I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
yet christians are the ignorant idiots who are intolerant of every belief but there own...
ANd atheists base their world on something that is only theory. Stop thinking in steriotypes, or else I would like to know what I am, since I cannot be a christians, because I am not intolerant nor ignorant to other religions.
Stop thinking in steriotypes, or else I would like to know what I am, since I cannot be a christians, because I am not intolerant nor ignorant to other religions.
I was being sarcastic to prove a point, because I'm a christian, and I would defintly say that about myself <~sarcasm again
Noah knew only his own world, being a rather small part of the world. Mjor floods have been proved, but no world-flooding ones. But rather big areas where Noah should have lived has been flooded.[quote] apparently marine archaeologists have started to find evidence that the Black Sea (or maybe the Red Sea or the Dead Sea, one of those three) used to be a valley with a primitive civilization. The water from the Mediterranean was kept back by a mountain ridge, but one day the ridge gave way so the valley flooded completely. But that's just a theory put out recently. Repent all ye Cola dissenters! Honor thy Diet soda and thy Caffeine-free soda as well
So God's existance is a fact? I'd say there's a lot more proof backing up what atheists believe in comparison to what theists believe.
What all religions people believe in is not proven, no, but it is static. Science are theories that can change from one day to another, because there are new ways of examine it. But science is never static, thus building your world on something that is not constant.
But science is never static, thus building your world on something that is not constant.
First of all, we atheists don't "build our world" on anything. We aren't the cult of science, either. We're not a cult at all. I said that just a few pages ago.
Secondly, the staticosity of religion, if you will, means that you're chained to books saying that homosexuality is an abodmination, that women are inferior, that rape is good, et cetera. Static things have problems; that is, when other things change, your static belief might not be right anymore.
Science, on the other hand, changes as the world, evidence, and What Is Right changes. Unlike religion.
This is why I don't like Atheists as a group. They are not a group, they are free thinkers who usually came to their own conclusions in different ways and all have different belief systems. Saying anything about Atheists as a group is meaningless as they differ in beliefs from one to the next.
Christians on the other hand mostly believe the same thing and group themselves. So what is this forum really discussing? That a group can pick on the individual? Sounds like communism to me.
Science, on the other hand, changes as the world, evidence, and What Is Right changes. Unlike religion.
Oh gods, not again. I was trying to say that just because you are a Christian, or Buddhist or any other believer of something that cannot be explained (yes, even the FSM), you do not have to ignorant of the world around you. And just because you are an atheist does not mean you have to prove every single "fact" to non-atheists. Because often, there is little to no facts in science, when it comes to theories, and there are many diffenrent realities, because there are many diffenrent theories. I do not deny the existance of science, but unlike agnostics, you deny the possibily of a deity or supernatural being, just because there is no proof. There was no proof that the blue fish still was alive, but it is.
the world may never know --------------------------- this argument pretty much proves that I have the most plausible religion, because my deity has been proven to exist.
Praise the Cola. It is the Cola that feeds the child's hydration, the Cola that refreshes the mind. It is the Cola that elevates the senses. It i the Cola that soothes the soul. It is the Cola that supports our economy. It is the Cola that binds our soul to our physical form. It is the Cola and the Cola alone that shelters us from the storm of dehydration and absence of flavor. The Cola sustains, the Cola invigorates, the Cola gives inferior humanity the inspiration to do great things. It is the Cola. It is our savior.
Sorry, I should've clarified. I mean new religions are constantly coming forth and with the many religions that exist now it's hard to tell which one is right.