clue what the REAL color of the sky was. . .Pity. But for simplicity, yeah, let's go with blue. :P