I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
I am a Christian and all the non Christians should become a Christian or you will go to hell i and we Christians will go to Heaven.
NOOOO! You are wrong, you are christian you should know the real beliefs of your religion! According to christians EVERYONE goes to heaven, how do I know this... because my family is christian. So I don't know where you where every sunday, but when I went to church, oh how I know more than you do. And I don't even practice it even more, that is a shame dude. That is just ignorant, blatant stupidity.
Christians yelling about everyone else going to hell... Those are the ones giving the rest of us the problems in these kinds of discussions. Heaven is for everyone (even murderers, which seems like a crappy instalment), though I often wonder if Atheists would go to heaven (pure principes: I have not believed in God or Heaven, therefore I will not go there). Besides, who says we are the ones that are right? Basically it could be the Buddhists who are right, which means we reincarnate over and over. And I am pretty sure it says somewhere in the bible you should not try to convert people into Christianity (I cannot find that piece of text, because I have not got the paper it was on), so Christians yelling like that are going against God's will. Like being angry, or judging, or... Yes, I am against converting people into your own believes, Christian and Atheists alike.
I am proud to have read until page 29, I really thought I would give up or starve before. Just like many religious topics, this one lost focus many times. It became a place to either discuss if the evolution and the big bang theory are accetable or to convert onthers.
My mom always tells me: The worst three things to talk about are 1. Politics 2. Economy 3. [b]Religion So, therefore I am not going to voice my opinion at all about this topic. I will tell you though, I am Christian.
Why? It's because I [and others] need something supportive, something tangible. Because someone saying there is a God and has no evidence seems so surreal. Like my teacher said, an opinion without evidence is an opinion of utter worthlessness. Back it up.
because they don't accept religion in general. because religion is too simple and irrational to explain existence. that is why.
That is not true, so do not speak for yourself and others. For I do accept religion, do you see revolters down the streets screaming "away with religion", no, for atheists accept others beliefs. And if that is so, you should: "Do onto others as they do onto you."
I am proud to have read until page 29, I really thought I would give up or starve before. Just like many religious topics, this one lost focus many times. It became a place to either discuss if the evolution and the big bang theory are accetable or to convert onthers.
Thankyou. I'm not the only one who believes in this. This thread is strictly Christianity vs. Atheism, not Buddhism or Science class.
Yes, I am against converting people into your own believes, Christian and Atheists alike.
I'm personally athist... There is a scientific explination behind everthing that 'God' created. And for the things that 'God' did, that cannot be explained, they can not be proven that they happened in the first place. For instance- "god created the war in 7 days" there is a scientific explination behind that. another example- "Jeasus walked on water" There is no scientific explination behind that, however; it cannot be proved that Jeasus walked on water in the first place...
i say that all religion is point less. there have been so many who knows who was actualy right. im my opnion i say leave all the ideas of how everything was created alone. realy life is to short for it to realy matter, but like i said this is my opnion
I'm pretty sure that religion was created to explain the unexplainable. When people first thought of 'God' createing the world in 7 days, they said that because they had no locical explaintion for the begining of the world. The anciet people always studied the sky. They knew the sky and the patterns of the stars like the back of their hand. Every star moves along the sky in the same pattern every year, and the ancient people knew that. But every once and a while there would be 5 stars that didn't move across the sky like the other stars. Those 5 stars were also alot brighter then the other stars. The ancient people didn't know how to explain these 5 bright stars that didn't follow the same pattern as the other stars. So the said that the 5 stars were gods. They also gave those 5 stars a name. They called those 5 stars 'wandering stars' or as we call them today, 'lanets' 5 of the planets in our solar system are visable in the night sky from earth, (mercury, veanus, mars, jupiter, and saturn). The ancient people knew nothing about planets, so they decided the 5 planets were Gods, because the planets are not only bright, but they don't follow the pattern that all of the stars do. All in all, this true example shows how people created religions and Gods to explain the unexplainable.
That is not true, so do not speak for yourself and others. For I do accept religion, do you see revolters down the streets screaming "away with religion", no, for atheists accept others beliefs. And if that is so, you should: "Do onto others as they do onto you."
what i meant by that was we don't accept religion;s way of explaining things. Atheists usually do accept other's beliefs. I personally am okay with some of the beliefs of Christianity, just not the ones that take advantage of the Christians, like tithing. Sorry for the faulty wording on that statement.
I suppose this is the best place for this. Steady yourself because this is amazing. 75% of Britons don't believe in the theory of evolution. I mean the UK is no longer a religious country. We are a leading country in terms of science and innovation. We have even spent the last month it seems celebrating Darwins birthday with a seemingly never ending array of programmes. Yet the vast majority of the population don't believe in it. To quote Simon Amstell I am "shocked and appaled"