ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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70 posts

I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

  • 3,094 Replies
262 posts

I love God but I hate the church. Think about that. I mean if darwin himself, the mind behind evolution, and natural selection, basically said that all these things thought up and discover to occur the probability would be unimaginable. The chances of all these events lining up perfectly to create life is almost impossible. It says that in The Origin of Species By Charles Darwin, yes its kinda confusing but that is what it says in his book. Now i hate the church because it is corrupt like everything else. It is run by people are human. And all humans are greedy. The church is corrupt because church leaders do things they think is good for the church when in reality its just to help them and there point of view not the point of view and vision of God. Like for ex. this whole gay rights thing the church spent millions upon millions of dollars to make sure the law passed. And it did. What i want to know is if two homosexuals get married how does that effect your life at all. Does it give you pain. Does it affect you financially. No. So why spend all this money to stop something that doesn't affect you. That money could have been used in many better reasons. The church is corrupt for reasons like this. Church being ignorant for there own benefits. Being selfish and greedy that is why i love God but i dont love the church.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Whoever created us/ whichever way we got onto this Earth/Universe, we're here anyway aren't we? Just live life to the fullest, enjoy it, do a good deed everyday and you will be rewarded with good things in life. There's no point in arguing is there? The thing that matters is that we are here, just savour life while you still can! =)

5,838 posts

we're here anyway aren't we?

Proove it! There are theories out there that show we are not real etc. I htink it was on this thread a dozen or so pages back.

@Bobitho I agree with you abou the corruptness of the churches however the chance of life occuring in surprisingly high. Life started amazingly quickly after the Earth formed giving us billions of years to evolve.
9,821 posts

that and, the hardiness and adaptation capability of life to it's environment hugely increases the chances of life somewhere, because most of you guys are thinking of life as fragile as human life. Life's capacity to evolve to fit it's environment adds a lot to the chance of there being life.

262 posts

chance of life occuring in surprisingly high.

i cant buy off on that considering that darwin said him self that a higher power is much more likely then evolution actually occurring.
5,838 posts

But Darwin was constrained by the ideas of the day. He wrote in the Origin of Species that he wouldn't try to ahrd to explain it all and that he would leave it the scientists of the future who would be much more capable of working things out.
There is so much evidence for evolution especially with al sorts of genome projects; we can see which animals evolved from each other and even at what time.

p.s. On Thursday it is the 200th anniversary of Darwins birth so the BBC is having a Darwin season if any one is interested I suggest looking ontheir website. They have some great programmes on at the moment.

262 posts

yah i will agree with you on that. he did leave it too other scientists. Im still in favor of what darmin said at first. Those odds are so tremendous i cant imagine everything lining up to form "life."

9,821 posts

the problem with what you are saying is that the chances of human life occurring are low. Theoretically, any type of life may occur so long as their is solid ground or standing/flowing fluids. We perceive the types of life that we see as being the only type of life that could occur: humanoid, insectoid, annelid, ichthyon, etc. when there are undoubtedly thousands of different phylums out there that don't even live on Earth. With there being so many planets out there, and so many ways that life can evolve and develop, that the low chances of there being life somewhere. My idea of god being a natural force like gravity doesn't overlap with the creation of life, because all life is is a chemical reaction. If god was a natural phenomenon like I think it is, then really all that would be governed by it would be events like the Big Bang, which was a sudden spreading out of as an extremely dense mass. Life is just a chemical reaction at the cellular level.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Well Pixie, you are here &quothysically" "mentally" or in whatever way possible. Ok maybe you are not, but you do affect other's, or your "existence" does potentially lead to events that affects the state of the uninverse. But I still don't get why we are not"real", more solid explanation needed thanks!

5,838 posts

@nichodemus like I said I can't remember were the thread went that was talking about it, but the basic jist of it was that no wait a minute here it is ta da!!

1,044 posts

gravity creates an attraction between mass.

Gravity IS the attraction between masses. . .

why believe you rot in the ground? its stupid, pick a religion, don't wander around and think life is just some sort of twisted plot line

Why believe in a religion?
A]If you believe in religion and find out god exists, you die and find out there was no higher power and you have been gipped of ALL your life.
B]You're an atheist and when you die you go to heaven and find out a higher power existed, and the only thing bad is you where proven wrong.
See I'd go with B!

You don'r just rot though. think of the further implications. Your body may rot and your cells but atoms "live" for 100000000000000000000000000000000000 years. Your body conatins about 7 octillion atoms so when you die they simply move on. 200 billion atoms in your body will probably have been in Shakespeare more still will ahve been in Caesar or Cleopatra.

According to the Law of Conversation of Mass
Mass cannot be created nor destroyed, so atoms live for eternity but maybe chemically altered into different elements and or atoms.

uhh, dracer, our cells do rot in the ground. Wonder why we pump our blood out and replace it with formaldehyde and chloroform and other toxic chemicals? so we rot slower. uhhh...doip? Noob.

You call HIM a noob?!
1] He did say cells die, but atom don't
2]Doip? What is that?
3]Maybe your the noob?

Whoever created us/ whichever way we got onto this Earth/Universe, we're here anyway aren't we? Just live life to the fullest, enjoy it, do a good deed everyday and you will be rewarded with good things in life. There's no point in arguing is there? The thing that matters is that we are here, just savour life while you still can! =)

Oh yeah, that is the way to see life. That reminds me of one of my favorite sayings:

"When life comes around and blooms, live it to the fullest. When death comes and laughs, all you can do is laugh back."

Proove it! There are theories out there that show we are not real etc. I htink it was on this thread a dozen or so pages back.

Something being tangible is close enough to "real" for me. But then we could be in an heightened state of unconsciousness that allows us to perceive the five senses. . . and we can all be sleeping all the time. In a comatose state that makes our "world". Then again we just don't know for sure.
9,821 posts

You call HIM a noob?!
1] He did say cells die, but atom don't
2]Doip? What is that?
3]Maybe your the noob?

he never said that cells die, but atoms don't. i was talking to dacer.
dacer just said that you shouldn't believe you rot in the ground.

if you don't know what doip means, then you are a noob.

actually, you are the noob, because you read the wrong post.
1,044 posts

Sorry for the big understanding but most of the time, a post after a post is the reply to the first post.

And I did not read the wrong post, you posted to the post I was replying. And stop the personal arguments, that is how things get started. . .
I said maybe, I implied that you made the 'mistake' for that is the context you called the other person a noob.

945 posts

Sorry for the big understanding

I just found out that you can't be buried forever anymore. Most cemeteries will dig you up and cremate you after 5 to 10 years. I found this out b/c my best friend's mother just died and I'm helping with the aftermath.
55 posts

think of it like gravity. gravity creates an attraction between mass. Why can't the force simply end up driving the various unexplainable events like the actual expansion of the Universe at the Big Bang? I'm not saying that it's like a sub-sentient creator, just a force in the same vein as gravity or inertia.

Sorry for taking a while to answer my computer's driver shut down. The part that interests me in your quote is "driving the various unexplainable events". I don't believe in unexplainable events. If your theory of the world involves some mysterious force running everything then you haven't really solved anything. When an apple falls to the ground anyone can say its a mysterious force(magic?).
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