ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

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5,838 posts

name one sinless person

How about the millions of babies who have died either at birth or after a few months. What sin have they commited?
9,821 posts

That may be the case, but Satan could have taken a different form that your mom might not mind as much... Perhaps a caterpillar? I don't even thing they would have had allergies back then either :P

She doesn't like bugs either :P. And as long as their are people, there are allergies. It's just another part of humanity. There have always been allergies, and there will be until humanity finds a way to cure them.
Ah, Pixie, you have 666 posts! It's a message from Satan!! T_T
9,821 posts

In the Bible, it basically states that God designed us to sin so he could send us to hell UNLESS we prayed every day and bowed down before him. That sounds very egotistical to me. Also, we don't sin until we perform a sin in our lifetime, so Pixie214 is right in saying that the babies hat die right after birth are sinless.

3,224 posts

And as long as their are people, there are allergies. It's just another part of humanity. There have always been allergies, and there will be until humanity finds a way to cure them.

To expand on this point, what about genetically inherited diseases? People born with terrible physical and mental afflictions? What have they done to deserve this in the eyes of God?
9,821 posts

They haven't done anything, firefly. Why call God God if he punishes those that are not deserving of punishment, and lavishes those who do wrong? It makes on sense.

4,871 posts

In the Bible, it basically states that God designed us to sin so he could send us to hell UNLESS we prayed every day and bowed down before him. That sounds very egotistical to me. Also, we don't sin until we perform a sin in our lifetime, so Pixie214 is right in saying that the babies hat die right after birth are sinless.

First God gave us free will, would you want to live so we HAVE to bow down and worship him? Me either I like the choice. Second hell was never for us it was for the Devil and his angles, however when we sinned we were condemed to hell. Why? because God can't be around sin he's perfect and becuase it says int he bible being in God's prescence with sin is more painful than hell.
945 posts

What about Christian kings were were said to be appointed by God? The leaders of man obviously created these rules to keep people in line. There is no god, and all you are doing is vomiting up the crap that has been forced into you.

9,821 posts

God can't be around sin he's perfect

that's an oxymoron. If God can't be around sin, then he isn't perfect, he is flawed because he can't be around any non-God being.
55 posts

In the Bible, it basically states that God designed us to sin so he could send us to hell UNLESS we prayed every day and bowed down before him. That sounds very egotistical to me.

Imagine it from Gods point of view. You create Satan who is thought of as the greatest of your angels. So he is more gifted than any of your other creations(excluding the Blessed Virgin). He tries to take over your throne and in a great battle you defeat him. Do you destroy him? No you respect his personal decision and send him into hell. The one place where he can live without you.

Now Hell is a punishment because God is not there. Not because Hell itself is a huge torture rack. Think of what life would be like without what God is. Imagine life without Charity, Prudence, Justice, Restraint, Courage, Faith, Hope. Now imagine your life with only Lust, Envy, Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, and Sloth. Thats what hell is.

How about the millions of babies who have died either at birth or after a few months. What sin have they commited?

Oh theologians argue that they don't go to hell.
1,051 posts

There is no god, and all you are doing is vomiting up the crap that has been forced into you.

Well, put. I bet that if people weren't raised on their parents beliefs, like most children are, then the amount of agnostics and atheists would skyrocket.
509 posts

what life would be like without what God is.

An atheist or agnostic could argue that the life that we are living now is that life.
55 posts

Well Lynoth; considering I'm talking to someone about what Christian hell is like. Of course when you look at it from the point of an atheist it doesn't make sense.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that when I explain heaven I assume there's a Christian God. Just as when you explain atheism you assume there's no God.

1,044 posts

Assume, not so much. Because assume stands for a$$-out-of-u-and-me.

But when you look at christianity and all the benefits you reap then you want to join. But isn't that selfish? No, because during the process people tend to cleanse themselves by doing selfless work. Then they go to church every sunday and pray every night before they go to bed. See personally if I was God, I would be mad. I wouldn't want people to try and have me solve their problems. That would just tick me off. Anyway, then you look at hell and say oh jeez if I sin Im going there?! And then you join christianity. Well you see the cycle? Once people see a fault in their lives they seek a life without an afterlife retribution. To fixate all those problems they go to a religion. Christianity was favored by most folk due to the good it would bring you after life. You see in the early days, while life was crappy people wanted a different life so they sought the shelter of christianity. Well that is my theory and I leave it at the because nothing can be 100% proven.

And when you are an atheist, yes you don't believe in God but you do indeed believe in answers to the unknown. So don't act like we don't know what christianity is about, because we do. And that is from studying the unknown, and it is safe to say God is unknown.

Also if there is no God, religious life would be a waste. Then the after life would be pretty boring. Yet if there was a God, christianity clearly states all good people deserve a spot in heaven. So if some atheists are good they go to heaven anyway. SO life not wasted, still a good after life. . . I think atheism is better. Then again I don't believe in an after life.

9,821 posts

Now Hell is a punishment because God is not there. Not because Hell itself is a huge torture rack. Think of what life would be like without what God is. Imagine life without Charity, Prudence, Justice, Restraint, Courage, Faith, Hope. Now imagine your life with only Lust, Envy, Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, and Sloth. Thats what hell is.

The problem with what you said is that with no God, there would be no hell. There would be no lust, envy, pride, wrath, gluttony, greed or sloth because those were created as a result of the existence of Satan and hell. So, all of these things were created as a result of God's sending Satan to hell, because that was what hell was created for. Also, those things you listed were because of humanity, human nature and the ideas of people such as MLK, Jesus, and Gandhi, not as a result of God's existence. Also, you can't look at that reality from our values and reality today, because we would be used to not having Charity, Prudence, Justice, Restraint, Courage, Faith, and Hope, so we wouldn't care. Just like if you were raised on cannibalism, you would think it was normal, but now if you looked at a childhood like that you would see a monstrosity. But if you were raised on it, then you would consider it normal. It's all about perspective, and your argument does not take that into account.
55 posts

See personally if I was God, I would be mad. I wouldn't want people to try and have me solve their problems.

Well if you were God then you probably wouldn't have Created humanity?

Sorry Chaozmachine I think you misinterpreted my post because in brute honesty its badly written. What I was trying to say wasn't that atheists can't understand Christianity but that when an atheist tries to imagine Christian heaven he has imagine from a Christian's view.

The problem with what you said is that with no God, there would be no hell

If there was no God there wouldn't be anything.

Also, those things you listed were because of humanity, human nature and the ideas of people such as MLK, Jesus, and Gandhi, not as a result of God's existence.

I count human nature as a God's "human moral blueprint".

Just like if you were raised on cannibalism, you would think it was normal, but now if you looked at a childhood like that you would see a monstrosity. But if you were raised on it, then you would consider it normal. It's all about perspective, and your argument does not take that into account.

Lets say that morals are all how you're raised. Well then there is no such thing as right and wrong. If Hitler was raised that killing Jews was good then was the Holocaust morally good from his perspective. Southerners enslaved blacks and were raised that slavery was okay. Are you suggesting that slavery was morally right for a Southerner?
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