ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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70 posts

I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

  • 3,094 Replies
526 posts

Who cares Christianity vs Atheism???
I live my life how I want it, and I don't care there is a god, or isn't...

5,838 posts

Are you suggesting that slavery was morally right for a Southerner?

I would add that they didn't see anything morally wrong with it.
9,821 posts

My point. Anything commonplace in modern day life will be slowly accepted as normal. If there are no positive morals from God, life will be seen as normal. So looking at a possible alternate reality like that would be completely different from ours both spiritually and morally with the values of today is just invalid.

902 posts

I've grown up a little bit since last time I was here, and I've learned a lot in my time.

I guess the number one thing I've learned is that people are going to believe whatever they want, and it's their right to. God grant us free will, and each man must find his own path. Some won't return to Him. As much as it pains me, yes, those people will go to Hell. It's a sad reality, but true. But it's not up to me to tell them they're wrong and stupid. People who do that are the ones giving us Christians a bad name and only making it harder for us in the long run. It's up to me to try and show them the right way, and let them decide for themselves whether or not they agree with me.

As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

3,224 posts

those people will go to Hell.

Does this apply to all people or only those aware of Christianity and God? What about people living in isolated communities and have never heard of Christianity?
902 posts

Does this apply to all people or only those aware of Christianity and God? What about people living in isolated communities and have never heard of Christianity?

It's our job as Christians to spread the word to them. That said, I believe in purgatory as a "last chance" for everyone. But I won't know until I die.
3,224 posts

It's our job as Christians to spread the word to them. That said, I believe in purgatory as a "last chance" for everyone. But I won't know until I die.

I see. If said people lived lives by good morals etc, would they still have to prove themselves in purgatory?

As a separate point, what is your view on babies and young children? If they die before they are old enough to grasp the concept of religion and Christianity what happens to them?
653 posts

no they go to hell for they have been spawned from the womb of satan and they shall be placed into the lake of fire nah i'm just kidding

from what i understand the bible says that they'll be resurrected and judged before they're put into the lake of fire id est hell

3,224 posts

from what i understand the bible says that they'll be resurrected and judged before they're put into the lake of fire id est hell

I see. What do you mean by ressurected? Given a second chance on earth?

I am puzzled as to on what grounds they would be judged if they are too young to have believed in anything, or am I getting it wrong. I will admit I know next to nothing about the Bible.
55 posts

I would add that they didn't see anything morally wrong with it.

But does that make Slavery and the Holocaust morally right?

I'd like to hear both Pixie214's and thisisnotanalt's answer.
23 posts

Really how can you have them Versing each other?

9,821 posts

But does that make Slavery and the Holocaust morally right?

Not to us and our standards. The perception of morality is not universal. PERSPECTIVE is important. Which goes back to what I said earlier: that if humanity lived without those good morals, then we wouldn't care, because we would not know anything else.
The Holocaust and slavery are not morally right to US by OUR standards. If you asked the same question to a Nazi or a plantation owner, however, they would consider it normal, generally. The slave-owner would think of African-Americans as cattle, so they would ask: "is the keeping of cows morally wrong?" a Nazi would ask, "is killing cockroaches wrong" because from their PERSPECTIVE, it would be right. From OUR perspective, however, we see them as morally wrong. I see them as morally wrong. Pixie sees them as morally wrong. But thew slave-owners and Nazis who run the places wouldn't because of their PERSPECTIVE. So if there were no values such as charity, faith, hope, etc., there would not be people sitting around, eating chocolate cakes, hoarding money, wishing they owned their friend's stuff, constantly gloating about their awesomeness, and having lustful sex in city streets saying, " Man, I wish we had prudence, hope, faith, charity, and all of that saintly stuff," they wouldn't care because they would be unknown to them so they wouldn't want them.
4,871 posts

Well, put. I bet that if people weren't raised on their parents beliefs, like most children are, then the amount of agnostics and atheists would skyrocket.

I would say exactly the opposite, no I'd say it would be exactly the same some people would change some people would stay the same from all religions.

Not to us and our standards. The perception of morality is not universal. PERSPECTIVE is important. Which goes back to what I said earlier: that if humanity lived without those good morals, then we wouldn't care, because we would not know anything else.

Without an absolute code of morals and an absolute good and evil, I could come kill you right now and if you practiced what you preach and let me go on my perceptive views of morality I shouldn't be punished correct?
1,044 posts

Sorry Chaozmachine I think you misinterpreted my post because in brute honesty its badly written. What I was trying to say wasn't that atheists can't understand Christianity but that when an atheist tries to imagine Christian heaven he has imagine from a Christian's view.

To be honest I don't read peoples posts now because I do not think they well pertain to the topic anymore. So truthfully I didn't read your thread. But if I were God then I still would've made humanity but if they continued to bug me, I'd make 2012 come a little sooner. ;]

And most atheists do understand christianity for the fact that their families are christian so I do not see where your going. But I do not believe in an after life. Because I do believe that was conjured due to the fact that some people would think of it as bland if there was no after life. Or under false pretenses of another try to a life meant to be over.
4,871 posts

And most atheists do understand christianity for the fact that their families are christian so I do not see where your going.

While you can understand the religious act of christianity everything about it makes more sense and can only be properly understood IF they believe in Jesus as their personal savior I speak from experience :P
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