ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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70 posts

I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

  • 3,094 Replies
122 posts

sry what I just said was an answer to thisisnotalt's words on pg 69

122 posts

if you read them you might understand a few things. and not all of them are from the Bible. I did have a C.S.Lewis quote in there.

1,051 posts

Have you ever seen (or heard of) crazy nutheads with knives that make a show of stabbing themselves all over but not getting hurt? I had a friend from Taiwan who went back several times. He saw a group of those types of people. What's weird is that when he went up to get a closer look, the guys actually started feeling pain. The leader of the dudes stood and said (in Chinese), "If there is a Christian in the crowd, please leave." That is, I think, a pretty good example of demon possession.

I don't think that proves anything, considering they were, as you referred to them, crazy nutheads.
41 posts

You shouldn't vs two completely opposite things that create violent and brutal conflicts. Religion is stupid when it comes to the point of war and hatred.

55 posts

You shouldn't vs two completely opposite things that create violent and brutal conflicts. Religion is stupid when it comes to the point of war and hatred.

If you don't fight for the truth in the world, what is left to fight for. Without truth you have nothing. If this is just a world of lies then I have no reason to exist at all.
698 posts

Just a question I have always had. Not trying to cause any spite or anything. I only ask for one short answer from one so that we don't go off topic.

Why do evolutionists only attack Christianity? I have never heard of any cases of evolutionists having hate wars with Muslims or Buddhists or any other religion. (When I say hate war, I am not implying that this discussion is a hate war too. I'm also not trying to get someone to post a new thread for Hindus vs. Evolution or something either. Yes, I do realize that this thread was started by a Christian, but I'm not talking about this thread.)

3,224 posts

I have never heard of any cases of evolutionists having hate wars with Muslims or Buddhists or any other religion.

Buddhists do not belive in a God either. They belief in the teachings and practices of the Buddha, so technically they are atheists too.

Probably because most people on here are from countries that are predominantly Christian and so feel best equipped to argue against it. I doubt many people on here (including myself) know much about Hinduism.
122 posts

I find that very interesting. Our country (the USA) was founded on Christian ideas, and made up of mostly Christian people who fleed to American to find religious freedom. Now, years later, we are trying to get rid of our heritege and replace it with atheism. While Christians are discouraged to spread their religion (in the name of protecting the "freedom of worship" right) and not allowed to teach it in schools, evolution, which is technically also a religion (in disguse; a belief, such as athiesm, that forms one's worldviews), is promoted in every textbook and taught as the "scientific" truth. People say that Christians are pushy, waving their beliefs in other peoples faces, when they were here first, and they are only trying to keep what they have alive.

22 posts


3,224 posts

when they were here first,

The Red Indians were in America first and look what happened to them.

a belief, such as athiesm, that forms one's worldviews

I disagree. Communism forms one's world views, however that is not a religion.

and they are only trying to keep what they have alive.

Christians can keep what they have alive without it being taught in schools etc.
1,523 posts

People say that Christians are pushy, waving their beliefs in other peoples faces,

What is this you're doing now, good sir?

when they were here first, and they are only trying to keep what they have alive.

Christianity is the dominant religion of the world. Taking the role of the minority to try to gain appeal isn't valid or relevant.

I find that very interesting. Our country (the USA) was founded on Christian ideas,

Strange, because I found this:

âThe government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religionâ

Stated by George Washington himself.
122 posts

I admit, the US could have done better with the Indians, but when you do some research on both sides, it was mostly by miscommunication that we did what we did (let's not get into the details of that).

Communism is a political ideology, not a set of beliefs.

If Christians cannot teach their religion, then when they die, so does Christianity. Allowing only evolution to be taught in schools is favoring evolution and atheism, and Christians cannot just stand and watch themselves be taken over.

Christians cannot stand and watch as the world is overrun by people "doing what they want to do." People are naturally selfish (which is why communism and socialism don't work). If everybody in the world was like that, what truth would there be? What state would the world be in? There would be no love. As Christians, though, we are commanded to love, to love God, and to love our neighbors, everybody, even our enemies. It is the essence of our faith. If you see a Christian doing something that does not have love behind it, they are either 1) not a true Christian or 2) falling into the cycle of the world. No matter what anybody says, no, Hitler was not a Christian, and neither were the Crusaders. Question. Do you see a troop of atheists running the Salvation Army or a similar thing? As atheists, you believe in doing only things for your own good. Maybe you still have that conscience in you that tells you to donate a little money to the poor, but you are not ready to give up your life to help others. Without Christianity, the world would die. (Please don't throw Confucianism at me; my mother grew up as Confucianist and I can prove that it is not at all like Christianity, but actually a type of atheism). Christianity and Love are one. God and Love are one. Love of self is not true love. To reject real love is to reject truth and everything everybody lives on. Do you believe in Love?

122 posts

The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion

Actually, that statement was in an article to Tripoli, not a quote from George Washington. The rest of the quote:

"as it has in itself no character of enmity against the law, religion or tranquility of Musselmen; and as the states never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mohometan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinion shall ever produce an interruption of harmony existing between the two countries."

