ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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70 posts

I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

  • 3,094 Replies
146 posts

Neuron arrangement can be wrong for many reasons, like forgetfulness, illusions, dreams (see the Matrix), etc. Things like "I see red" or "I think I see red" or "I think I think I see red" can all be countered by "Liar!", the lack of a definite definition for "red", or some other explanation that seems like it came from science fiction... I don't know, maybe some confusion with the constant speed of light.

Films can be faked or misinterpreted.

9,821 posts

forgetfulness is not a factor. your brain keeps a log of absolutely everything that happens in your life, from birth to death. Forgetfulness is just when you have trouble accessing those logs. For a person to dream something, their brain has to have received the neuron pattern attributed to that occurrence. That is why people who are blind from birth don't dream, because their brain never receives visual patterns. Illusions are intangible, and must be created from an image or idea of something happening. So for there to be an illusion of something falling, or for it to be interpreted as an illusion, there must be some other brain data on a real occurrence or idea of an occurrence of falling.

146 posts

Hm. You seem to know about this more than I do. Would it be possible that imagination (the thing that makes new ideas) could create a neuron pattern? If so, could that neuron pattern appear in a dream/illusion/memory/hallucination?

"also, things don't "fall," they are simply attracted to a larger mass by way of gravity."
Zzz.. "Fall" is easier to type than "attracted to a larger mass by way of gravity." Besides, "fall" was used correctly. "Things" probably wasn't, but it's assumed that "things" means "things on Earth that are oriented appropriately". It's like how I'm not correcting you on your use of the word "larger".

9,821 posts

the imagination needs some sort of pattern to base something off of, from a sound to an image to an amalgamation of the above.
well, technically, i used the word larger incorrectly, but it is the same principle as to when you said fall.

146 posts

What if somebody was hit in the head in just the right way...? Could it destroy or mangle beyond interpretation a neuron pattern?

And how closely related does the new idea formed by the imagination (probably not the most technical of terms) need to be to the original pattern?

9,821 posts

the dura mater (the layer of protective skin that surrounds the brain)
absorbs most kinetic shock, and the rest is absorbed by the skull (unless there is a hemorrhage, in which the brain is injured).
I'm not entirely sure, but i think it can go as far as the imagination allows, so there are many ideas pout there that could extrapolate towards a god of some sort.

201 posts

Ok, so in my opinion, I support atheism.
Now, I never went to church, so I dont know how you believers view things, but,
From my logic, (Not saying that people who believe are wrong) but it seems as though God is like a ledgend or mythical creature. Except smarter. Mythical creatures do not exist, (except ghosts) and therefore God doesn't exist.
I find that the big bang theory is more likely to have happened than an all powerfull being creating everything.
Also, if the universe had nothing before it was created, then how was god created? God is part of the universe if he exists, and if he made it then he is not part of the universe, therefore he doesn't exsist.
Also, I think that (O.K. so this one is kind of pessimistic and over used) if god existed, there wouldn't be as much violence and the world wouldn't be as bad as it is now. The world wouldn't be in as bad a condition. Also, if he does exist, I think he plays favorites. If he loves everybody equally, which i think he's supposed to do, then why do some people have such a terrible life and suffer when they did nothing wrong? and why do some people, who are terrible people have such easy lives and have a lot of power?

945 posts

I don't believe in the big bang theory, mostly because the people who made the theory changed it like 10 times after they made it so now it's a multiple bang theory.

BUT I do believe it's the right direction. We SHOULD be curious about how things came to be. But we SHOULD NOT just accept the easy unprovable answer.

You can believe in anything you want, just as long as you are willing to accept evidence of an alternate believe system until something is proven.

1,044 posts

Well just like things need a 'foundation', things need a 'start'.

So I put it like this, Science has no 'foundation' and Theism has no 'start'. Meaning there is no true foundation to which Science stands on, so you can think it as the game of Jega hovering 3" above the ground. That 3" represents the missing foundation on which Science [Jega] stands on. And Jega represents the Science and it's elaborate ball of usefulness on which it stands to create an idea and understanding of everything Man questions.

Now Theism has no 'start' meaning if the Universe was created by God, who created God? And then whom created the thing that made God? And so forth. . .

