Generally most psychological studies disagree with this. Cultural differences are huge. Nearly all African cultures emphasise the good of the community over the individual. Most Arabic cultures are very collectivist in nature too. In pure communism there is no need for a state because there is no class conflict. People work and recieve resources according to their abilities and needs. They accept that everyone works at what they are best at/most suited for, yet recieve equal social and economic status. The population is meant to see the beauty in that.
That does not prove me wrong. I said that humans are selfish
by nature. Of course, they can be taught to think differently, as with Christians, but in their pure state, they reserve to selfishness. Are you saying you are a freak who would work twice as hard as everybody else in a Communist community? Even Christians have trouble doing that, I must admit. You must be able to see the advantage capitalism takes over humans selfishness. No matter what, no matter who involved, Capitalism will always triumph over Communism, and going back to what I said before, that is pure proof that humans are naturally selfish and evil. If you still do not believe me, go find a pure completely Communist community that worked. I bet you can't.
Darwin himself was a Christian
Darwin was not a Christian. He said himself that, although he once was one, he took back all of his Christian beliefs when he came upon evolution. Sorry.
How can you say this and yet want Christianity to be taught in schools. That is completely hypocritical. In America about half the population belives in Evolution and half belives in Creationism. By teaching only the Creationsit point of view you would be pushing your beliefs on the other 50%.
I said
you do not have a reason, not me. As Christians, we are told to spread the good news to others, so that they might know, and make the decision whether or not to follow God. On the other hand, you, as atheists, have no reason why you need to be preaching your stuff. You made your choice. Keep it to yourself.
Sounds like Pascal's Wager to me. It also seems like a pretty shallow reason to be Christian. If God is omniscient then he would know it was not true faith that lead people to believe.
There are many groups of Christianity that belive that all people who live morally 'good' lives go to heaven regardless of if they are Christian or not. It depends what variation you belive in. Christianity is a broad spectrum.
It might be shallow, but it is still a reason. Do you want me to repeat all of the other reasons I gave you again? That point was only one.
Hmm that's funny I always thought it was my employer he gave me my pay cheque.
As a Christian, I believe that whatever I get is a gift from God. God gave me the abilities to do what I do, to be able to do the job that I do, to be able to earn the money that I get. He created me, my soul, my brain, my arms, legs, muscles, everything. So really, since God gave me my abilities, should not I give back to His cause from the gifts I have received? Everything is a miracle. My boss could fire me any day. I could be out in the streets tomorrow. Who knows?
Just because it might not be philosophically interesting doesn't invalidate it in any way.
He does have a point in that evolution is very shallow.
Just because they live life the way they want doesn't mean they don't have morals. Maybe they live their life donating to charity and helping the less fortunate. Just because they don't have god to tell them they have to be a good person and because they don't have a set of morals already there for them doesn't mean that don't have any.
You might have morals, but when it comes down to the bottom, it is just your God-given conscience telling you what is right and wrong. You see, even atheists know that there is good and evil.