Basically, it means that the US is not against Muslims. If you did some real research:

At the Constitutional Convention:

George Washington: "The event is in the hands of God!"

Benjamin Franklin: "Our General Convention, when it formed the new Federal Constitution, was influenced, guided, and governed by that omnipotent and beneficent Ruler in whom all live, and move, and have their being."

James Madison: "It is impossible to conceive the degree of concord which ultimately prevailed, as less than a miracle." "It is impossible for the man of pious reflection not to perceive in [the Constitution] a finger of that Almighty hand..."

Benjamin Franklin (again): "In the beginning of the contest with Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayers in this from for Divine protection. Our prayers, Sir, were heard and they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending Providence in our favor.... Have we now forgotten this powerful Friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance? I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth: that God governs in the affairs of man."

"Christianity and morality are the essential pillars of society." --George Washington

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and Christian people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other." --John Adams

Many have erroneously thought that the "separation of church and state" means no religion in the state. As said in the quotes from the Founders above, our constitution was made for a Christian people. "Separation of Church and State" means that neither of these controls the other, not that there should be no religion.

Our country was founded on Christianity and by Christians. Let me show you the background of the original 13 colonies:

Virginia Charter: "Our main reason for coming to America is to propagate the Christian Religion to such people, as yet live in Darkness and miserable Ignorance of the true knowledge and worship of God."

Original North Carolina Constitution: requirements--the people must 1) believe that there is a God, 2) in court, recognize Divine justice and human responsibility, and 3) be a church member in order to be a freeman of the colony.

Georgia, said by its founder Oglethorpe: "My object is to make Georgia a religious(Christian) colony."

Massachusetts: I think we have all heard about the story of the Pilgrims, right? They fled the Church of England to make their colony. Read "History of Plymouth Plantation" by its governor William Bradford.

Connecticut: founded by Puritan minister Rev. Thomas Hooker

Rhode Island: founded by Separatist minister Roger Williams

New Hampshire: quoted from notes taken during a council: "...considering with ourselves the holy will of God and our own necessity, that we should not live without wholesome laws and civil government among us, of which we are altogether destitute, do, in the name of Christ and in the sight of God, combine ourselves together to erect and st up among us such a government as shall be, to our best discerning, agreeable to the will of God..."

New York: founded by Rev. Jonas Michaelius

Maryland: name reflects its obvious Catholic origins. Started as a "reformed Catholic" colony, but became Protestant within a couple of decades. Toleration Act of 1649: "No persons professing to believe in Jesus Christ should be molested in respect of their religion, or in the free exercise thereof..."

Delaware: founded by Rev. John Campanius and others of the Lutheran Church of Sweden

New Jersey: stated by its governor in 1697 "in obedience to the laws of God, all laws will be made and provided for the suppression of vice and encouraging of religion and virtue, particularly the observance of the Lord's day..."

Pennsylvania: founded by Quaker preacher William Penn as a safe haven for Quakers

What more do you wish me to prove?
3,224 posts

Communism is a political ideology, not a set of beliefs.

If you are a beliver in communism then it inevitably forms your view of the world. How is this different from what you mentioned?

If Christians cannot teach their religion,

Ever heard of church or Sunday school?

then when they die, so does Christianity.

Then why does Christianity remain the worlds most popular religion despite the fact it has been compulsory to teach evolution in schools for over 30 years?

Christianity is about faith. Forcing people to learn about Christianity at school won't make them Christian.

People are naturally selfish (which is why communism and socialism don't work)

Care to provide any evidence for this statement? Generally Western cultures are far more individualist than non Western, however there have been no conclusive psychological studies proving that humans are innately selfish. What most research shows is that Western culture is individualist and non Western is collectivist. Nothing has yet shown a definitive innate desire.

As Christians, though, we are commanded to love, to love God, and to love our neighbors, everybody, even our enemies.

What about all the extremist Christian groups that kill in the name of God? Are they also loving their neighbours?

As atheists, you believe in doing only things for your own good. Maybe you still have that conscience in you that tells you to donate a little money to the poor,

My brother has worked for various charities for a number of years, going out to places like Sierra Leone and Inida for years at a time to help thoise less fortunate than him. Yet he has been an Atheist all his life. You cannot say that compassion and love is exclusive to Christians.
698 posts

What about all the extremist Christian groups that kill in the name of God? Are they also loving their neighbors?

Which groups are you speaking of? I have not heard of any other than the Crusaders and Vertex has already talked about those.

My brother has worked for various charities for a number of years, going out to places like Sierra Leone and Inida for years at a time to help those less fortunate than him. Yet he has been an Atheist all his life. You cannot say that compassion and love is exclusive to Christians.

Vertex was speaking of atheists in general. I believe that God has given everyone a conscience. Most atheist ignore their conscience and do whatever they want. Some (like you brother) listen to it and are compassionate. One of my uncles is like that too, and he isn't Christian. What have you done in response to your conscience? Did you choose to follow your brother's example?
Maybe you still have that conscience in you that tells you to donate a little money to the poor,

Notice that Vertex did say something about that too.
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