I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
I mean everybody thinks what they want to but atheism just seems so bleek and unexplained just how could everything be made so perfect everything in balance with each other i believe only someone like God could do that and anyways if atheism is right youll never know because your just gone forever the end but if your wrong then youll really know it. i would rather spend my time believing in something that could save me from eternal damnation than just thinking it all just happened.
I disagree that the universe is in balance. There is so much natural conflict with in it. Also I think atheism explains things much better than christianity. Alot of the ideas in atheism have evidence to back them up. But I have not once seen any evidence for christianity (I know Jesus did actually exist but I mean more that God exists). More questions come from faith. Having been christened and prayed several times a day for the majority of my life thus far I feel no closer to answers in a spiritual way. Only when I am learning science and physics do I feel I am truely learning things.
I don't feel my life is empty because I don't practise any type of religion (I never felt saves from eternal damnation when I did because I knew it didn't exist) for me anyway the ideas behind Atheism satisfy my need for knowledge and I feel safe knowing when I die I will rot my atoms will survive and I will cease to exist.
I mean everybody thinks what they want to but atheism just seems so bleek and unexplained just how could everything be made so perfect everything in balance with each other i believe only someone like God could do that and anyways if atheism is right youll never know because your just gone forever the end but if your wrong then youll really know it. i would rather spend my time believing in something that could save me from eternal ****ation than just thinking it all just happened.
It may be, but the fact is the/ we 'Atheists' need hard evidence, something tangible. Something we can work around. So with the absence of such context, we create these theories to explain the unexplained and to get ideas for future theories. What we do in science is just to help people understand the things around them that can't be explained. And for those who do believe in God, to show you [as in believers] why we think other things can explain the 'happenings of God'.
I disagree that the universe is in balance. There is so much natural conflict with in it. Also I think atheism explains things much better than christianity. Alot of the ideas in atheism have evidence to back them up. But I have not once seen any evidence for christianity (I know Jesus did actually exist but I mean more that God exists). More questions come from faith. Having been christened and prayed several times a day for the majority of my life thus far I feel no closer to answers in a spiritual way. Only when I am learning science and physics do I feel I am truely learning things.
If there was no conflict there would be no balance. For there is both: conflict and balance. Balance as in conflict between species for survival. They keep their numbers down by fighting, which keeps the balance to every ecosystem. Thus conflict=balance.
OK here is my thoughts to the situation:
God- Maybe, nobody knows for sure. People can say I saw God and become a saint, but when someone says I saw ghosts it makes them crazy?!
Jesus- He was real, yes. . . but divine, I don't think so. Maybe divine as in to get thousands upon thousands of followers to believe in christianity from his death.
Eternal D**nation- Not so much, but an after life, most plausible.
Heaven- No, and I wont get into what I believe in.
Sorry for taking a while to answer my computer's driver shut down. The part that interests me in your quote is "driving the various unexplainable events". I don't believe in unexplainable events. If your theory of the world involves some mysterious force running everything then you haven't really solved anything. When an apple falls to the ground anyone can say its a mysterious force(magic?).
i didn't mean driving everything, just driving occurrences like the Big Bang, which expanded. By "unexplainable events," I just meant events that have yet to be explained. Sorry for confusing you. ---------------------------------------------- the apple would fall because of it's attraction to the larger mass of Earth, that's gravity. My theory is not of an over-arching force that runs everything, just runs things that we can't explain with just what we know now. -----------------------------
If there was no conflict there would be no balance. For there is both: conflict and balance. Balance as in conflict between species for survival. They keep their numbers down by fighting, which keeps the balance to every ecosystem. Thus conflict=balance.
her is an interesting thing to think about: what if there is an imbalance of balance, say an imbalance of balance? An interesting thing to think about, an extreme amount of balance Sorry about the flaming.
Two words: Chaos Theory! I love the concept, and I wonder, who can explain it? (using science or religion) I know it is a scientific term and theory, but... The unexplainable turn of events? God or ... just life? Yes, I am being random, but I just got a flip with fractals:P
my main gripe with religion is that it is far too simple to explain existence, and the Universe, and all of that sort of thing. Chaos theory? I should read more about it, I only vaguely know about it.
i would rather spend my time believing in something that could save me from eternal ****ation than just thinking it all just happened.
Sounds like a watered down version of Pascal's Wager to me. The main gripe I have with this is that assuming God exists, him being all knowing, would be aware of your reasons for 'faith' and therefore you would not be a true beliver and go through the pearly gates.
I mean everybody thinks what they want to but atheism just seems so bleek and unexplained just how could everything be made so perfect everything in balance with each other i believe only someone like God could do that
To me this sounds an awful lot like [url=http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Hoyle%27s-fallacy[/url]. Generally I do not like analogies being used to prove or disprove religion. They are created with a point of view in mind. They seriously misunderstand/underestimate/miscalculate/ignore the many other factors in determining the state of the world in which we live.
why is it that a good deal of the Christians on this thread (not all of them, but a lot of them) just spam and tell everybody that they are going to hell? It's annoying.
why is it that a good deal of the Christians on this thread (not all of them, but a lot of them) just spam and tell everybody that they are going to hell? It's annoying.
more evidence to support my theory that everyone hates annoying Christians.
same here. If you are a Christian about to post in this thread, read the thread rules saying that you must post constructively. Except for parsat if he returns, because he's not a spammer and actually puts up an argument when he posts.