I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
I recently (today) read an article saying that 75% of the UK believe in the evolution theory. While only 50% does the same in USA. Just a random fact.
And I think that religion was first created to control someones actions (by saying that he will go to a bad place [hell] if he doesn't do his job) instead of explain the unexplainable.
About those evolution stats, I just read in the whole world only 39% believe in evolution, also people with a college degree are about 50% more likely to believe in it then someone who only completed high school, or has less education. I was very surprised at those stats though.
i trust scientific findings to explain existence, and my own logic combined with scientific findings (with most of it being my own logic) to answer the God question. -------------------------- i naturally dislike it when people say that, but really it is true (even nihilists believe that life has no meaning ). ------------------------------------------------------ oh, okay, that's why you spelled it wrong. got it.
Steady yourself because this is amazing. 75% of Britons don't believe in the theory of evolution. I mean the UK is no longer a religious country. We are a leading country in terms of science and innovation. We have even spent the last month it seems celebrating Darwins birthday with a seemingly never ending array of programmes. Yet the vast majority of the population don't believe in it. To quote Simon Amstell I am "shocked and appaled"
That is nice Pixie, but Science comes with evidence. So where is your evidence?
I recently (today) read an article saying that 75% of the UK believe in the evolution theory. While only 50% does the same in USA. Just a random fact.
Opinion. I say that because you have NO EVIDENCE. So you can say the world is flat, but you don't have evidence to back it up. So back it up.
About those evolution stats, I just read in the whole world only 39% believe in evolution, also people with a college degree are about 50% more likely to believe in it then someone who only completed high school, or has less education. I was very surprised at those stats though.
About all these 'statistics' that people go by. EVIDENCE, jeez is it that hard to look up what your wondering than citing it? I won't believe a word out of your mouth until you have evidence. BACK IT UP. How bout I say 100% of UK are ZOMBIES!!!!! Oh wow, would you believe that? Well it's true I saw it in an article I read today. o.0
Life does having meaning, to keep 'God' occupied. -.- This is getting OLD fast.
I don't believe in organized religion and I don't think it's right but people should believe what they want to believe. But I personally don't get how the earth and all of life could be created in like 7 days, evolution is all around us and the big bang is mathematically proven and I believe very much in math XD.
Is the Guardian good enough. Not sure if you have it in America but it is a very well respected broad sheet and I first heard it in the publication "The Week". Soryy I always forget to cite references here.
yeah, it's important to question ideas so as to prove their truth. If you never question an idea, then suddenly irrefutable evidence is uncovered to prove that the idea is false, that would lead to tons of turmoil. -------------------------------------------------
What more is there to talk about, I ran out of question because no one answers them. I ask "Is God Real" and someone will reply "Is science real". I would answer that but answer the one I ask to.
Hm. Chaozmachine, hopefully you're going to go somewhere new with this.
'Is God real?' - Define real. His Non-corporeal-ance certainly has found a place to be real in people's minds.
Also, the lack of evidence for an idea certainly does not make it an opinion. Think about it: The things that we commonly accept as true, such as that things fall down, are based off of other observations. "Things fall down because I saw them fall down." - "Do you have evidence that you saw them fall down?" - "Well, ah, no..." - "LIAR! Things do not fall down." If you didn't get it, every observation or fact is based off of another observation or fact. No matter what you plug into the system to support it, you'll be begging the question. It's the same with words. A dictionary is meaningless alone; even if you know the wordly definition or everything, you know nothing unless you have some experience. Ie: "Rock: a large mass of stone forming a hill, cliff, promontory, or the like." You would then have to define "a", "mass", "of", "stone", etc. You would need to define the words in those definitions, and on and on. Nothing would mean anything without any foundation. So, at some point, we have to assume that something is true.
You could also base a fairly strong argument for the existence of God off of the above. Counter me that, Batman! If you didn't understand the above argument, tell me, and I'll try to explain it different terms.
although, your witnessing of things falling would be evidence in of itself, no? Would the data log in your neurons be "evidence" or just a coincidental cellular pattern? Answer me that.
In fear of missing it however; couldn't you just film things falling. Obvioulsy not just one thing but loads . The thing is things don't always fall down but God always exists (or rather always doesn't exist)