I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang A good overview. Also, approximately 98% of information in Wikipedia is estimated to be correct, so don't write this off. Also, why don't you provide us with as many details about Creationism as I supplied for the Big Bang? No double standard.
approximately 98% of information in Wikipedia is estimated to be correct, so don't write this off.
Just to expand on this point, studies have consistently shown wikipedia to contain more academic material than official (comparable) encyclopedias, so yea, don't write it off as alt said.
Yeah, if you read that wiki you realize that the Big Bang theory was invented by a Catholic Priest which brings me to two points.
fourtytwo its not up to you to tell God how he made the world. So what if he made the world over hundreds of millions of years. That doesn't make the world any less of a miracle. in fact I would argue that it is more of a miracle.(I'll give you there are some holes in evolution though, especially the missing link.) just keep an open mind.
How about 200 years of technological progress.
One of my biggest pet peeves is saying that religion is at odds with science. Just look at this list http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Christian_thinkers_in_science . Further I would argue that religion leads more directly to science than atheism. Science is made on the basis that the world is intellectually ordered and consistent. A God would be the easiest way for this to happen.
I would not agree because there actually is proof against evolution while I haven't found any against my beliefs.
I've seen where this goes before and I'm just going to say it's generally a thread-killer. Therefore allow me to preempt you guys by mentioning observer bias.
There are a billion and one articles floating around out there espousing all kinds of views, some more "accredited" than others. It's up to you as to which ones you want to, and actually do read.
[quote] Everything I see every day just screams that there was a Creator
You feel this way if you drop acid as well, doesn't make it true.[/quote] Talo: LOL ------------- I mainly believe that religion is the incorrect way too look at the concept of God, mainly because there is too much of a chance of there being a crazy explanation of something, instead of factual, logical ones, and factual, logical explanations would be the best way to look at a god, because that infinitely intelligent God would build the Universe on factual, logical, scientific reality, not a spiritual and surreal existence. To me, the only way of explaining God in a non-zealous, schizo way would be to look at Him as a father and a Scientist, not a religious figurehead. Existence is just too simple to be explained by religion.
Wait, let me clarify, you are accusing atheists for having flimsy evidence, when you are basing your beliefs on your own observations?
I'm basing my beliefs on the fact that things did not come about by chance. The only way for things to be here, but not be here by chance, is Someone putting everything here.
One example. You all look at fossils in the geological column right? Well, you only look at like one percent of the fossils. You don't even glance at all the clams that are scattered all over the geological column. How come they never changed?
You look at similarities between different animals and say those animals must have evolved from each other. The DNA that controls those parts of the animals that look similar are not similar at all.
When you look at the DNA of stuff the way your theory tells you to (the complexity of the creature), most of the time, stuff evolves in the "wrong" order. I sometimes looks like rats are more complex than apes.
One thing people commonly argue with evolutionists about is that there are absolutely no "in between" animals. You already made changes to your theories to explain that, but how much chance is there of two different animals that require each other evolving at the same time?
If the earth has been able to support life for as long as you evolutionists believe it has, the oceans would be WAY saltier than they are. The oceans get salty because of mineral deposits from rivers and rain returning to the ocean.
Question. How did life on earth exist before 10,000 years? The sun has been burning away for a while. It is much smaller than what it would have been 10,000 In fact, the sun would have been so big that everything on earth would be roasted alive!
These are some of the things I said before, except I fixed my mistakes and removed the things that you guys explained. These are the things that kinda got pushed off to the side. They weren't totally ignored, but they weren't totally explained either.