Just like Christianity, it is a religion, and it comes down to belief.
If all it takes for something to be classified as a religion is for you to have to believe it, then every piece of knowledge that we believe would be a religion. Calling the theory of evolution a religion is simply absurd, unless you want to define "religion" in terms so broad they are completely useless.
What came before the big bang? If it is just a cycle, why not a God, specifically, a loving Creator, behind all of this?
First, evolutionary theory does not deal with the big bang or even the origin of life. This theory simply describes the effects of mutations within an already established system. So, attack on anything other than evolutionary theory are simply red herrings.
Trying to set up an infinite regress of causation just doesn't work. The obvious counter to what came before the big bang is: what came before god? But there is something much more fundamentally wrong here. To presuppose that causation functions in the way we perceive it actually quite a huge leap. And to force the scientist to explain a first cause while presenting an ad-hoc theory of god to avoid the first cause rebuttal is simply poor argumentation.
As for survival of the fittest, what is it? You say it is a law. Has it been proven?
Have you actually read anything on natural selection is the past... oh... 200 years or so? Not only does the concept of natural selection seem intuitively correct, but your counterexample of one tiger eating every other animal in the world just doesn't work. Animals don't just kill for pleasure, for the most part, and to conjecture an animal that can somehow kill everything else on the planet is just ridiculous.
Nothing has been proven by what you said; you have only given theories on how things worked.
Scientists do not look to "
rove" theories - they look to disprove them. So you're right in that a pure understanding of evolution can't be proven. But the simple fact is that whether or not evolution occurred is not really debated in the scientific community. Religious leaders and opponents of evolution try to spread information that would suggest the scientific community is torn on the subject. But anyone with any amount of respect in the scientific (and specifically biology) community accepts the basic tenets of evolution. What we don't know are all the specifics, but scientists continue to try to work things out. Just like physicists don't know why we have gravity or how it works - but there is little doubt in the physics community that gravitational forces exist.
Just because this new type of chimp is fertile, has a few human characteristics, etc. does not mean that evolution is proven and monkeys can definitely turn into humans.
Again, have you actually read evolutionary theory? Nowhere is it postulated that humans evolved from apes or monkeys. We did share a common ancestor that branched off - on branch becoming certain kinds of apes and the other evolving into what became humans.
The chances for it have been compared to the chances of a tornado running through a junkyard and making a robot with all of the characteristic of a human
This argument is used a LOT - and it is terrible. To suggest the odds are ridiculously low for humans to evolve is to ignore the fact that we are here! And comparing evolution to a tornado in a junkyard is just a bad analogy.
Certainly, evolution is chaotic at its core and not every mutation that occurs is meaningful in any way. But taken with natural selection, we can see how checks are for or against certain mutations that happen to help a species to survive.
Seriously, who would believe in evolution, that everything happened by chance and that everything is just a meaningless struggle to survive, when you can believe in a loving, caring, all-powerful God?
Who would want to delude themselves into serving a magical creature that demands your obedience. And if you don't obey this magical creature, then you are punished for all eternity. I would much rather live my life for its own meaning. I know what's going to happen to me when I die - I'm going to stop existing. At that point, there's nothing really more to worry about.