I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
Atheism is the best, i think. because if all people are atheists, there would be no difference in religion. i also think atheists are more ethic and polite. well, im an atheist myself.
Yes but your source appears to be the Daily Mail the WORST daily newspaper there is. I'm not sure if you are a reader or if you just found the site while looking stuff up (Idon't want to assume things) but the Mail, in my experience prints absolute rubbish.
Though I do quite like the idea of lumping God and imaginery friends together. I see no link between seeing patterns in life and God. I thought that was the reason we see faces etc. in clouds we our brain is always searching for a recognisable feature, probably to help us discern between objects.
Sorry for the double post but Aaroniscool do you have a link to any of the original research that the article mentions it would be interesting to see what sort of sample size and design etc. they used.
think of it like gravity. gravity creates an attraction between mass. Why can't the force simply end up driving the various unexplainable events like the actual expansion of the Universe at the Big Bang? I'm not saying that it's like a sub-sentient creator, just a force in the same vein as gravity or inertia.
Anyone remember Satanism? It's what Atheism was called when it's a religion. I have yet to see it mentioned though. And no it's not the religion to worship Satan.
it's amazing how the more Christianity comes into controversy and doubt, the more hardcore the hardcore Christians are. It's sorta like when a person is being strangled by a python, when every time the person inhales, the python's grip gets a little bit stronger, until his chest can't expand anymore.
I agree with LiL_GaNgSta_BlAzE just keep an open mind. Whichever belief you believe in just lead a good life, help others, live life to the fullest, and you will be rewarded with good things in life. Above all, enjoy life. Life is absolutely wonderful.
You don'r just rot though. think of the further implications. Your body may rot and your cells but atoms "live" for 100000000000000000000000000000000000 years. Your body conatins about 7 octillion atoms so when you die they simply move on. 200 billion atoms in your body will probably have been in Shakespeare more still will ahve been in Caesar or Cleopatra.
twisted plot line
You don't like to think of it that way? life is quite literally all about a twisted line. Its sole purpose it seems is to allow the double helix of DNA ti survive, replicate and mutate. We do so much more for it than it does for us. It gives us life yet is shockingly inate itself. However each human conatins about 20 billion miles of the stuff.
uhh, dracer, our cells do rot in the ground. Wonder why we pump our blood out and replace it with formaldehyde and chloroform and other toxic chemicals? so we rot slower. uhhh...doip? Noob.
Uhh, thisisnotanalt, no flaming. Besides, I think he just meant why atheists do not want to have hope for an afterlife, instead of rotting in the ground, not "why do you believe it is real that we rot in the ground", since, well, the bible says we rot in the ground anyway, but there is more comming afterwards. On the other hand, I might be wrong.