I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
I have a question for any real atheist out their, not just some teen who does not believe in a god because your parents say their is one. What is Atheism? What leads you into believing there is no god out there of somekind.
Epicurus: ''Is God willing to prevent evil,but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able,but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able,and wiling? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?''
As a Christian I find this is the best argument against God. How could a truly loving God allow suffering?
For the sake of exercise though lets pretend there is no evil. God has created the world with no evil. No starving masses or plagues slaughtering the poor and helpless. What would the world be like?
First of all without evil no good can exist. Meaning there is no choices since your only option is "neutral". The world would be nothing.
also God wants us to have a choice. He does not want to force us to love Him. Just as drschust said there can be no good with out evil, also there can be no joy without suffering
Because God loves us so much, he gave us free will, which is how sin entered the world, and while evil thrives now. On top of that, God's ways are uncomprehensible by us; many times in history, he has used evil for good. If there was no evil in the world, as God created everything in the first place, we would basically be living in heaven. In heaven, only the people who have decided to choose good will be there, so no one will choose evil. Evil is still technically there, but since no one chooses to do it, it doesn't truly exist. Please try to wrap your mind around it.
arrrg, can't edit my post. just wanted to add that mercury does not have an atmosphere, and that the moon does not have the same composition as the earth.
We are on topic. We are arguing about the validity of evolutionism. Atheists have to believe something that tells them how they came to be. Evolutionism is the only thing that seems to match their beliefs. (Unless they choose not to even think about how everything came around. If they do, that would be called "ignorance"
if someone thinks that aliens put us on this planet does that make them a atheist? if not then what are those people called cuz i seriously have no idea
Hmm...I find it interesting that this thread only conerns Christianity and Atheism. I do acknowlegde other religions exist and think that this thread would better to include all forms of belifes. Anyway I don't affilate myself with any type of religion but I do choose to believe in a God, no particular God but a God. It would seem to my that if I accept a God and believe then I won't have to worry about anything.
Who said that Christianity is a cure for all our problems? Jesus himself said that life won't be easy. He also said that if we accept him as our Savior, then we will be able to rejoice during our times of trouble because we know that we have a place in heaven specially prepared for us.
Do not shun what fourtytwo says. You should listen more closely to what he has to offer.
I say, thisisnotanalt, do you have to be so condescending too? Welcome to the party :P
I haven't been condescending. This is as debate thread basically, so I was arguing a point. -------------------- Back on the argument. You guys do realize that the definition of "sin" as it came from in Latin was "without," or "to miss?" Something tells me that a lot of Christian beliefs today are based on misinterpretations. If there was any text written supposedly by the hand of God, then if said god was truly as wonderful as described in his text, then no human would be able to fully understand it, OR we wouldn't have the full picture. ----------------------- Apparently, when Jesus was nailed to the crucifix, he yelled out "why hath my god forsaken me?!" Jesus would not have any worries if he was God in the form of "The Son" and not, say, a manic depressive schizophrenic who had the ability to convince people through extraordinary charisma that he was God. -------------------------------- In the 1600's, there was another man who supposedly the messiah. His name was Shabbatai Zebhi, an Israelite. He performed "miracles" much like Jesus supposedly did, and thousands of Jewish people flocked to him, believing that he was the messiah. However, the logic and level of intelligence of the king was high enough that he was able to debunk his divinity. If that leader was Caesar while Jesus was alive, then the same may have happened from him. If any proof was found outside of the evidence in the Bible (which is invariably biased towards his divinity) then let me know, because I doubt Jesus' divinity more every time there is a new religious finding, because they all point towards him being just a person.
Apparently, when Jesus was nailed to the crucifix, he yelled out "why hath my god forsaken me?!" Jesus would not have any worries if he was God in the form of "The Son" and not, say, a manic depressive schizophrenic who had the ability to convince people through extraordinary charisma that he was God.
This is not necessarily. The Gospel which states that Jesus cried out "Why hath my God forsaken me?" was written by Mathew. It is important to note that Mathew was NOT at Jesus's Crucifiction, and the Gospel of John, who WAS at the crucifiction makes no mention of him saying this. Moving on, why would Mathew include this in his Gospel? It is actually a reference to a psalm written by the King David when he was spending time in a cave after his master Saul tried to kill him. David, being a man, lashed out against God and said "O Lord, why hast thou forsaken me?" Notice any similarities to what Mathew quoted Jesus as saying. Jesus is often quoted as being "The Son of David." In another psalm also written in the cave, David references the coming of the Messiah. So when Mathew included these last words in his version of the Gospel, he was not attempting to show that Jesus abandoned God or felt as if God had left him, instead we has attempting to make a bridge between Jesus, and the psalms of David and to show that THIS moment was the one in which the scripture was being fulfilled.