The very base of christianity is a theory, so I do not see your point. . .
No, a belief. Many super-christians are saying that the whole bible is the only thruth. I am just saying that I like to think there is someone out there taking just a tiny care of us. That is what I believe in.
I am not defying science, I just find it... I find that it miss something.
Are we a government?! No, so we can't be communist. And we don't 'ick' individuals, we question the religion as a whole.
I think you managed to look at that wrong. It was a critisismn of christians as I could see, but I might be wrong. Alas, I am human.
How many 'theories; do you think science is made of? For I'd like to know. For it seems to be you have a cabinet inside of you. Your just bubbling out information. No evidence! So are you saying things that are true?
Most 'theroies' are being proven, for there are millions of trials, making them as close as real as they can get.
Just look at the theories of what/how the universe is.
Oh, and sorry, I am an Information Scientist, I do that sometimes.
"Proven", to an extent. It is a law (or something) that scientific facts are only facts for a time, until there have been more research. Actully you cannot say that anything have been proven to be a hundred percent correct.
And no, I am not saying that any religion have been proven to be other than a belief, but nothing more is needed.
Enlighten me, for I don't see Atheists 'Shoving' our beliefs in Chritians faces
Well, you are just telling me and everyone else who believe in religion that we are wrong? Because your science tells you you are right.
I have seen many atheists try to "question" christianity, and always end up "Can you prove that and that". That is not questioning, that is like third grade bullying.
Really do not mind it, when it is the fanatics, but the regular christians? We just have something more than science to believe in. And have I been shoving my belief in your face, then I will apologize for being rude and narrowsighted. It was not my intention.
Don't correct me if you don't know what you're talking about. Gravity is not a fact because there's no way to absolutely prove it. And a fact is 100% correct, not 99.9 or less.
Nothing in science is a fact (thank you!!). I like it that way, makes me curios of the answers and stuff like that. We will never get an absolute answer to anything, which is ever so cool, because the world would suck otherwise.
You can't forget that many countries don't teach certain topics because they go against people's religious beliefs.
Which is bad.
Besides, what's wrong with teaching evolution? Even if you don't believe it in the theory still exists and is widely accepted. That's like saying let's not teach Greek history because it isn't true. Whether you believe it or not, you should be educated about it because it is a major theory.
Aye! Also why I find it strange that most contries does not have a religion-class in school/highschool. Not saying christianity, but religion in a broad sense. The major religions, so we could stop bashing muslims for being muslims, when Ji-Had has nothing to do with suicide bombs or flying into buildings.
General understanding in every aspect of the world would be nice, be it science, religion or art.
And how religion is static? Well, most of the major religions have not changed for centuries, thus being.. Old and boring, yes. But we have something to believe in that does not change just because some scientists found out the information was wrong.
Yes, there are religions popping up every day, and I find it a little disturbing, but we are living in a society where that is normal, because we want to customize our entire life.
And christianity is also being altered and all that, but most fanatics are stuck in the same hole in the ground as their parents, and their parents, and their parents.
The rest of us, or at least I have something to lean against that does not change. But I do not let it rule my life.
I love science AND religion, because they rulez!!