Now when we put things to such standards and think: "We argue over swiss cheese". For both sides have missing arguments on which to ration about. So with that way of thinking, we can then put both sides are wrong, or close to it.
So let me call it:
The Theorem of Theism and Atheism Wrongness
So with this 'idea' we can generate such questions as "Do things Fall?"
Then we go down a tree, and then ask:
"Why do things fall?"
-Then, The theorem of Gravitational Pull will form.
Then ask, "Why do things attract each other?"

Then it just goes on and on until we have the best understanding to Gravitational Pull.

So I stay with Science because they have the better argument. For Science only exists to create a better understanding of things Man questions about.

Then Theism uses it's argument to explain and prove that the Universe was created in "this" or "that" way.

You see the better understanding?

945 posts

I really wish people wouldn't group Atheism with Science. You are not one or the other. You can be an Atheist AND not believe in Science. You can be Religious AND believe in Science.

13,657 posts

I really wish people wouldn't group Atheism with Science. You are not one or the other. You can be an Atheist AND not believe in Science. You can be Religious AND believe in Science.

Most (not all, but it often seems like that) atheists are using science as the thing to hit theists with, and only that, while Christians do the same with their religion. Some really hard core christians are totally ignorant to science, and will probably end up dead because of it (like Jehova's witnesses and their blood transfusions), so that is basically why people often cannot see past the cloud of prejudices, and group Atheists with science and only science, while grouping christians as ignorant fools that cling to their believes.
The grey zones are not excisting to some, and if you are ing the grey zone, it seems that both the black zone and the white zone is allowed to beat you with their sticks.
698 posts

I'm a Christian. I hope, though that my following paragraph is from a neutral point of view so that I'm not just arguing about the weak of one thing and neglecting the other.

If I hadn't made up my mind about evolutionism and Christianity, I would probably go ask some people who know about the two and the science of both. (yes, Christianity can be &quotroven" by science. Archeology is a science too) If I you what proof there is against Christianity, from what I seen in this overly long thread, nobody here can possibly give me any logical proof that Christianity is fake. I have researched a whole lot on this subject. Nobody has found any evidence against Christianity. Everyone just finds evidence for evolution (or makes evidence) and says that since evolutionism is true Christianity is false. On the other hand, Christians I see Christians all around me acting in ways I wouldn't want to act. They all just tell everyone, "you will go to hell if you don't convert to Christianity," and they don't give reasons as to why people should believe them at all. Apparently nobody cares what Christians say because of this behavior. Anyways, If I happened upon a Christian biologist professor(very hard to find because evolutionist nutheads kick Christians out of their schools and don't give them a chance to teach) I'm quite sure the professor would be able and willing to tell me a whole boatload of facts against evolutionism, 'cause I've taken a class that was prepared by a Christian biologist. There is a ton of stuff proving evolution is false that most people like you guys ignore, sometimes because you never knew there were such facts, and sometimes because you don't want there to be such facts. Now this is very bad for you people who believe in evolutionism. Your very own scientists are rejecting facts that they know exist because they don't like them. That is not how science works. You are supposed to accept all the proved facts that you get and use those to find more facts. Alright, back on topic now. If I were undecided and knew all this, I'd go for something other than evolution.
Heh. Small chance of that happening. With all you evolutionist people out there, nobody learns anything but evolution if they go to a public school that doesn't specialize in Christian teaching. That is why I'm homeschooled. I don't need to listen to all the junk you evolutionists try to put in people's heads.

698 posts

@ chaozmachine If you think God had to be created, why do you even call him a god at all? If something is greater than the being that created everything, you would be calling that being "God," you'd call the one who creates that being "God," but then, you'd have to call the being that created the being that created the one we call God "God." It keeps going on and on like that if you do it that way, and eventually, you just believe that no god exists. Fortunately, we Christians don't have to believe that way. From where we get our information, it tells us that there is one God. He existed before time. Actually, be believe he created time. If we believe there is someone who created time, why shouldn't we believe he has been around forever, since he can contain forvever within himself?

698 posts

@ kuraikane the thing you said about "if God exists, then there wouldn't be all this chaos" is pretty pathetic. God gave us humans the ability to think for ourselves. It is the humans that wouldn't accept him. Because they wouldn't accept him, they went off to do all the things that God told us not to do because they don't think he was there to tell them not to do those things.

5,838 posts

@ fourtytwo I don't really understand the first part of yout post. What archealogical proof is there for christianity. I didn't realise people were denying its existence.

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